Running an executable without exec

👋 This page was last updated ~5 years ago. Just so you know.

In part 1, we’ve looked at three executables:

  • sample, an assembly program that prints “hi there” using the write system call.
  • entry_point, a C program that prints the address of main using printf
  • The /bin/true executable, probably also a C program (because it’s part of GNU coreutils), and which just exits with code 0.

We noticed that when running entry_point through GDB, it always printed the same address. But when we ran it directly, it printed a different address on every run.

What happens if we run it ourselves?

Let’s make elk, the binary crate, our command-line “Executable & Linker Kit”, also execute the binary after it’s parsed it.

// in `elk/src/` use std::{env, error::Error, fs}; fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { let input_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("usage: elk FILE"); let input = fs::read(&input_path)?; println!("Analyzing {:?}...", input_path); let file = match delf::File::parse_or_print_error(&input[..]) { Some(f) => f, None => std::process::exit(1), }; println!("{:#?}", file); println!("Executing {:?}...", input_path); use std::process::Command; let status = Command::new(input_path).status()?; if !status.success() { return Err("process did not exit successfully".into()); } Ok(()) }

Let’s run it a few times to compare:

$ cargo b -q && ./target/debug/elk ./samples/entry_point Analyzing "./samples/entry_point"... File { type: Dyn, machine: X86_64, entry_point: 00001040, } Executing "./samples/entry_point"... main is at 0x5571c34e9139 $ cargo b -q && ./target/debug/elk ./samples/entry_point # (cut) main is at 0x55f7a0f27139 $ cargo b -q && ./target/debug/elk ./samples/entry_point # (cut) main is at 0x5605a2753139 $ cargo b -q && ./target/debug/elk ./samples/entry_point # (cut) main is at 0x5565093aa139

Mhh, main has different addresses every time. It seems like the address is always 0x...139 though.

Okay, so maybe C is doing funky stuff. Let’s go back to something simpler - our hello program, written in assembly.

Things don’t make much sense here either.

Sure, GDB and elk agree: the entry point is 0x00401000.

$ cargo b -q && ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello Analyzing "./samples/hello"... File { type: Exec, machine: X86_64, entry_point: 00401000, } Executing "./samples/hello"... hi there $ gdb -ex starti ./samples/hello Starting program: /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello Program stopped. 0x0000000000401000 in _start ()

But 0x401000 is 4.004 Mib! And our executable is only 8.68 KiB!

Where is our code in the executable file, even?

Just like nasm transformed our assembly code into an object file before, ndisasm can do the reverse option: it can disassemble an X86 binary back into (somewhat) readable assembly.

We don’t know where our code is in ./samples/hello, so.. let’s just try to disassemble the whole file.

$ ndisasm ./samples/hello | less 00000000 7F45 jg 0x47 00000002 4C dec sp 00000003 46 inc si 00000004 0201 add al,[bx+di] 00000006 0100 add [bx+si],ax 00000008 0000 add [bx+si],al 0000000A 0000 add [bx+si],al 0000000C 0000 add [bx+si],al 0000000E 0000 add [bx+si],al 00000010 0200 add al,[bx+si] (cut)

Okay, well… I recognize the 7F 45 4C 46 part - that’s the ELF magic! It really is disassembling the whole file..

So if we want to find our actual code… we need to look for a syscall right?

Oh look, there’s one at 0x1019!

0000100C 0000 add [bx+si],al 0000100E 00BA0900 add [bp+si+0x9],bh 00001012 0000 add [bx+si],al 00001014 B80100 mov ax,0x1 00001017 0000 add [bx+si],al 00001019 0F05 syscall ; 🎉 0000101B 48 dec ax 0000101C 31FF xor di,di 0000101E B83C00 mov ax,0x3c 00001021 0000 add [bx+si],al

This.. doesn’t look quite right, though. I don’t remember doing additions before syscall. There’s another one at 0x1023, but that’s it.

