Loading multiple ELF objects
👋 This page was last updated ~5 years ago. Just so you know.
Thanks to my sponsors: Das Gürteltier, Chris Emery, villem, Andrew Neth, Michael Mrozek, Aalekh Patel, Cole Kurkowski, ShikChen, ofrighil, Damir Vandic, playest, Tiziano Santoro, jatescher, Antoine Boegli, Raine Godmaire, Kamran Khan, Sarah Berrettini, callym, Corey Alexander, Matt Jackson and 266 more
Up until now, we’ve been loading a single ELF file, and there wasn’t much
structure to how we did it: everyhing just kinda happened in main
, in no
particular order.
But now that shared libraries are in the picture, we have to load multiple ELF files, with search paths, and keep them around so we can resolve symbols, and apply relocations across different objects.
After a long period of trawling through references, painstakingly turning C
struct definitions into nom
parsers and hunting down valid enum values…
it’s time for some graphs.
The dependency graph of hello-dl
is quite simple. The simplest:
To run hello-dl
, we need the whole graph. Since we have to pick a name
for “the whole graph”, and our purpose is to execute it, we’ll call it
We’ll even put it in its own module:
// in `elk/src/main.rs`
mod process;
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
use mmap::MemoryMap;
pub struct Process {}
Each node in the graph maps to one ELF file. We already have a type for that,
. But when executing, we need to keep track of a bit more than
just the delf::File
For example, we need to keep track of memory mappings. If we were writing this in C, we’d need to keep track of them so we can eventually free them (or we could just let the OS do that on process exit).
This being Rust, we need to keep track of them so that they don’t get dropped prematurely, which would unmap them before we’ve even had a chance to jump to the entry point.
Since nodes could be either executables or libraries, we’ll just call them
the generic term for an ELF thingy - Object
$ # in elk/
$ cargo add custom_debug_derive@0.5
Adding custom_debug_derive v0.5.0 to dependencies
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
use custom_debug_derive::Debug as CustomDebug;
pub struct Object {
// we're skipping this one because it would get *real* verbose
pub file: delf::File,
// `MemoryMap` does not implement `Debug`, so we need to skip it.
// if we weren't using `custom_debug_derive`, we would have to do an
// entirely custom `fmt::Debug` implementation for `Object`!
pub maps: Vec<MemoryMap>,
But that’s not all! When we map an ELF object in memory, we decide on its
“base address”. We’ve been hardcoding 0x400000
as a base address when
we were loading a single object, and it worked out fine, but now we have
multiple objects, so we’re going to have to assign each one its own base
address, and keep track of it.
Finally, we’ll probably want to remember the path an ELF object was loaded from. Just for us. As a treat.
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
use std::path::PathBuf;
pub struct Object {
// new!
pub path: PathBuf,
// new!
pub base: delf::Addr,
pub file: delf::File,
pub maps: Vec<MemoryMap>,
Of course, we’re going to want to keep those objects in the Process
Well, they’re not technically “in” the Process
struct, they’re just owned by
that struct. In practice, since they end up in a Vec
, they’re in a different
heap allocation.
But conceptually, we can think of them as “in” the Process
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
pub struct Process {
// new!
pub objects: Vec<Object>,
Now, what should our API look like?
We definitely need a constructor:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
objects: Vec::new(),
We also need a method to load ELF objects by path, like so:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn load_object(&mut self, path: &str) -> Object {
And then, from main
, we could use it like this:
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let input_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("usage: elk FILE");
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
let obj = proc.load_object(input_path);
println!("{:#?}", obj);
But actually, that already doesn’t work, because input_path
is not an
, it’s a String
. We’ve been over that in Making our own ping Part 5.
If we want to accept both, we need a generic type parameter that implements
, and when using, we need to call .as_ref()
use std::fs;
impl Process {
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Object {
let input = fs::read(path.as_ref());
But is &str
really the type we want? What if the object we want contains
dynamic entries? And one of the entries contains $ORIGIN
? Then
we’d need to replace $ORIGIN
with the path of the directory containing
the object.
For example: if we’re loading ~/rust/elk/samples/hello-dl
and it
has a RPATH
entry of $ORIGIN
, we need to add ~/rust/elk/samples
to the
search path of Process
How do we even get the “path of the directory containing a file”, given the path of a file?
// in `src/std/path.rs`
impl Path {
/// Returns the `Path` without its final component, if there is one.
/// Returns [`None`] if the path terminates in a root or prefix.
