Finding the default network interface through WMI
👋 This page was last updated ~5 years ago. Just so you know.
Thanks to my sponsors: Ryan, Aljaz Erzen, Gorazd Brumen, Yuriy Taraday, Jan De Landtsheer, Noel, Helge Eichhorn, Tyler Schmidtke, Elijah Voigt, Damir Vandic, Paul Marques Mota, René Ribaud, Luke Yue, Lev Khoroshansky, Gioele Pannetto, Luiz Ferraz, Torben Clasen, Sarah Berrettini, Adam Lassek, Matt Campbell and 267 more
Let’s set aside our sup
project for a while.
Don’t get me wrong - it’s a perfectly fine project, and, were we simply rewriting “ping” for Windows in Rust, we could (almost) stop there.
We’re currently using the operating system’s facility to speak ICMP, which is great for a bunch of reasons: we can be sure that whatever flaws there are in the implementation, all “native” Windows programs suffer from it as well.
As a bonus, the binary size is reasonable, (looks like 175KiB for me at time
of this writing - built with cargo build --release
, of course).
But we didn’t come here to make sensible decisions for production-grade software. We came here to bind Win32 APIs and dig our way down the network stack, and we’re all out of APIs to bind.
Using Wireshark
…would be cheating, I’ve decided. So let’s not.
Wireshark is an extremely powerful packet analyzer, and we could probably do everything we wanted without leaving the comfort of its nifty GUI. Again, that’s not why we came here. We came here to skim through specs and feel hopeless in the face of dropped packets, and oooh boyo do we have specs to read.
The OSI model
…has seen better days, as newer protocols tend to break the rules, but no networking course would be complete without it, so let’s at least take a cursory look at its Wikipedia page:
Where does ICMP stand?
ICMP is a network layer protocol. There is no TCP or UDP port number associated with ICMP packets as these numbers are associated with the transport layer above. – ICMP Wikipedia article
But later in that same article…
The ICMP packet is encapsulated in an IPv4 packet. – ICMP Wikipedia article
Alright, we know that IPv4 packets are - usually - stuffed in Ethernet packets.
So, if we really wanted to implement the full stack, with the exception of the physical layer, we’d have to take care of three protocols, all of which handle different aspects of sending a ping:
We’re going to implement the outer layers first, and then work our way in.
Two crates of rust on the wall, take one down, pass it around
As mentioned, we’re going to make a new project for our network protocol
implementations, that sup
will hopefully, eventually, use.
Let’s name it ersatz
, which means:
being a usually artificial and inferior substitute or imitation – Merriam-Webster.
$ cargo new ersatz
Created binary (application) `ersatz` package
A good start!
But we have a bit of a problem. We want to bypass Windows’s ICMP, IP, and Ethernet implementation. And it turns out, it’s not that easy… anymore.
From msdocs’s socket page:
IPv6 and IPv4 operate differently when receiving a socket with a type of
. The IPv4 receive packet includes the packet payload, the next upper-level header (for example, the IP header for a TCP or UDP packet), and the IPv4 packet header. The IPv6 receive packet includes the packet payload and the next upper-level header. The IPv6 receive packet never includes the IPv6 packet header.Note: On Windows NT, raw socket support requires administrative privileges.
Why do raw sockets require administrative privileges? Presumably because having access to raw sockets allows you to do all sorts of fun things, like IP spoofing
- pretending you’re another host on the network. (More on that if you’re curious).
When using raw sockets, we can send anything we like. We can send something malformed, and if we jiggle it just the right way, it might cause some piece of infrastructure to hack and cough and keel over for a bit.
This can sometimes be detected (some companies base most of their business model on it), and routing infrastructure is usually pretty conservative, and drops packets it feels funny about.
But the point is, when using UDP-level or TCP-level APIs, the OS can still reign over the chaos - it can check for basic assumptions. If it lets us fire away at the network interface freely, all bets are off.
So it requires administrative privileges. Unless of course, you write a kernel driver that lets you capture and inject random network data at a very low-level as a regular user, which is exactly what Npcap does.
But Npcap is a C library, and it’s Windows-only, and I don’t know about you but I’m all tuckered out when it comes to binding libraries - LET ME CRUNCH BITS GOSH DARN IT.
Luckily, someone took raw packet APIs from around the globe various
operating systems, and packaged them neatly in one crate: rawsock.
Let’s give it a shot.