Let’s look at ndisasm’s manual:

$ man ndisasm NAME ndisasm - the Netwide Disassembler, an 80x86 binary file disassembler SYNOPSIS ndisasm [ -o origin ] [ -s sync-point [...]] [ -a | -i ] [ -b bits ] [ -u ] [ -e hdrlen ] [ -p vendor ] [ -k offset,length [...]] infile

Huh… -b bits? What’s that?

$ man ndisasm (cut) -b bits Specifies 16-, 32- or 64-bit mode. The default is 16-bit mode.

Ah. So ndisasm defaults to disassembling code as 16-bit. Well, it’s a testament to how long NASM has been around I guess (since October 1996!), but I’m fairly sure we want 64-bit mode.

$ ndisasm -b 64 ./samples/hello | less 00000FFF 00BF01000000 add [rdi+0x1],bh 00001005 48BE002040000000 mov rsi,0x402000 -0000 0000100F BA09000000 mov edx,0x9 00001014 B801000000 mov eax,0x1 00001019 0F05 syscall 0000101B 4831FF xor rdi,rdi 0000101E B83C000000 mov eax,0x3c 00001023 0F05 syscall 00001025 0000 add [rax],al 00001027 0000 add [rax],al 00001029 0000 add [rax],al 0000102B 0000 add [rax],al

AhAH! What have we here… It’s most of our assembly code, except it’s missing the mov rdi, 1.

Well, the second instruction starts at 0x00001005, maybe if we ask ndisasm to start at 0x00001000 we’ll get a different result?

$ man ndisasm (cut) -k offset,length Specifies that length bytes, starting from disassembly offset offset, should be skipped over without generating any output. The skipped bytes still count towards the calculation of the disassembly offset.

Interesting! Let’s go:

$ ndisasm -b 64 -k 0,$((0x1000)) ./samples/hello | head 00000000 skipping 0x1000 bytes 00001000 BF01000000 mov edi,0x1 00001005 48BE002040000000 mov rsi,0x402000 -0000 0000100F BA09000000 mov edx,0x9 00001014 B801000000 mov eax,0x1 00001019 0F05 syscall 0000101B 4831FF xor rdi,rdi 0000101E B83C000000 mov eax,0x3c 00001023 0F05 syscall

Heyyyy that’s better!

Cool bear What did we learn?

Using ndisasm, we were able to disassemble the hello executable and obtain hello.asm (more or less). It defaults to 16-bit mode so we have to specify -b 64.

The offset at which we start disassembling matters, as x86 instructions are variable-length. In our case, it started at 0x1000 into the file.

I can’t help but notice something interesting - our code is at 0x1000 into the file, and the entry point was 0x401000. Coincidence? I think not.

Note that ndisasm will happily disassemble standard input if we pass - as a file name. So we can use another program to do our cutting:

$ dd if=./samples/hello skip=$((0x1000)) bs=1 count=$((0x25)) | ndisasm -b 64 - 37+0 records in 37+0 records out 37 bytes copied, 8,191e-05 s, 452 kB/s 00000000 BF01000000 mov edi,0x1 00000005 48BE002040000000 mov rsi,0x402000 -0000 0000000F BA09000000 mov edx,0x9 00000014 B801000000 mov eax,0x1 00000019 0F05 syscall 0000001B 4831FF xor rdi,rdi 0000001E B83C000000 mov eax,0x3c 00000023 0F05 syscall

In fact, we could even read the code from rust and pipe it to ndisasm. Let’s do that!

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We’re making hello-specific modifications to elk for now. We’ll fix it later.

Pinky promise.

// in `elk/src/` fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { // omitted: analysis part println!("Disassembling {:?}...", input_path); let code = &input[0x1000..]; // disassemble at most 0x25 bytes let code = &code[..std::cmp::min(0x25, code.len())]; ndisasm(code)?; Ok(()) } fn ndisasm(code: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { use std::{ io::Write, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; let mut child = Command::new("ndisasm") .arg("-b") .arg("64") .arg("-") .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn()?; child.stdin.as_mut().unwrap().write_all(code)?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout)); Ok(()) }

And then we get this:

cargo b -q && ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello Analyzing "./samples/hello"... File { type: Exec, machine: X86_64, entry_point: 00401000, } Disassembling "./samples/hello"... 00000000 BF01000000 mov edi,0x1 00000005 48BE002040000000 mov rsi,0x402000 -0000 0000000F BA09000000 mov edx,0x9 00000014 B801000000 mov eax,0x1 00000019 0F05 syscall 0000001B 4831FF xor rdi,rdi 0000001E B83C000000 mov eax,0x3c 00000023 0F05 syscall


So, now we have some executable code in memory somewhere.