/// [`None`]: ../../std/option/enum.Option.html#variant.None
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<&Path> {}
So there is a better type than &str
. The std::path::Path
will let us do
path manipulation, like canonicalizing a path:
"./hello-dl" => "~/rust/elk/samples/hello-dl"
And getting a path’s “parent”:
"~/rust/elk/samples/hello-dl" => "~/rust/elk/samples"
Besides, when loading shared libraries, the path of the library will be
computed from the search path and a name specified in a NEEDED
section, so it’ll probably be an std::path::PathBuf
, not a String
because we’ll use the proper methods for joining paths, not string formatting
So, for Process::load_object
, we definitely want to take an AsRef<Path>
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
impl Process {
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Object {
let input = fs::read(path.as_ref());
Let’s implement the rest of load_object
real quick:
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Object {
let input = fs::read(path.as_ref()).unwrap();
let file = delf::File::parse_or_print_error(&input[..]).unwrap();
let res = Object {
path: path.as_ref().to_path_buf(),
base: delf::Addr(0x400000),
maps: Vec::new(),
And try it out:
$ # in `elk/`
$ cargo b -q
$ ./target/debug/elk samples/hello-dl
Object {
path: "samples/hello-dl",
base: 00400000,
Well.. I don’t feel great about this path
being relative - I say
we canonicalize it as soon as possible:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Object {
let path = path.as_ref().canonicalize().unwrap();
let input = fs::read(&path).unwrap();
let file = delf::File::parse_or_print_error(&input[..]).unwrap();
let res = Object {
base: delf::Addr(0x400000),
maps: Vec::new(),
$ cargo b -q
$ ./target/debug/elk samples/hello-dl
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl",
base: 00400000,
Now, I suppose load_object
would be a good place to check for RPATH
dynamic entries, right? Right!
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Object {
let path = path.as_ref().canonicalize().unwrap();
let input = fs::read(&path).unwrap();
println!("Loading {:?}", path);
let file = delf::File::parse_or_print_error(&input[..]).unwrap();
for rpath in file.dynamic_entry_strings(delf::DynamicTag::RPath) {
println!("Found RPATH entry {:?}", rpath);
let res = Object {
base: delf::Addr(0x400000),
maps: Vec::new(),
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "$ORIGIN"
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl",
base: 00400000,
Now, when considering RPATH entries, we need to replace the special
token with the parent path.
We don’t really need to check for its presence first - if we call replace
on an entry that does not contain it, nothing will happen. It’s not a
particularly hot path, so we don’t care about performance much:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Object {
let path = path.as_ref().canonicalize().unwrap();
let input = fs::read(&path).unwrap();
println!("Loading {:?}", path);
let file = delf::File::parse_or_print_error(&input[..]).unwrap();
let origin = path.parent().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
for rpath in file.dynamic_entry_strings(delf::DynamicTag::RPath) {
let rpath = rpath.replace("$ORIGIN", &origin);
println!("Found RPATH entry {:?}", rpath);
// cut
$ cargo b -q
$ ./target/debug/elk samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl",
base: 00400000,
Great! Now, since we’re going to be using this RPATH
to find the
dependencies of hello-dl
, we’ll need to keep track of all our “library
directories”, probably somewhere in Process
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
pub struct Process {
pub objects: Vec<Object>,
// we want `Process` to own those paths, so we're picking
// `PathBuf`, which is to `&Path` what `String` is to `&str`.
pub search_path: Vec<PathBuf>,
impl Process {
// Let's not forget to initialize `search_path` in the constructor:
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
objects: Vec::new(),
search_path: Vec::new(),
// ...and add to it
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Object {
// (cut)
for rpath in file.dynamic_entry_strings(delf::DynamicTag::RPath) {
let rpath = rpath.replace("$ORIGIN", &origin);
println!("Found RPATH entry {:?}", rpath);
// new:
// (cut)
Let’s also adjust main
to print the whole Process
// `elk/src/main.rs`
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let input_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("usage: elk FILE");
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
println!("{:#?}", proc);
$ cargo b -q
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Process {
objects: [],
search_path: [
Ah, Process::search_path
looks good but Process::objects
probably shouldn’t
be empty - no problem, let’s just add it:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Object {
let path = path.as_ref().canonicalize().unwrap();
let input = fs::read(&path).unwrap();
println!("Loading {:?}", path);
let file = delf::File::parse_or_print_error(&input[..]).unwrap();
let origin = path.parent().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
for rpath in file.dynamic_entry_strings(delf::DynamicTag::RPath) {
let rpath = rpath.replace("$ORIGIN", &origin);
println!("Found RPATH entry {:?}", rpath);
let object = Object {
base: delf::Addr(0x400000),
maps: Vec::new(),
$ cargo b -q
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `object`
--> src/process.rs:94:9
87 | let object = Object {
| ------ move occurs because `object` has type `process::Object`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
93 | self.objects.push(object);
| ------ value moved here
94 | object
| ^^^^^^ value used here after move
error: aborting due to previous error
Oh, uh, that doesn’t work.
We can’t both store the Object
in Process
and return it. We have
to make a choice. And we need Process
to hang onto any Object
we load,
because we’ll need to apply relocations.
But we also need to return something from load_object
. A reference
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> &Object {
// cut
$ cargo b -q
error[E0515]: cannot return reference to local variable `object`
--> src/process.rs:94:9
94 | &object
| ^^^^^^^ returns a reference to data owned by the current function
error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `object`
--> src/process.rs:94:9
87 | let object = Object {
| ------ move occurs because `object` has type `process::Object`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
93 | self.objects.push(object);
| ------ value moved here
94 | &object
| ^^^^^^^ value borrowed here after move
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
That won’t do it either. We obviously can’t borrow the object after it has moved.
But we can borrow it from its new location…
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> &Object {
// cut
let index = self.objects.len();
Great! Surely we won’t run into any problems with this new scheme. In particular, it’s definitely not going to fall apart completely because of the very next thing we try to do.
// in `elk/src/main.rs`
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let input_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("usage: elk FILE");
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
let exe = proc.load_object(input_path);
let lib = proc.load_object("./samples/libmsg.so");
See? Everything’s fine. All good. No sweat. We sure dodged a bullet.
