Day 4 (Advent of Code 2020)
👋 This page was last updated ~4 years ago. Just so you know.
It's time for Day 4 of the Advent of Code 2020!
Now, I've already had a look at the problem statement, at least for part 1, and I'm not particularly excited.
But it will allow me to underline some of the points I've recently been *trying to make about types and correctness.
Ah, yes, the novel.
The problem is to parse passports, with fields like these:
- byr (Birth Year)
- iyr (Issue Year)
- eyr (Expiration Year)
- hgt (Height)
- hcl (Hair Color)
- ecl (Eye Color)
- pid (Passport ID)
- cid (Country ID)
Newlines are ignored, unless there's two of them, and then it separates one passport "record" from the next:
ecl:gry pid:860033327 eyr:2020 hcl:#fffffd byr:1937 iyr:2017 cid:147 hgt:183cm iyr:2013 ecl:amb cid:350 eyr:2023 pid:028048884 hcl:#cfa07d byr:1929 hcl:#ae17e1 iyr:2013 eyr:2024 ecl:brn pid:760753108 byr:1931 hgt:179cm hcl:#cfa07d eyr:2025 pid:166559648 iyr:2011 ecl:brn hgt:59in
Oh, also, some passport are missing fields. Only cid
can be missing - the
others cannot.
Let's try to think with types again!
, iyr
, and eyr
are both years - an u64
will do.
Yes. In case they're born very, very far in the future.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Year(u64);
can be in cm
or in
, apparently, so it looks like a job for an enum:
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)] enum Length { /// Centimeters (the correct unit) Cm(u64), /// Inches (the incorrect unit) In(u64), }
Then we have "hair color" - it seems to always be in the format #rrggbb
, so
we'll recognize that, but keep it as a string. I doubt the next part involves
color manipulation.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Color<'a>(&'a str);
Finally we have pid
and cid
, which I guess can both start with a zero,
and we might also want to keep them as opaque strings.
/// An identifier #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)] struct ID<'a>(&'a str);
Of all those fields, only cid
is optional:
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] struct Passport<'a> { birth_year: Year, issue_year: Year, expiration_year: Year, height: Length, hair_color: Color<'a>, eye_color: Color<'a>, passport_id: ID<'a>, country_id: Option<ID<'a>>, }
Just like for Day 2, we'll use peg
for this.
$ cargo add peg Adding peg v0.6.3 to dependencies
But before we do... to make our grammar simpler, we'll make another type,
, with all fields optional.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Default)] struct PassportBuilder<'a> { birth_year: Option<Year>, issue_year: Option<Year>, expiration_year: Option<Year>, height: Option<Length>, hair_color: Option<Color<'a>>, eye_color: Option<Color<'a>>, passport_id: Option<ID<'a>>, country_id: Option<ID<'a>>, }
$ cargo add thiserror Adding thiserror v1.0.22 to dependencies
And add a build
method that returns either a Passport
, or an error:
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)] enum Error { #[error("missing field: {0}")] MissingField(&'static str), } impl<'a> PassportBuilder<'a> { fn build(self) -> Result<Passport<'a>, Error> { Ok(Passport { birth_year: self.birth_year.ok_or(Error::MissingField("birth_year"))?, issue_year: self.issue_year.ok_or(Error::MissingField("issue year"))?, expiration_year: self .expiration_year .ok_or(Error::MissingField("expiration_year"))?, height: self.height.ok_or(Error::MissingField("height"))?, hair_color: self.hair_color.ok_or(Error::MissingField("hair color"))?, eye_color: self.eye_color.ok_or(Error::MissingField("eye_color"))?, passport_id: self.passport_id.ok_or(Error::MissingField("passport id"))?, country_id: self.country_id, }) } }
And now, the grammar:
Isn't that a lot of repetition?
It's not that bad in Vim mode?
Couldn't we use macros?
Bear, it's late, I'm tired.
