Articles tagged #rust

ktls now under the rustls org

What's a ktls

I started work on ktls and ktls-sys, a pair of crates exposing Kernel TLS offload to Rust, about two years ago.

kTLS lets the kernel (and, in turn, any network interface that supports it) take care of encryption, framing, etc., for the entire duration of a TLS connection... as soon as you have a TLS connection.

For the handshake itself (hellos, change cipher, encrypted extensions, certificate verification, etc.), you still have to use a userland TLS implementation.

Rust is hard, but I'm not smart enough for anything else

Rust clicked for me in 2019. And I haven't shut up about it ever since. Not because it made me feel smart — quite the opposite — but because it felt genuinely different from all the other languages I'd learned before.

Even today, there isn't anything quite like it. Some languages are clearly learning the lessons around the ecosystem for Rust or the ergonomics but none of them are really competing with it on the same ground.

EuroRust welcomes independent workers

Update: EuroRust introduces a freelancer ticket

I'm happy to report that the EuroRust organizers have listened, and they've come up with a solution.

Here's their announcement, from twitter and mastodon

Some fair points have been raised about our policy around private/company tickets and we listened.

We’re introducing a new ticket type for freelancers (”sole traders/proprietors” or “self-employed”) to better cater to their situation and make it easier for them to attend.

The case for sans-io, again

Async Rust is a rich debate area.

Most of it could be summed down to one camp asking: "Why don't Rust futures work like in language X?", and the other camp replying: "that's a feature, not a bug", and then everyone sighing about the state of async fn in traits in rustc and going back to work.

Cool bear's hot tip

No, but for real: complexity is usually either accidental or essential, and in this case, .

Cracking Electron apps open

I use the desktop app to make diagrams for my website. I run it on an actual desktop, like Windows or macOS, but the asset pipeline that converts .drawio files, to .pdf, to .svg, and then to .svg again (but smaller) runs on Linux.

So I have a Rust program somewhere that opens headless chromium, and loads just the HTML/JS/CSS part of I need to render my diagrams, and then use Chromium's "print to PDF" functionality to save a PDF.

The RustConf Keynote Fiasco, explained


At some point in this article, I discuss The Rust Foundation. I have received a $5000 grant from them in 2023 for making educational articles and videos about Rust.

I have NOT signed any non-disclosure, non-disparagement, or any other sort of agreement that would prevent me from saying exactly how I feel about their track record.


Rust: The wrong people are resigning

(Note: this was originally posted as a gist)

Reassuring myself about Rust

Up until recently, I was part of two private online discussion spaces where a bunch of Rust people hung out.

So, whenever there was drama, like when the entire mod team resigned, or when a trademark draft got a lot of people seriously worried, or just recently when RustConf took back the keynote from ThePHD then and , I had some place to go, to assess how serious things were this time around.

Deconstructing color image compression

Here's a picture of a colorful rose. It's 1200 by 800 pixels, and what you're seeing is decoded from a JPEG file that's about 200 kibibytes.

And here's a much worse version of that picture, that’s barely recognizable:

...but, that’s the point! Because that one is just 21 bytes. Those bytes. That’s .0005% of the original image.

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