What’s that? We don’t do anything with exe
and lib
? Fair, fair, okay let’s
print them then:
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let input_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("usage: elk FILE");
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
let exe = proc.load_object(input_path);
let lib = proc.load_object("./samples/libmsg.so");
println!("exe = {:#?}", exe);
println!("lib = {:#?}", lib);
$ cargo b -q
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `proc` as mutable more than once at a time
--> src/main.rs:19:15
18 | let exe = proc.load_object(input_path);
| ---- first mutable borrow occurs here
19 | let lib = proc.load_object("./samples/libmsg.so");
| ^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
20 | println!("exe = {:#?}", exe);
| --- first borrow later used here
error: aborting due to previous error
…okay everything is not fine.
The issue here is hard to see, because of elided lifetimes.
We wrote this:
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> &Object {}
But what it really means is this:
pub fn load_object<'a, P: AsRef<Path>>(&'a mut self, path: P) -> &'a Object {}
^^ ^^ ^^
Which means that the receiver &mut self
, and the return type &Object
have the
same lifetime.
We’re only able to return a reference to a field of a field of self
continues to be borrowed after we return from the function.
Here’s the first scenario:
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
let exe = proc.load_object(input_path);
// `exe` is never used beyond this point. In fact, there's a warning
// about it being unused. It's simply stripped - the return value is unused,
// and `proc` is no longer borrowed.
let lib = proc.load_object("./samples/libmsg.so");
// same here with `lib`
But in the second scenario:
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
let exe = proc.load_object(input_path);
let lib = proc.load_object("./samples/libmsg.so");
// `exe` is used below, so `proc` never stopped being borrowed,
// so the second `load_object` call is illegal
println!("exe = {:#?}", exe);
There’s a pattern we can use to work around this.
We don’t need to hold a reference to exe
while we load lib
. We just
need to have enough information so that we can borrow exe
In fact, its position in the Vec
would suffice. Then we could do this:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> usize {
// (cut)
let index = self.objects.len();
And use it like that:
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let input_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("usage: elk FILE");
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
let exe = proc.load_object(input_path);
// `exe` is just an `usize`, `proc` is no longer borrowed.
let lib = proc.load_object("./samples/libmsg.so");
// again, `proc` was borrowed just for that `load_object` call
println!("exe = {:#?}", proc.objects[exe]);
// same here, `proc` is no longer borrowed
println!("lib = {:#?}", proc.objects[lib]);
// same here again, `proc` is no longer borrowed
This is the “arena” pattern. We treat the Vec<Object>
purely as storage,
and we pass around just enough information to borrow an Object
when we need
it, and not one second sooner.
“Seriously? We’re going to be passing around usize
Yup! Although, if you want something slightly more strongly-typed, you might want to look into the atree crate.
We could do it ourselves, but we have a lot of other things to attend to.
Good! Now that that’s settled, there is the small matter of error handling.
manipulates paths, reads a file, and parses it. Many things can go
wrong, and, right now, we just .unwrap()
, which isn’t great.
Let’s do a quick pass with the thiserror crate to add proper error handling:
$ cd elk/
$ cargo add thiserror@1
Adding thiserror v1.0.22 to dependencies
We’re going to go over this fairly quickly, if you need a more in-depth review, check out Improving error handling - panics vs. proper errors, from the “Making our own ping” series.
// `elk/src/process.rs`
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum LoadError {
#[error("ELF object not found: {0}")]
#[error("An invalid or unsupported path was encountered")]
#[error("I/O error: {0}")]
IO(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error("ELF object could not be parsed: {0}")]
First off, we need to change the return type to Result<T, E>
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<usize, LoadError> {
Our first unwrap()
can panic for various reasons:
let path = path.as_ref().canonicalize().unwrap();
For example, path
might not actually exist on disk. Or it might exist, but
it might be a symbolic link that points to a non-existent file. Luckily,
the errors it can return are of type std::io::Error
, and our IO
takes care of that.
Since we used the #[from]
attribute, the thiserror
crate is considerate
enough to implement From<std::io::Error>
for elk::process::LoadError
, so
works out of the box.
The same goes for fs::read
, which also returns an std::io::Error
let path = path.as_ref().canonicalize()?; // used to be .unwrap()
let input = fs::read(&path)?; // also used to be .unwrap()
The next unwrap
is more complicated:
println!("Loading {:?}", path);
let file = delf::File::parse_or_print_error(&input[..]).unwrap();
…because File::parse_or_print_error
doesn’t return a Result<T, E>
. It returns
an Option<T>
. See, we’re paying the price for our earlier decisions.
But it’ll be fine - we can easily turn an Option
into a Result
, even if
it won’t contain much contextual information about the actual error (instead,
prints it to stderr).
let file = delf::File::parse_or_print_error(&input[..])
.ok_or_else(|| LoadError::ParseError(path.clone()))?;
We’ve used ok_or
before in this series. ok_or_else
is its lazy
counterpart - the closure is only called if there’s actually an error.
Which is good, because the closure clones a PathBuf
“Wait, I thought we didn’t care about performance?”
Sure, yep. But now you know!