Pleaaaaaaaaaase? We're repeating ourselves!
impl<'a> PassportBuilder<'a> { fn build(self) -> Result<Passport<'a>, Error> { macro_rules! build { ( required => { $($req: ident),* $(,)* }$(,)* optional => { $($opt: ident),* $(,)* }$(,)* ) => { Ok(Passport { $($req: self.$req.ok_or(Error::MissingField(stringify!($req)))?),*, $($opt: self.$opt),* }) } } build! { required => { birth_year, issue_year, expiration_year, height, hair_color, eye_color, passport_id, }, optional => { country_id, }, } } }
How cute! Our own little domain-specific language.
Where are the tests though?
#[test] fn test_builder() { assert!(PassportBuilder { ..Default::default() } .build() .is_err()); assert!(PassportBuilder { birth_year: Some(Year(2014)), issue_year: Some(Year(2017)), expiration_year: Some(Year(2023)), height: Some(Length::Cm(195)), hair_color: Some(Color("#ffffff")), eye_color: Some(Color("#ee7812")), passport_id: Some(ID("00023437")), country_id: None, } .build() .is_ok()); }
$ cargo test --quiet running 1 test . test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out
Very! 😊
And now... the grammar.
It'll be slightly different, because, well, fields can happen in any order.
We'll write a parser that only parses one record, and most parsers
will take a mutable reference to a PassportBuilder
impl<'a> PassportBuilder<'a> { fn parse(input: &'a str) -> Self { let mut b: Self = Default::default(); peg::parser! { grammar parser() for str { pub(crate) rule root(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = (field(b) separator()*)* ![_] rule separator() = ['\n' | ' '] rule field(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) // years = byr(b) / iyr(b) / eyr(b) // height / hgt(b) // colors / hcl(b) / ecl(b) // IDs / pid(b) / cid(b) rule byr(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = "byr:" year:year() { b.birth_year = Some(year) } rule iyr(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = "iyr:" year:year() { b.issue_year = Some(year) } rule eyr(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = "eyr:" year:year() { b.expiration_year = Some(year) } rule hgt(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = "hgt:" height:length() { b.height = Some(height) } rule pid(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = "pid:" id:id() { b.passport_id = Some(id) } rule cid(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = "cid:" id:id() { b.country_id = Some(id) } rule hcl(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = "hcl:" color:color() { b.hair_color = Some(color) } rule ecl(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = "ecl:" color:color() { b.eye_color = Some(color) } rule year() -> Year = num:num() { Year(num) } rule color() -> Color<'input> = s:$((!separator()[_])*) { Color(s) } rule length() -> Length = num:num() "cm" { Length::Cm(num) } / num:num() "in" { Length::In(num) } rule num() -> u64 = s:$(['0'..='9']+) { s.parse().unwrap() } rule id() -> ID<'input> = s:$(['0'..='9']+) { ID(s) } } } parser::root(input, &mut b).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Could not parse {}: {}", input, e)); b } }
Hopefully it's self-explanatory!
Uh let me look... what's [_]
Matches anything. Says so in the rustdocs.
Okay but what's ![_]
Only matches at EOF (the end of the file)!
Ooh that way we're sure we parse everything from the input?
Time to answer part 1.
fn main() { let results = include_str!("input.txt") .split("\n\n") .map(PassportBuilder::parse) .map(PassportBuilder::build); let num_valid = results.filter(Result::is_ok).count(); println!("{} passport records were valid", num_valid); }
After actually trying out my input, I had to make two adjustments.
First, the passport ID occasionally contained a pound/sharp/hash/octothorpe character and some letters:
// in the grammar: rule id() -> ID<'input> = s:$(['0'..='9' | 'a'..='z' | '#']+) { ID(s) }
Secondly, sometimes the height had no specified unit (gasp!). Luckily, easy adjustment to make here too:
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)] enum Length { /// Centimeters (the correct unit) Cm(u64), /// Inches (the incorrect unit) In(u64), /// No unit Unspecified(u64), // new! } // in the grammar: rule length() -> Length = num:num() "cm" { Length::Cm(num) } / num:num() "in" { Length::In(num) } / num:num() { Length::Unspecified(num) }
$ cargo run --quiet 235 passport records were valid
Part 2
The second part of the problem gets serious about validation, we now have:
- byr (Birth Year) - four digits; at least 1920 and at most 2002.