Using rawsock
$ cargo add rawsock
Adding rawsock v0.3.0 to dependencies
Let’s start simple, with a src/
that has:
fn main() -> Result<(), rawsock::Error> {
let lib = rawsock::open_best_library()?;
for interf in lib.all_interfaces()? {
println!("- {:?}", interf);
This will only run if you’ve installed npcap, otherwise you’ll get a nice error.
If you haven’t enabled the “Allow non-administrator users to capture network traffic”, you’ll need to run the app as an administrator.
$ cargo run --quiet
- InterfaceDescription { name: "\\Device\\NPF_{2C493E35-02A0-4958-A660-8503D333247B}", description: "Oracle" }
- InterfaceDescription { name: "\\Device\\NPF_{C89ED92B-BEEE-4591-BD0B-88F490CCC54B}", description: "Microsoft" }
- InterfaceDescription { name: "\\Device\\NPF_{EB49DEF9-63DD-4F12-BB63-74D276FB95AE}", description: "NdisWan Adapter" }
- InterfaceDescription { name: "\\Device\\NPF_{64F033CC-004B-44F6-8AD0-423E923A59BE}", description: "Microsoft" }
- InterfaceDescription { name: "\\Device\\NPF_{0E89380B-814A-48FC-86C4-5C51B8040CB2}", description: "Microsoft" }
- InterfaceDescription { name: "\\Device\\NPF_{819D408C-4073-411C-B728-A3F2182C0C17}", description: "NdisWan Adapter" }
- InterfaceDescription { name: "\\Device\\NPF_{C0A1F438-0563-4EDB-8C7F-7CB44D9BF086}", description: "Microsoft" }
- InterfaceDescription { name: "\\Device\\NPF_{123B06A8-F027-4848-93E6-AD3AFF854007}", description: "NdisWan Adapter" }
- InterfaceDescription { name: "\\Device\\NPF_Loopback", description: "Adapter for loopback traffic capture" }
- InterfaceDescription { name: "\\Device\\NPF_{38A0BE18-EFE2-45F0-9749-BECDC8E65BD1}", description: "" }
- InterfaceDescription { name: "\\Device\\NPF_{6EBA42FA-5FA9-4209-B64F-DF52992236A3}", description: "Realtek Ethernet Controller" }
Frick. That’s a whole lot of interfaces. Which one do we want?
Let’s leave no room for guessing.
There is a crate for everything.
If not, check again.
Using WMI from the command line
WMI, or Windows Management Instrumentation, lets you query various things about your system.
Ever wondered what architecture you were running on?
Fear not, the wmic
command-line interface is here:
$ wmic OS Get OSArchitecture
Yeah, the newlines are in the output, it’s not a formatting error.
The point is, everyone has different network interfaces on their computer. I have a cable one and a Wi-Fi one, and then a bunch of Virtual ones, and then there’s loopback - but yours may be different!
Thankfully wmic
is here to save the day.
This is going to be a two-step operation. First, we need to find the number of the “default interface”.
Something I kinda glossed over in part 1 is that your computer’s operating system has a routing table that maps IP address ranges to network interfaces.
If we try to reach
, the OS network stack will look up the
relevant address range and (if everything goes well) decide to use the Loopback
In fact, heck, we can try it now:
$ wmic Path Win32_IP4RouteTable Where "Destination=''" Get
Age Caption Description Destination Information InstallDate InterfaceIndex Mask Metric1 Metric2 Metric3 Metric4 Metric5 Name NextHop Protocol Status Type
1222294 - - 0.0 1 256 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 3
We however, want to reach the internet. So the address we want to reach is, uh,
, which is associated to.. the default network interface.
Alrighty then!
$ wmic Path Win32_IP4RouteTable Where "Destination=''" Get
Age Caption Description Destination Information InstallDate InterfaceIndex Mask Metric1 Metric2 Metric3 Metric4 Metric5 Name NextHop Protocol Status Type
1222511 - - 0.0 5 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 4
Cool. Although it’s a bit on the long side, and I don’t feel like splitting strings right now - we’ve got a healthy dose of parsing ahead of us, so let’s ask just for the InterfaceIndex.
$ wmic Path Win32_IP4RouteTable Where "Destination=''" Get InterfaceIndex
Wonderful. Now what is this an index into exactly?
Well, Win32_NetworkAdapters, of course!
So that means, that.. with a second query, we could…?