That one is the hairiest, because there’s two operations that can fail:
let origin = path.parent().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
First of all, path
may not even have a parent, and second of all,
it might have a parent, but with a path that isn’t valid utf-8 - and then
would fail.
We’re going to call both of those an “invalid path” and go on with our day:
let origin = path
.ok_or_else(|| LoadError::InvalidPath(path.clone()))?
.ok_or_else(|| LoadError::InvalidPath(path.clone()))?;
And finally the value we return should be a Result<usize, LoadError>
- not just
an usize
, so we need to wrap it in Ok
Our function now looks like this:
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<usize, LoadError> {
let path = path.as_ref().canonicalize()?;
let input = fs::read(&path)?;
println!("Loading {:?}", path);
let file = delf::File::parse_or_print_error(&input[..])
.ok_or_else(|| LoadError::ParseError(path.clone()))?;
let origin = path
.ok_or_else(|| LoadError::InvalidPath(path.clone()))?
.ok_or_else(|| LoadError::InvalidPath(path.clone()))?;
for rpath in file.dynamic_entry_strings(delf::DynamicTag::RPath) {
let rpath = rpath.replace("$ORIGIN", &origin);
println!("Found RPATH entry {:?}", rpath);
let object = Object {
base: delf::Addr(0x400000),
maps: Vec::new(),
let index = self.objects.len();
Do we have time for one last bit of bikeshedding?
I don’t like this part:
for rpath in file.dynamic_entry_strings(delf::DynamicTag::RPath) {
let rpath = rpath.replace("$ORIGIN", &origin);
println!("Found RPATH entry {:?}", rpath);
Sure, it works. But it’s awfully imperative. Can’t we come up with something shorter?
Iterators can be mapped, so we can do this:
for rpath in file
.map(|path| path.replace("$ORIGIN", &origin))
println!("Found RPATH entry {:?}", rpath);
Iterators can also be inspected, so we can do this:
for rpath in file
.map(|path| path.replace("$ORIGIN", &origin))
.inspect(|path| println!("Found RPATH entry {:?}", path))
Transforming a String
into a PathBuf
is also technically a map, so
we can do this:
for rpath in file
.map(|path| path.replace("$ORIGIN", &origin))
.inspect(|path| println!("Found RPATH entry {:?}", path))
And for our grand finale… Vec
implements the Extend
trait, which
means we can do some_vec.extend(some_iterator)
, so:
.map(|path| path.replace("$ORIGIN", &origin))
.inspect(|path| println!("Found RPATH entry {:?}", path))
And voilà! Now it actually looks like a pipeline.
Let’s get our main
back to what it should be, and give our program another run:
// in `elk/src/main.rs`
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let input_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("usage: elk FILE");
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
println!("{:#?}", proc);
$ cargo b -q
$ ./target/debug/elk samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Process {
objects: [
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl",
base: 00400000,
search_path: [
What were we doing again?
Oh right, load hello-dl
and all its dependencies. Which is only
has one of.
Well, that’s easy!
// in `elk/src/main.rs`
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let input_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("usage: elk FILE");
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
let exec = proc.load_object(input_path)?;
let dependencies: Vec<_> = proc.objects[exec]
for dep in dependencies {
println!("{:#?}", proc);
Simplest thing that could possibly work. Boom. Done. See y’all next week.
$ ./target/debug/elk samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Error: IO(Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" })
Okay, so it doesn’t actually work. And there’s worse: the standard IO error for “file not found” does not include a path - as of rustc 1.40.0.
I hear the team is working on it, though!
It’s not that easy to fix, though. The reason it does not include a path is so that there’s no allocation. We are working from the comfort of a desktop operating system with a lot of RAM for us to ~~~waste~~~ use, and we don’t mind copying a string now and then.
But Rust is also used on embedded systems - microcontrollers with tiny tiny amounts of memory. And in that scenario, we might not want the standard library to allocate left and right.
Hell, there might not even be an allocator available!
So, let’s just make our own error type a tiny bit more specific:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum LoadError {
// omitted: other fields
// changed:
#[error("I/O error on {0}: {1}")]
IO(PathBuf, std::io::Error),
// much later:
impl Process {
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<usize, LoadError> {
let path = path
.map_err(|e| LoadError::IO(path.as_ref().to_path_buf(), e))?;
let input = fs::read(&path).map_err(|e| LoadError::IO(path.clone(), e))?;
// (cut)
Sure, yes, it’s not as elegant. But it might actually help us figure out what’s going wrong, so I’ll allow it.
$ cargo b -q
$ ./target/debug/elk samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Error: IO("libmsg.so", Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" })
Okay! So it can’t find libmsg.so
. No wonder, we kinda skipped over the
whole “using the search path to find libraries” part of the ordeal.
So let’s make a helper for that:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn object_path(&self, name: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, LoadError> {
for prefix in &self.search_path {
let path = prefix.join(name);
if path.exists() {
return Ok(path);
Gather round class, who can tell me what’s good and what’s bad about this?
Well, I like that it returns a Result
. This way when we call it, we can
just use ?
to bubble up the error if it’s not found.
Correct, cool bear. And what’s bad about it?
I suppose it.. could be a bit more functional?
Yes. Yes it could. We basically have another pipelines on our hands here:
- For every entry in the search path..