- iyr (Issue Year) - four digits; at least 2010 and at most 2020.
- eyr (Expiration Year) - four digits; at least 2020 and at most 2030.
- hgt (Height) - a number followed by either cm or in:
- If cm, the number must be at least 150 and at most 193.
- If in, the number must be at least 59 and at most 76.
- hcl (Hair Color) - a # followed by exactly six characters 0-9 or a-f.
- ecl (Eye Color) - exactly one of: amb blu brn gry grn hzl oth.
- pid (Passport ID) - a nine-digit number, including leading zeroes.
- cid (Country ID) - ignored, missing or not.
Time to actually make our parsers fallible!
For that, we'll use {? }
blocks of Rust code (rather than {}
). That way
we can return Err
(with a &'static str
) or Ok
We can fix all the years right up by just adding a parameter to our year
rule byr(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) -> () = "byr:" year:year((1920..=2002)) { b.birth_year = Some(year); } rule iyr(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) -> () = "iyr:" year:year((2010..=2020)) { b.issue_year = Some(year); } rule eyr(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) -> () = "eyr:" year:year((2020..=2030)) { b.expiration_year = Some(year); } rule year(range: RangeInclusive<u64>) -> Year = num:num() {? if range.contains(&num) { Ok(Year(num)) } else { Err("year out of range") } }
For hgt
, we need to first remove the Unspecified
variant, and
check the ranges as well:
rule hgt(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = "hgt:" height:length() {? match &height { Length::Cm(v) if !(150..=193).contains(v) => { Err("bad height (cm)") }, Length::In(v) if !(59..=76).contains(v) => { Err("bad height (in)") }, _ => { b.height = Some(height); Ok(()) }, } }
I knew that was fishy! Unitless lengths. Nonsense!
And the rest we can fix pretty easily too:
rule pid(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = "pid:" id:$(['0'..='9']*<9,9>) { b.passport_id = Some(ID(id)) } rule cid(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = "cid:" id:$((!separator()[_])+) { b.country_id = Some(ID(id)) } rule hcl(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = "hcl:" color:hcl0() { b.hair_color = Some(color) } rule hcl0() -> Color<'input> = s:$("#" ['0'..='9' | 'a'..='f']*<6,6>) { Color(s) } rule ecl(b: &mut PassportBuilder<'input>) = "ecl:" color:ecl0() { b.eye_color = Some(color) } rule ecl0() -> Color<'input> = s:$("amb" / "blu" / "brn" / "gry" / "grn" / "hzl" / "oth") { Color(s) }
Now we only need to forward parsing errors rather than panic!
on it.
AhAH! That's what you get for being lazy about error handling.
It was a different time... it made sense back then!
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)] enum Error { #[error("missing field: {0}")] MissingField(&'static str), // new! #[error("could not parse {0}: {1}")] ParseError(String, String), }
fn parse(input: &'a str) -> Result<Self, Error> { let mut b: Self = Default::default(); // omitted: grammar parser::root(input, &mut b).map_err(|e| Error::ParseError(input.into(), e.to_string()))?; Ok(b) }
And finally, let's get our answer for part 2:
fn main() { let results = include_str!("input.txt") .split("\n\n") .map(|input| PassportBuilder::parse(input).and_then(|b|; let num_valid = results.filter(Result::is_ok).count(); println!("{} passport records were valid", num_valid); }
$ cargo run --quiet 194 passport records were valid
Whoa, we actually got it right the first time!
We always do 😎
Until next time, stay warm!
Thanks to my sponsors: Joshua Roesslein, James Brown, jatescher, Philipp Gniewosz, Richard Stephens, Alex Krantz, Olly Swanson, Hadrien G., David Cornu, Jacob Cheriathundam, Moritz Lammerich, Thor Kamphefner, Lena Schönburg, Morgan Rosenkranz, avborhanian, playest, Boris Dolgov, Romet Tagobert, Chris, Jelle Besseling and 227 more
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