$ wmic Path Win32_NetworkAdapter Where "InterfaceIndex=5" Get Caption
[00000002] Intel(R) Wireless-AC 9462
Bingo! I had to redact the output a bit, because the output was a bit too revealing for my taste.
So far we’ve established that:
- There is a “default network interface”, the one we’re interested in
- We can find it by asking “what interface would you use if you needed to send packets to
” - We can retrieve a bunch of informations about this interface
However, upon reviewing the output of our current ersatz
- InterfaceDescription { name: "\\Device\\NPF_{2C493E35-02A0-4958-A660-8503D333247B}", description: "Oracle" }
…I couldn’t help but notice that the string after \\Device\\NPF_
looked a lot like a Globally unique identifier (GUID).
And, if we look at all the fields available in Win32_NetworkAdapter
, we see a GUID
in there:
Let’s give it a shot:
$ wmic Path Win32_NetworkAdapter Where "InterfaceIndex=5" Get GUID
Is that in the list??
Of course it is!
If you’re used to reading stuff on Medium, just pretend I included a happy dancing skeleton GIF, or maybe one from Brooklyn 99 where the dude in charge finally exclaims “BINGPOT!”
Another way to write this article would’ve been the “top down” approach: to just explain how to do every bit correctly. But it would come a bit out of nowhere.
While writing this article, Amos actually had to look up what WMIC queries could be used. He knew WMIC from his work on the app but hadn’t realized at first that it could be used to find the default network interface.
You can be sure that in Amos’s research code (those article series require doing 1-2 weeks of research before writing the first one), the interface index was hard-coded. This is just sugar on top.
Anyway, the hope is that showing the “exploratory” approach helps showcasing how someone would go about figuring this stuff out, rather than give the impression that these things are self-evident.
Research is like, super important to development. Cool bear out.
WMI allows one to perform queries on various aspects of a system’s hardware and software - including network interface, IP routing tables, etc.
It includes its own query language, weirdly reminiscent of SQL.
Starting from Windows 2000, WMI comes preinstalled, although downloads were made available for Windows NT, 98, and even 95!
Using WMI from rust
So, how do we query WMI from Rust?
Well, we could just execute wmic
and parse its output. So let’s start there.
We’re going to run into problems, though, because now main can not only fail because
of rawsock:Error
, but also because of std::io::Error
So let’s make an Error type real quick, it’ll come in handy later.
In src/
use std::fmt;
pub enum Error {
impl From<rawsock::Error> for Error {
fn from(e: rawsock::Error) -> Self {
impl From<std::io::Error> for Error {
fn from(e: std::io::Error) -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Rawsock(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
Self::IO(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
impl fmt::Debug for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self)
impl std::error::Error for Error {}
There. Now our errors can be either, and the ?
sigil handles the conversion
for us, using the Into
trait we just implemented for both possible error types.
We just need to change src/
// new!
mod error;
use error::Error;
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
// ...
We’ll make a convenience method to call wmic, since we need to call it twice, and the output needs to be parsed in a similar way:
use std::process::Command;
fn wmic(args: &[&str]) -> Result<String, Error> {
// create a new Command instance
let output = Command::new("wmic").args(args).output()?;
// Command gives us standard output and standard error as vectors of u8,
// ie. bytes, but to us they're text, so:
let stdout = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap();
let stderr = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap();
// Note: we could add "utf-8 parsing errors" to our error type,
// but in this case, if wmic returns invalid utf-8, we won't be able
// to do anything useful anyway, so we're okay with panicking instead.
// we expect the process to be created successfully,
// and to return a 0 exit code.
match output.status.code() {
Some(0) => { /* all good */ }
_ => panic!("wmic failed:\n{}", stderr),
let response = stdout
.split("\n") // for all lines
.map(|s| s.trim()) // trim whitespace
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty()) // reject empty lines
.last() // grab the last one
.unwrap(); // panic if there is no "last one"
Ok(response.to_owned()) // and convert to an owned String.
Let’s call it once, from src/
// in main()
let index = wmic(&[
println!("interface index = {}", index);
$ cargo run --quiet
interface index = 5
Awesome! Second wmic query coming up:
let query = format!("InterfaceIndex={}", index);
let guid = wmic(&[
println!("guid = {}", guid);
$ cargo run --quiet
interface index = 5
guid = {0E89380B-814A-48FC-86C4-5C51B8040CB2}
And finally, let’s build the complete path for Npcap and find the corresponding interface:
// note: the string we're building has backslashes (`\`),
// so we use a "raw string literal", where backslashes just
// mean backslashes, not escape sequences.