- Construct a “full path” out of the entry and the
parameter.. - Return the first one that exists
So, naively, something like that:
pub fn object_path(&self, name: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, LoadError> {
for path in self.search_path.iter().map(|prefix| prefix.join(name)) {
if path.exists() {
return Ok(path);
Or maybe we could filter out the non-existing ones, and take the first one, like so:
pub fn object_path(&self, name: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, LoadError> {
if let Some(path) = self
.map(|prefix| prefix.join(name))
.filter(|path| path.exists())
} else {
But there’s already a function to “find the first item of an iterator that
satisfies a predicate”, and that’s find
pub fn object_path(&self, name: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, LoadError> {
if let Some(path) = self
.map(|prefix| prefix.join(name))
.find(|path| path.exists())
} else {
And there’s a functional way of turning an Option<T>
into a Result<T, E>
pub fn object_path(&self, name: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, LoadError> {
.map(|prefix| prefix.join(name))
.find(|path| path.exists())
.ok_or_else(|| LoadError::NotFound(name.into()))
And we probably want to canonicalize the resulting path, at this point. Just in case it’s a symbolic link.
Spoiler alert, but: a lot of names in /usr/lib
are symbolic links.
Like, most of them. And not just the obvious ones like libz.so -> libz.so.1.2.11
, but some funky ones, like ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 -> ld-2.30.so
pub fn object_path(&self, name: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, LoadError> {
.map(|prefix| prefix.join(name))
.filter_map(|path| path.canonicalize().ok())
.find(|path| path.exists())
.ok_or_else(|| LoadError::NotFound(name.into()))
And we can probably do those two “map” operations in one step:
pub fn object_path(&self, name: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, LoadError> {
.filter_map(|prefix| prefix.join(name).canonicalize().ok())
.find(|path| path.exists())
.ok_or_else(|| LoadError::NotFound(name.into()))
And now it looks pretty good, doesn’t it? Very functional. Very nice.
Now that we’ve polished this to death - is it even useful?
// in `elk/src/main.rs`
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let input_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("usage: elk FILE");
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
let exec = proc.load_object(input_path)?;
let dependencies: Vec<_> = proc.objects[exec]
for dep in dependencies {
println!("{:#?}", proc);
$ cargo b -q
$ ./target/debug/elk samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
Process {
objects: [
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl",
base: 00400000,
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so",
base: 00400000,
search_path: [
Yeah! It is useful.
But we still have some issues to sort out. What if our dependencies themselves have dependencies?
Currently, we only go one level deep. So, for example, if we run
it on samples/entry_point
, our C program, we’ll see that:
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/entry_point
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point"
Error: NotFound("libc.so.6")
Uhhh hold on one second
$ locate libc.so.6
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
objects: Vec::new(),
search_path: vec!["/usr/lib".into()],
As I was saying, if we run it on samples/entry_point
, our C program, we’ll see that:
$ cargo b -q
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/entry_point
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point"
Loading "/usr/lib/libc-2.30.so"
Process {
objects: [
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point",
base: 00400000,
Object {
path: "/usr/lib/libc-2.30.so",
base: 00400000,
search_path: [
…we are missing some dependencies.
How do I know? I checked!
$ readelf -a ./samples/entry_point | grep NEEDED
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libc.so.6]
$ readelf -a /usr/lib/libc.so.6 | grep NEEDED
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [ld-linux-x86-64.so.2]
$ readelf -a /usr/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 | grep NEEDED
So maybe we load dependencies recursively - instead of doing it
from main
, we do it from Process::load_object
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<usize, LoadError> {
// omitted: canonicalizing path, parsing ELF file,
// manipulating path to find origin, extending search path
// new:
let deps: Vec<_> = file
let object = Object {
base: delf::Addr(0x400000),
maps: Vec::new(),
let index = self.objects.len();
// also new:
for dep in deps {
And then our main
goes back to being:
// in `elk/src/main.rs`
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let input_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("usage: elk FILE");
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
println!("{:#?}", proc);
And then it all works:
$ cargo b -q
$ ./target/debug/elk samples/entry_point
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point"
Loading "/usr/lib/libc-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/ld-2.30.so"
Or does it?
Let’s try loading a less trivial executable - one that has a few more
dependencies. I went rummaging into /usr/bin
and found… hunspell! (Yes, the “Hun” is for “Hungarian”).
First, let’s see in which order the real dynamic linker loads its dependencies.
To do that we need to:
- Set the
environment variable so thatld-linux
will print out debugging output to stderr - Execute
, we could ask it to print out its version number, that way we’re sure it doesn’t run for too long - Redirect stderr to stdout using
, that way we can… - Pipe it to
so we can print only the lines we want.
Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl, start whisking while gradually incorporating the wet ingredients and…
$ LD_DEBUG=all hunspell --version 2>&1 | grep 'needed by'
6159: file=libhunspell-1.7.so.0 [0]; needed by hunspell [0]
6159: file=libncursesw.so.6 [0]; needed by hunspell [0]
6159: file=libreadline.so.8 [0]; needed by hunspell [0]
6159: file=libstdc++.so.6 [0]; needed by hunspell [0]
6159: file=libgcc_s.so.1 [0]; needed by hunspell [0]
6159: file=libc.so.6 [0]; needed by hunspell [0]
6159: file=libm.so.6 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/libhunspell-1.7.so.0 [0]
These lines alone are enough to establish that our approach and ld-linux’s approach are different.