And while elk is running elk's code is also in memory somewhere - being executed.

Could we.. maybe.. find a way to jump from elk's code to sample's code?

We’ve already seen how to bind Win32 APIs. The short version is that if you have a pointer that’s the address of a function, you can just cast it to a function pointer, and call it. Just like that:

// in `elk/src/` unsafe fn jmp(addr: *const u8) { let fn_ptr: fn() = std::mem::transmute(addr); fn_ptr(); }

That’s it! That’s all there is to it.

So, logically, we should be able to just do that:

// in `elk/src/` fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { // omitted: everything else println!("Executing {:?} in memory...", input_path); let entry_point = code.as_ptr(); println!("Entry point: {:?}", entry_point); unsafe { jmp(entry_point); } Ok(()) }

Easy! Eaasy. This series will be so short. I don’t even need to check the result, I’m sure this will just work. Unless it doesn’t. But it’ll work! I guarantee it.

Ok, I can tell you don’t believe me, so just to convince you, let’s run it:

cargo b -q && ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello Analyzing "./samples/hello"... (cut) Executing "./samples/hello" in memory... Entry point: 0x5586c7d35ac0 [1] 14095 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello

Okay well. I give up. There. You can finish the series yourself.

Cool bear Cool Bear's hot tip


Not all memory is the same.

What’s that cool bear? Not all memory is the same? Sure it is! It’s just bytes. Doesn’t matter what the physical memory modules are, they all behave the same way, just with different performance characteristics. I can tell that this should work because THOSE ARE THE SAME BYTES THE PROCESSOR WAS RUNNING EARLIER.

And I know it’s valid machine code because I just disassembled it and it gave me the original assembly, more or less.

Cool bear Cool Bear's hot tip

Think about security.

Mhhhh. How would security get in the way of what we’re trying to do…

Let’s say we take our entry_point.c program. If we have a local variable, we can read from it and write to it, right?

// in `elk/samples/entry_point.c` #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("main is at %p\n", &main); int numb = 13; printf("numb is at %p\n", &numb); numb = 127; printf("wrote to numb, now = %d\n", numb); }
$ gcc entry_point.c -o entry_point $ ./entry_point main is at 0x55a990a01149 numb is at 0x7ffedf17a274 wrote to numb, now = 127

Right! It appears to be stored somewhere completely different from main though

  • 44 terabytes apart in the address space. I don’t have 44 terabytes of RAM so… there must be different.. areas?

Of course, this isn’t to scale. That next diagram isn’t to scale either - you have to imagine the purple and yellow areas being much, much thinner. But this is pretty much what entry_point’s address space looks like - from what I gather.

What if we allocate memory with malloc? And what about constants?

// in `elk/samples/entry_point.c` #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> const int cons = 29; int main() { printf("main is at %p\n", &main); int numb = 13; printf("numb is at %p\n", &numb); void *aptr = malloc(sizeof(int)); printf("cons is at %p\n", &cons); printf("aptr is at %p\n", aptr); free(aptr); }
$ gcc entry_point.c -o entry_point $ ./entry_point main is at 0x5593c22b5169 numb is at 0x7ffeb6f9a80c cons is at 0x5593c22b8048 aptr is at 0x5593c39386b0

Huh. So we have something like:

Can we write to those? Let’s try writing to a constant:

// in `elk/samples/entry_point.c` #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> const int cons = 29; int main() { int *cons_addr = (int *) &cons; printf("cons = %d\n", *cons_addr); printf("writing to cons...\n"); // note: `cons = 31` doesn't compile *cons_addr = 31; printf("cons = %d\n", *cons_addr); }
$ gcc entry_point.c -o entry_point $ ./entry_point cons = 29 writing to cons... [1] 2598 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./entry_point

Ah. It appears we can’t - the program crashes if we try that.