// r#"foo\bar"# == "foo\\bar"
let name = format!(r#"\Device\NPF_{}"#, guid);
let interfs = lib.all_interfaces()?;
let interf = interfs.iter().find(|i| == name).unwrap();
println!("interf = {}", interf);
$ cargo run --quiet
interface index = 5
guid = {0E89380B-814A-48FC-86C4-5C51B8040CB2}
interf = \Device\NPF_{0E89380B-814A-48FC-86C4-5C51B8040CB2}, Microsoft
Everything’s falling into place.
Spawning external processes and capturing their output is deceptively simple in Rust.
Even though command-line programs tend to output text, as far as the Rust standard library is concerned, they output bytes, and it’s up to us to decode them properly.
Avoiding wmic
There’s a couple of things that bother me about using wmic
going forward.
First of all, it’s not robust at all. If someone decides to remove
(and someone eventually will), then our
program will break. Even though all the information is right there!
Secondly, this is a systems-level series of articles.
If we were happy scripting our way around we might as well go ahead and write an entire HTTP server in bash. But this isn’t that kind of article series.
Thirdly, when you ask WMIC for its help text, it shows the following:
$ wmic -?
WMIC is deprecated.
[global switches] <command>
The following global switches are available:
(rest of - very long - output was cut)
So wmic
is deprecated. Presumably in favor of the Powershell Get-WmiObject
But, for the same reasons, let’s not do Powershell right now.
Because, as it turns out - there is a crate for that
From looking at its README, it seems like we’re going to want to use serde as well, so let’s go ahead:
$ cargo add wmi serde
Adding wmi v0.4.6 to dependencies
Adding serde v1.0.102 to dependencies
And let’s copy a few lines from the README, see how it goes:
use serde::Deserialize;
use wmi::{COMLibrary, Variant, WMIConnection, WMIDateTime};
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let com_con = COMLibrary::new()?;
// (cut)
$ cargo check --quiet
error[E0277]: `?` couldn't convert the error to `error::Error`
--> src\
8 | let com_con = COMLibrary::new()?;
| ^ the trait `std::convert::From<WMIError>` is not implemented for `error::Error`
= note: the question mark operation (`?`) implicitly performs a conversion on the error value using the `From` trait
= help: the following implementations were found:
<error::Error as std::convert::From<rawsock::common::err::Error>>
<error::Error as std::convert::From<std::io::Error>>
= note: required by `std::convert::From::from`
error: aborting due to previous error
Oh. Right. Different crate, different error type.
Let’s just add it to our catch-all error type:
use std::fmt;
pub enum Error {
// (cut: Rawsock, IO variants)
// (cut: Rawsock, IO impls)
impl From<wmi::utils::WMIError> for Error {
fn from(e: wmi::utils::WMIError) -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
// (cut: Rawsock, IO match arms)
Self::WMI(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
Ok, good. Now it compiles.
Following the README more, it looks like we should be able to list all
entries with just a few lines.
use wmi::{COMLibrary, WMIConnection, Variant};
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let com_con = COMLibrary::new()?;
let wmi_con = WMIConnection::new(com_con.into())?;
let results: Vec<HashMap<String, Variant>> =
wmi_con.raw_query("SELECT * FROM Win32_IP4RouteTable")?;
println!("{:#?}", results);
$ cargo run --quiet
[{"Age": I8(192995), "Metric3": I8(-1), "Description": String(" - -"), "Pro
tocol": I8(3),
Good, good. That’s a mouthful though - and if we look a little further in the README, it looks like we can just deserialize WMI query results to structs? Now I want some of that, let’s try this:
use wmi::{COMLibrary, WMIConnection};
use serde::Deserialize;
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let com_con = COMLibrary::new()?;
let wmi_con = WMIConnection::new(com_con.into())?;
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[allow(non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case)]
struct Win32_IP4RouteTable {
InterfaceIndex: i64,
let results: Vec<Win32_IP4RouteTable> =
wmi_con.raw_query("SELECT * FROM Win32_IP4RouteTable")?;
println!("{:#?}", results);
$ cargo run --quiet
Win32_IP4RouteTable {
InterfaceIndex: 5,
Win32_IP4RouteTable {
InterfaceIndex: 1,
Win32_IP4RouteTable {
InterfaceIndex: 1,
Win32_IP4RouteTable {
That’s better! Although we’re not filtering anything right now. We only want the default interface.