If you’ve already found out why, shh! Don’t spoil it for the others!
We can use elk
(in its current state) to do roughly the same, with a much
simpler command:
$ ./target/debug/elk $(which hunspell) | grep Loading
Loading "/usr/bin/hunspell"
Loading "/usr/lib/libhunspell-1.7.so.0.0.1"
Loading "/usr/lib/libncursesw.so.6.1"
Loading "/usr/lib/libc-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/ld-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.27"
Loading "/usr/lib/libm-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/libc-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/ld-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/ld-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/libc-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/ld-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/ld-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/libgcc_s.so.1"
Wait, wait, hold on, we forgot something.
Apparently damn near everything hunspell
needs depends on ld-2.30.so
But we only need to load it once!
We’re going to need to keep track of which files we’ve loaded. Like, say,
a map of canonical paths to their index in the Vec<Object>
. Do you think
that would work?
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub struct Process {
pub objects: Vec<Object>,
// new!
pub objects_by_path: HashMap<PathBuf, usize>,
pub search_path: Vec<PathBuf>,
impl Process {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
objects: Vec::new(),
objects_by_path: HashMap::new(),
search_path: vec!["/usr/lib".into()],
Now, whenever we load a new object, we’ll have to update objects_by_path
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<usize, LoadError> {
let object = Object {
// new: clone `path` here, we still need it for later
path: path.clone(),
base: delf::Addr(0x400000),
maps: Vec::new(),
let index = self.objects.len();
self.objects_by_path.insert(path, index);
for dep in deps {
That.. doesn’t really fix our problem though does it?
We never read from objects_by_path
. Process::load_object
unconditionally loads an object, even if it was already loaded. We’ll need another
method, get_object
, that eithers:
- Returns the index of an already-loaded object
- Loads the object and returns its fresh index
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn get_object(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<usize, LoadError> {
let path = self.object_path(name)?;
.map(|&index| Ok(index))
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.load_object(path))
Now we can adjust load_object
to use this helper instead:
impl Process {
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<usize, LoadError> {
// (cut)
let deps: Vec<_> = file
let object = Object {
// (cut)
let index = self.objects.len();
self.objects_by_path.insert(path, index);
for dep in deps {
// new:
With that change, we won’t be loading any object more than once.
If canonicalize
is as good as I think it is. Which, it better be.
$ cargo b -q
$ ./target/debug/elk $(which hunspell) | grep Loading
Loading "/usr/bin/hunspell"
Loading "/usr/lib/libhunspell-1.7.so.0.0.1"
Loading "/usr/lib/libncursesw.so.6.1"
Loading "/usr/lib/libc-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/ld-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.27"
Loading "/usr/lib/libm-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/libgcc_s.so.1"
Loading "/usr/lib/libreadline.so.8.0"
Alright! No duplicates. But that’s.. not the same order ld-linux
them in. With ld-linux
, libm-2.30.so
was last:
LD_DEBUG=all hunspell --version 2>&1 | grep 'needed by'
6159: file=libhunspell-1.7.so.0 [0]; needed by hunspell [0]
6159: file=libncursesw.so.6 [0]; needed by hunspell [0]
6159: file=libreadline.so.8 [0]; needed by hunspell [0]
6159: file=libstdc++.so.6 [0]; needed by hunspell [0]
6159: file=libgcc_s.so.1 [0]; needed by hunspell [0]
6159: file=libc.so.6 [0]; needed by hunspell [0]
6159: file=libm.so.6 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/libhunspell-1.7.so.0 [0]
It’s time to talk about… graph traversal.
What we did was traverse the dependency graph depth-first.
If we were loading a binary, foobar
, that depended on libyes
and libnah
and both of these depended on libbase
, then our current approach would proceed
like so:
What ld-linux
did, is traverse the dependency graph breadth-first, like so:
We put our initial ELF object (hello-dl
) into a set we call “set A”.
We enumerate all the dependencies - that we haven’t loaded yet of all the objects in set A, and call that set B.
If B is empty, we’re done!
If not, we load all the objects in set B, and rename it “set A” (throwing the previous “set A” away).
Then, again, we construct set B from set A by enumerating dependencies. If it’s empty, we’re done! If not, load them, rename to set A, and so on and so forth.
It’s not that hard to do. But we can’t do it from load_object
, because
is lower-level. load_object
should only load one object, not
its dependencies.
Let’s introduce load_object_and_dependencies
Removing the dependency-loading code from load_object
is left as an
exercise to the reader.
But remember, the rule is: load_object
should only load one object.
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn load_object_and_dependencies<P: AsRef<Path>>(
&mut self,
path: P,
) -> Result<usize, LoadError> {
let index = self.load_object(path)?;
let mut a = vec![index];
while !a.is_empty() {
let mut b = vec![];
for index in a {
for dep in self.objects[index]
let mut b2 = vec![];
for dep in b {
a = b2;
Okay. Well, that looks more or less like the description I just made.
It’s not, you know, a masterpiece. But, gotta start somewhere.
Did it fix the order?