Can we write to main?

// in `elk/samples/entry_point.c` #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int *main_addr = (int *) &main; printf("main = %x\n", *main_addr); printf("writing to main...\n"); *main_addr = 0xABCD; printf("cons = %x\n", *main_addr); }
$ gcc entry_point.c -o entry_point $ ./entry_point main = e5894855 writing to main... [1] 2848 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./entry_point

Read-only too. Makes sense that they’re in the same area then!

What if we store some x86 binary in a constant? Since it seems to be in the same area as main, maybe it’ll execute from there?

We know that this assembly:

xor rdi, rdi mov eax, 0x3c syscall

Corresponds to this in binary:

4831FF B83C000000 0F05

So we can do this:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> const char *instructions = "\x48\x31\xFF\xB8\x3C\x00\x00\x00\x0F\x05"; int main() { printf(" main @ %p\n", &main); printf("instructions @ %p\n", instructions); void (*f)(void) = (void*) instructions; printf("jumping...\n"); f(); printf("after jump\b"); }
$ gcc entry_point.c -o entry_point $ ./entry_point main @ 0x5648dfe6d149 instructions @ 0x5648dfe6e004 jumping... [1] 3978 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./entry_point

Well, that still doesn’t work. Apparently 0x1000 bytes make all the difference.

At this point, we have a pretty strong suspicion that all memory is not, in fact, the same, and that we have different memory areas with different.. permissions?

Maybe there’s a way to inspect that at runtime, let’s do some research… mhh, what do we have here:

Name pmap - report memory map of a process Synopsis pmap [ -x | -d ] [ -q ] pids... pmap -V Description The pmap command reports the memory map of a process or processes.


Our programs are too short-lived though - we won’t have time to run pmap before they exit. We could get them to sleep or wait for user input… or we could just use gdb!

$ gdb ./entry_point (gdb) starti Starting program: /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point Program stopped. 0x00007ffff7fd4100 in _start () from /lib64/ (gdb) info proc process 4086 cmdline = '/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point' cwd = '/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples' exe = '/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point'

So now, if we run pmap on process 4086

$ pmap 4086 4086: /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point 0000555555554000 4K r---- entry_point 0000555555555000 4K r-x-- entry_point 0000555555556000 4K r---- entry_point 0000555555557000 8K rw--- entry_point 00007ffff7fce000 12K r---- [ anon ] 00007ffff7fd1000 4K r-x-- [ anon ] 00007ffff7fd2000 8K r---- 00007ffff7fd4000 124K r-x-- 00007ffff7ff3000 32K r---- 00007ffff7ffc000 8K rw--- 00007ffff7ffe000 4K rw--- [ anon ] 00007ffffffde000 132K rw--- [ stack ] ffffffffff600000 4K --x-- [ anon ] total 348K

We were right!

I recognize our 0x55555555.... addresses, and our 00007ffff7f..... addresses from before. And there are permissions!

Let’s keep running the program in GDB:

(gdb) c Continuing. main @ 0x555555555149 instructions @ 0x555555556004 jumping... Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0000555555556004 in ?? ()


  • main is in the 0x0000555555555000 4K area, which is r+x (readable and executable)
  • instructions is in the 0000555555556000 4K area, which is r (readable, but not executable)

This explains everything! I think! Thanks cool bear!

Cool bear Cool Bear's hot tip

You’re welcome, pay it forward.

We can see in pmap’s output that those areas have entry_point as a value in the Mapping column. And that makes sense! The executable is mapped directly in memory - we discussed this in Reading files the hard way - Part 2.

I’m not super fond of the way pmap shows this information though. Maybe we can find another way to get it?

$ man 5 proc (cut) /proc/[pid]/maps A file containing the currently mapped memory regions and their access permissions. See mmap(2) for some further information about memory mappings.

That looks promising, let’s give it a shot!

