Articles tagged #javascript

Highlighted code in slides

I have obsessed about this long enough, I think it’s only fair I (and you!) get some content out of it.

When I started writing this article, I was working on my P99 CONF slides. Those slides happen to include some bits of code. And because I’m a perfectionist, I would like this code to be syntax highlighted, like this:

let addr: SocketAddr = config.address.parse()?;
let ln = TcpListener::bind(&addr).await?;
info!("🦊 {}", config.base_url);

Aiming for correctness with types

The Nature weekly journal of science was first published in 1869. And after one and a half century, it has finally completed one cycle of carcinization, by publishing an article about the Rust programming language.

It’s a really good article.

What I liked about this article is that it didn’t just talk about performance, or even just memory safety - it also talked about correctness.

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