// in `elk/src/main.rs`
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let input_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("usage: elk FILE");
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
println!("{:#?}", proc);
./target/debug/elk $(which hunspell) | grep Loading
Loading "/usr/bin/hunspell"
Loading "/usr/lib/libhunspell-1.7.so.0.0.1"
Loading "/usr/lib/libncursesw.so.6.1"
Loading "/usr/lib/libreadline.so.8.0"
Loading "/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.27"
Loading "/usr/lib/libgcc_s.so.1"
Loading "/usr/lib/libc-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/libm-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/ld-2.30.so"
Hey, that’s the right order!
There’s an extra ld-2.30.so
at the end, but I don’t think that’s really our
fault. Because that’s just what /usr/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
points to:
$ readlink -f /usr/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
And libc.so.6
depends on it:
$ readelf -a /usr/lib/libc.so.6 | grep NEEDED
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [ld-linux-x86-64.so.2]
And, well, ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
also happens to be… the dynamic linker itself.
You know, the thing that’s actually loading libraries, when we’re not doing it ourselves
via elk
The uhh what’s the name again
$ file $(which hunspell)
/usr/bin/hunspell: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=f5e9f9f8e25d412842d90913ded2ee1a810cd47b, stripped
The interpreter! Now I remember.
By the way, /lib64
? Also a symlink:
$ readlink -f /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
At least, that’s the case in 2020, on ArchLinux (well, Manjaro, but who’s counting).
So we did get it right.
But I’m not really happy with the code in load_object_and_dependencies
. We
can do better.
For example, this bit?
let mut b = vec![];
for index in a {
for dep in self.objects[index]
That’s a map
! Sort of. If we just mapped each delf::File
to all its Needed
we’d have a Vec<Vec<String>>
. And we really want a Vec<String>
That’s what flatten
is for.
use delf::DynamicTag::Needed;
let b = a
.map(|index| self.objects[index].file.dynamic_entry_strings(Needed))
That… does not quite work as-is:
error[E0282]: type annotations needed
--> src/process.rs:93:17
93 | let b = a
| ^ consider giving `b` a type
error: aborting due to previous error
Alright, I suppose you can collect an Iterator
into something
other than a Vec
- the compiler is not prescient, so we’ve gotta help a little bit.
There’s two ways to do this - either we give b
a type:
use delf::DynamicTag::Needed;
// note: the type of the *items* in the Vec can be inferred,
// so we can just use `_` as a placeholder.
let b: Vec<_> = a
.map(|index| self.objects[index].file.dynamic_entry_strings(Needed))
Or we use… a turbofish!
use delf::DynamicTag::Needed;
let b = a
.map(|index| self.objects[index].file.dynamic_entry_strings(Needed))
It’s nothing to be afraid of! I know, I know, at first glance, it doesn’t look particularly… well-disposed?
But if you think about it, it’s just the same ::
we know and love. We do
all the time (sometimes omitting crate
and module
We’re just specifying the path even further - it’s the version of that
generic function that satisfies these concrete types.
Onto the next part:
let mut b2 = vec![];
for dep in b {
This is also, very much, a map
. The catch? get_object
can fail.
We can pretty easily use ?
in a for..in
loop. But when we’re building a
pipeline of iterators and transformation functions, we have to resort to…
Yeah. The same collect
. If we have an Iterator
with items of type Result<T, E>
we can either collect into a Result<Vec<T>, E>
(where the first error is returned),
or a Vec<Result<T, E>>
(where every item can fail or succeed independently).
In our case, we want the first item that fails to fail the whole pipeline, so
we want to collect the whole thing into a single Result
, and then use ?
on it:
let b2 = b
.map(|dep| self.get_object(&dep))
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
Now, our entire loop looks like this:
while !a.is_empty() {
use delf::DynamicTag::Needed;
let b: Vec<_> = a
.map(|index| self.objects[index].file.dynamic_entry_strings(Needed))
let b2 = b
.map(|dep| self.get_object(&dep))
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
a = b2;
Not bad!
But we can do better. Why even name b
? Or b2
? Why not just chain the whole thing,
assigning the result to a
while !a.is_empty() {
use delf::DynamicTag::Needed;
a = a
.map(|index| self.objects[index].file.dynamic_entry_strings(Needed))
.map(|dep| self.get_object(&dep))
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
Woops, we broke it:
$ cargo b -q
error[E0282]: type annotations needed
--> src/process.rs:97:18
97 | .collect()
| ^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for `B`
= note: type must be known at this point
No worries! We can turbofish our way out of this one:
while !a.is_empty() {
use delf::DynamicTag::Needed;
a = a
.map(|index| self.objects[index].file.dynamic_entry_strings(Needed))
.map(|dep| self.get_object(&dep))
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
But… I don’t like that first map
. It’s too long. Just because we’re making
a “multi-line one-liner” pipeline kinda thing, doesn’t mean it should be unreadable.
while !a.is_empty() {
use delf::DynamicTag::Needed;
a = a
.map(|index| &self.objects[index].file)
.map(|file| file.dynamic_entry_strings(Needed))
.map(|dep| self.get_object(&dep))
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
Okay, more readable.
Another thing: we’re doing .map().flat()
There’s a shortcut for that.