$ cat /proc/4086/maps address perms offset dev inode pathname 555555554000-555555555000 r--p 00000000 08:01 3291229 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point 555555555000-555555556000 r-xp 00001000 08:01 3291229 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point 555555556000-555555557000 r--p 00002000 08:01 3291229 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point 555555557000-555555558000 r--p 00002000 08:01 3291229 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point 555555558000-555555559000 rw-p 00003000 08:01 3291229 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point 555555559000-55555557a000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap] 7ffff7dcb000-7ffff7df0000 r--p 00000000 08:01 800108 /usr/lib/ 7ffff7df0000-7ffff7f3d000 r-xp 00025000 08:01 800108 /usr/lib/ 7ffff7f3d000-7ffff7f87000 r--p 00172000 08:01 800108 /usr/lib/ 7ffff7f87000-7ffff7f88000 ---p 001bc000 08:01 800108 /usr/lib/ 7ffff7f88000-7ffff7f8b000 r--p 001bc000 08:01 800108 /usr/lib/ 7ffff7f8b000-7ffff7f8e000 rw-p 001bf000 08:01 800108 /usr/lib/ 7ffff7f8e000-7ffff7f94000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 7ffff7fce000-7ffff7fd1000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 [vvar] 7ffff7fd1000-7ffff7fd2000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0 [vdso] 7ffff7fd2000-7ffff7fd4000 r--p 00000000 08:01 795305 /usr/lib/ 7ffff7fd4000-7ffff7ff3000 r-xp 00002000 08:01 795305 /usr/lib/ 7ffff7ff3000-7ffff7ffb000 r--p 00021000 08:01 795305 /usr/lib/ 7ffff7ffc000-7ffff7ffd000 r--p 00029000 08:01 795305 /usr/lib/ 7ffff7ffd000-7ffff7ffe000 rw-p 0002a000 08:01 795305 /usr/lib/ 7ffff7ffe000-7ffff7fff000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 7ffffffde000-7ffffffff000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [stack] ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 --xp 00000000 00:00 0 [vsyscall]

Interesting - there’s a device number and an inode number in there. We can use ls to check that we’re indeed talking about the same file:

$ ls -i ./entry_point 3291229 ./entry_point

It is!

So, the file is mapped.. and then a process is created with multiple memory mappings, and then it’s started. All good so far.

Quick question: what happens if we remove the file that’s currently mapped?

Right now, we can use debugfs to print the path of the file that corresponds to inode 3291229:

$ sudo debugfs -R "ncheck 3291229" /dev/sda1 debugfs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019) Inode Pathname 3291229 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point

What if we remove it?

$ rm entry_point

Huh, that worked. What do the memory maps look like now?

$ cat /proc/4086/maps | head -3 555555554000-555555555000 r--p 00000000 08:01 3291229 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point (deleted) 555555555000-555555556000 r-xp 00001000 08:01 3291229 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point (deleted) 555555556000-555555557000 r--p 00002000 08:01 3291229 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/entry_point (deleted)

Still the same! But the kernel knows (the kernel always knows) that the file was deleted.

So, if we compile entry_point.c again:

$ gcc entry_point.c -o entry_point $ ls -i ./entry_point 3291247 ./entry_point

It gets a different inode! And if we fire off a second gdb instance on the new executable and compare their mappings, we get:

$ diff --unified /proc/{4086,5199}/maps | bat

Cool bear Cool Bear's hot tip

In at least bash and zsh (and probably others), the a{b,c,d}e syntax is expanded to abe ace ade.

The bat utility is a Rust reimagining of the cat utility, which you can grab with cargo install bat. We use it here only for color.

So that’s how it’s legal to delete an executable that is currently running under Linux. The same thing is way illegal on Windows. Renaming a running Windows executable is okay though. I guess their memory mapping strategy is different!

Back to our regularly-scheduled instruction fiddling. So we have the right instructions in memory, but we need to make that memory executable. Just like we need to chmod +x a file before running it from the shell or something.