We could just change the parameter to raw_query
, but it feels a little
too.. untyped for my taste.
Alternatively, we could use filtered_query
instead. Its signature is as follows:
/// Query all the objects of type T, while filtering according to `filters`.
pub fn filtered_query<T>(&self, filters: &HashMap<String, FilterValue>) -> Result<Vec<T>, Error>
T: de::DeserializeOwned,
Cool, we can do that:
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let com_con = COMLibrary::new()?;
let wmi_con = WMIConnection::new(com_con.into())?;
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[allow(non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case)]
struct Win32_IP4RouteTable {
InterfaceIndex: i64,
let results: Vec<Win32_IP4RouteTable> = {
// note: we don't need to annotate `filters`' type here,
// because we're passing it to `filtered_query` later.
let mut filters = HashMap::new();
println!("{:#?}", results);
return Ok(());
$ cargo run --quiet
Win32_IP4RouteTable {
InterfaceIndex: 5,
Perfect! Although… I don’t really like having to instanciate a HashMap
hand. I really wish the language had map literals, just like we have the vec!
Mhh… if only there was a crate for that.
$ cargo add maplit
Adding maplit v1.0.2 to dependencies
use maplit::*;
use wmi::query::FilterValue;
// in main
let results: Vec<Win32_IP4RouteTable> = {
wmi_con.filtered_query(&hashmap! {
"Destination".into() => FilterValue::Str(""),
That’s a bit more readable!
Although… we want to find a single interface, and right now we’ve got
a full Vec<T>
of them.
Surely we can fix that. We can’t just take [0]
because it would:
- Panic if there was less than 1 element in the vec
- Take a reference to the first element, not move it out of the vec.
What we want instead is to get a drain iterator, and grab its first element.
// note: the type inference is *fairly strong* here, note that
// we only
let route: Win32_IP4RouteTable = wmi_con
.filtered_query(&hashmap! {
"Destination".into() => FilterValue::Str(""),
.expect("should have a default network interface");
println!("{:#?}", route);
Does it still work?
$ cargo run --quiet
Win32_IP4RouteTable {
InterfaceIndex: 5,
It does! Cool.
Let’s go for the second query:
// in main, after route query
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[allow(non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case)]
struct Win32_NetworkAdapter {
GUID: String,
let adapter: Win32_NetworkAdapter = wmi_con
.filtered_query(&hashmap! {
"InterfaceIndex".into() => FilterValue::Number(route.InterfaceIndex),
.expect("default network interface should exist");
println!("{:#?}", adapter);
$ cargo run --quiet
Win32_IP4RouteTable {
InterfaceIndex: 5,
Win32_NetworkAdapter {
GUID: "{0E89380B-814A-48FC-86C4-5C51B8040CB2}",
Great! From there, we can build the name of the interface we want to open and be on our way.
Here’s the complete listing of our program so far:
mod error;
use error::Error;
use rawsock::open_best_library;
use maplit::*;
use serde::Deserialize;
use wmi::{query::FilterValue, COMLibrary, WMIConnection};
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let com_con = COMLibrary::new()?;
let wmi_con = WMIConnection::new(com_con.into())?;
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[allow(non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case)]
struct Win32_IP4RouteTable {
InterfaceIndex: i64,
let route: Win32_IP4RouteTable = wmi_con
.filtered_query(&hashmap! {
"Destination".into() => FilterValue::Str(""),
.expect("should have a default network interface");
println!("{:#?}", route);
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[allow(non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case)]
struct Win32_NetworkAdapter {
GUID: String,
let adapter: Win32_NetworkAdapter = wmi_con
.filtered_query(&hashmap! {
"InterfaceIndex".into() => FilterValue::Number(route.InterfaceIndex),
.expect("default network interface should exist");
println!("{:#?}", adapter);
let lib = open_best_library()?;
let interface_name = format!(r#"\Device\NPF_{}"#, adapter.GUID);
println!("Interface opened!");
Here's another article just for you:
Rust 2020: Funding
Blog posts that praise Rust are many but funding is generally in short supply.
If even a small percentage of the money Rust saves companies was put back into the ecosystem it would help secure the future of the platform tremendously.
Multiple sources of funding
It is unreasonable going forward to expect the same handful of companies to provide all the funding.