It’s called flat_map()
. Boom.
while !a.is_empty() {
use delf::DynamicTag::Needed;
a = a
.map(|index| &self.objects[index].file)
.flat_map(|file| file.dynamic_entry_strings(Needed))
.map(|dep| self.get_object(&dep))
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
Now. In our initial code, we had three Vec
s - a
, b
, and b2
. But do we
really need b
to exist as a Vec
? Couldn’t it just be part of the pipeline?
while !a.is_empty() {
use delf::DynamicTag::Needed;
a = a
.map(|index| &self.objects[index].file)
.flat_map(|file| file.dynamic_entry_strings(Needed))
.map(|dep| self.get_object(&dep))
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
$ cargo b -q
error[E0500]: closure requires unique access to `self` but it is already borrowed
--> src/process.rs:97:22
95 | .map(|index| &self.objects[index].file)
| ------- ---- first borrow occurs due to use of `self` in closure
| |
| borrow occurs here
96 | .flat_map(|file| file.dynamic_entry_strings(Needed))
97 | .map(|dep| self.get_object(&dep))
| --- ^^^^^ ---- second borrow occurs due to use of `self` in closure
| | |
| | closure construction occurs here
| first borrow later used by call
Huh. I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna take a few seconds to be in awe at the quality of this error message.
That’s a good error message.
We cannot do it that way because self.get_object()
requires &mut self
, but self
already borrowed by us.. being in the middle of an Iterator that requires &self
So we do have to collect.
We’re back to this version of the code:
while !a.is_empty() {
use delf::DynamicTag::Needed;
a = a
.map(|index| &self.objects[index].file)
.flat_map(|file| file.dynamic_entry_strings(Needed))
.map(|dep| self.get_object(&dep))
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
There’s something else bothering me. And it’s not purely bikeshedding this time.
When I described breadth-first dependency loading, I mentioned that the B
set should
be built from all the dependencies of the A
set… that we haven’t loaded yet.
But that’s not what we’re doing. In fact, currently, we have no way of telling whether
returned the index of an already-loaded object, or if it just now
loaded it for us.
Luckily, that’s pretty easy to change.
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
pub enum GetResult {
impl Process {
pub fn get_object(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<GetResult, LoadError> {
let path = self.object_path(name)?;
.map(|&index| Ok(GetResult::Cached(index)))
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.load_object(path).map(GetResult::Fresh))
Now for load_object_with_dependencies
- we only want to retain the Fresh
variants when building the new set:
while !a.is_empty() {
use delf::DynamicTag::Needed;
a = a
.map(|index| &self.objects[index].file)
.flat_map(|file| file.dynamic_entry_strings(Needed))
.map(|dep| self.get_object(&dep))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?
.filter_map(|res| match res {
GetResult::Cached(_) => None,
GetResult::Fresh(index) => Some(index),
Okay. Okay, we’re getting somewhere.
We can make things slightly better for us by adding a method to GetResult
, the
similar to Result::ok
impl GetResult {
fn fresh(self) -> Option<usize> {
if let Self::Fresh(index) = self {
} else {
Using fresh
, we can shorten the pipeline a little bit more.
The entire load_object_and_dependencies
function now looks like this:
pub fn load_object_and_dependencies<P: AsRef<Path>>(
&mut self,
path: P,
) -> Result<usize, LoadError> {
let index = self.load_object(path)?;
let mut a = vec![index];
while !a.is_empty() {
use delf::DynamicTag::Needed;
a = a
.map(|index| &self.objects[index].file)
.flat_map(|file| file.dynamic_entry_strings(Needed))
.map(|dep| self.get_object(&dep))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?
Does our entire program still work?
$ cargo b -q
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
Process {
search_path: [
objects: [
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl",
base: 00400000,
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so",
base: 00400000,
objects_by_path: {
"/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so": 1,
"/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl": 0,
It does! I think we’re in a good place.
Of course, we still need to:
- actually map segments to memory
- apply relocations (across multiple ELF objects!)
- set the correct protection levels for said segments
But let’s not rush it. Everything we have right now is working.
We got some decent iterator usage in there, probably enough to warrant light usage of “semi-functional” in our README. Definitely enough to feel a slightly misplaced sense of pride.
We did good. Time to let the dough rest for a bit.
’s PathBuf
and &Path
are great for working with, well, paths. They’re
the filesystem equivalent of String
and &str
. Note that not every path is necessarily
valid utf-8 and thus, not necessarily a valid Rust string.
The Arena pattern allows referring to structs without borrowing them. Instead of holding references, we hold “tokens” that allow us to borrow them later. It is a very useful pattern, especially when dealing with graphs. I wouldn’t be surprised if you found it in compiler code.
The Linux dynamic linker loads dependencies breadth-first. With just the right methods on our types, implementing breadth-first graph traversal is actually not that complicated. We even handled errors properly.
can generally be reduced to a single .flat_map()
, and
can generally be reduced to a single .filter_map()
is useful in many scenarios. When you need to collect all elements
of an iterator into a Vec
, at the end of the pipeline. When you need to handle
errors in the middle of a pipeline, and stop as soon as an error is encountered.
And finally, when you’re trying to avoid borrowing the same variable both mutably
and immutably.
Here's another article just for you:
Rust generics vs Java generics
In my previous article, I said I needed to stop thinking of Rust generics as Java generics, because in Rust, generic types are erased.
Someone gently pointed out that they are also erased in Java, the difference was elsewhere. And so, let’s learn the difference together.
Java generics
I learned Java first (a long, long time ago), and their approach to generics made sense to me at the time.