We can do that with mprotect:

$ man mprotect NAME mprotect — set protection of memory mapping SYNOPSIS #include <sys/mman.h> int mprotect(void *addr, size_t len, int prot);

So far so good - an address, a length, and some flags. We’ve got PROT_READ, PROT_WRITE, and PROT_EXEC. Like a good Unix C function, it returns 0 on success, -1 on error.

Cool bear Cool Bear's hot tip

In C, size_t is an integral data type (ie., it stores integers) of the same bit-width as a pointer. So, on 32-bit, size_t is 4 bytes, on 64-bit, size_t is 8 bytes.

C has size_t (unsigned) and ssize_t (signed), Rust has usize and isize.

Cool, let’s get going:

// in `elk/samples/entry_point.c` #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <errno.h> const char *instructions = "\x48\x31\xFF\xB8\x3C\x00\x00\x00\x0F\x05"; const size_t instructions_len = 10; int main() { printf(" main @ %p\n", &main); printf("instructions @ %p\n", instructions); printf("making instructions executable...\n"); int ret = mprotect( (void*) instructions, // addr instructions_len, // len PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC // prot ); if (ret != 0) { printf("mprotect failed: error %d\n", errno); return 1; } void (*f)(void) = (void*) instructions; printf("jumping...\n"); f(); printf("after jump\b"); }

Now this is starting to look like a real C program, low-cost error handling and all.

$ gcc entry_point.c -o entry_point $ ./entry_point ./entry_point main @ 0x55f68b710169 instructions @ 0x55f68b711008 making instructions executable... mprotect failed: error 22

Ah. Error 22 happens to be EINVAL, and mprotect’s man page notes:

ERRORS (cut) The mprotect() function may fail if: EINVAL The addr argument is not a multiple of the page size as returned by sysconf().

Page size eh. Okay, I’ll byte. I mean bite! Let’s assume pages are 4KiB - because that’s what they usually end up being unless large pages is enabled (we saw that in “Reading files the hard way”), that means we need our address to end in 000.

It’s time… for some bit manipulation.

If we have a bit string, like so;


We can use the binary NOT operator on it, and get:

~ 101011110000 -------------- = 010100001111

All the bits were flipped!

We can also binary AND two bit strings, like so:

11110000 & 10101010 ---------- = 10100000

So, what we want to do is take an address and strip the 3 rightmost nibbles.

Cool bear Cool Bear's hot tip

A nibble is the extremely cute name for a half-byte.

Remember that bytes are represented with two hexadecimal characters, like so: 00, FF, etc. A nibble is represented with only one!

We have: 0x55f68b711008 We want: 0x55f68b711000

The binary AND operation is essentially “keep only the bits set in both operands”, so if we had something like:

// we're using hexadecimal notation now, // we were using binary notation before. 55F68B711008 & FFFFFFFFF000 (this value is called a mask) -------------- 55F68B711000 ^^^ those are all zero now

But I don’t want to write a value like 0xFFFFFFFFF000 by hand. That’s too many Fs! Even when writing the explanation, I didn’t feel like it - I just used vim visual mode and replace commands to make sure everything aligned right.

I’m also fairly sure it’s not the correct mask anyway. The correct mask on 32-bit would be 0xFFFF_F000 - eight nibbles, four bytes, 32 bits - and the correct mask on 64-bit would be 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_F000 - sixteen nibbles, eight bytes, 64 bits.

So, we got it wrong. And even though, as mentioned previously, we don’t care at all about ELF32, we still care about writing as few Fs as possible. However, we can simply take 0xFFF and inverse it with a binary NOT - and then we’ll get the proper mask.

Thus, we get:

55F68B711008 & ~ FFF ------------------ 55F68B711008 & FFFFFFFFFFFFF000 ------------------ 55F68B711000

Awesome! Let’s put all that into practice, shall we:

// in `elk/samples/entry_point.c` #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <errno.h> const char *instructions = "\x48\x31\xFF\xB8\x3C\x00\x00\x00\x0F\x05"; int main() { printf(" main @ %p\n", &main); printf("instructions @ %p\n", instructions); size_t region = (size_t) instructions; region = region & (~0xFFF); printf(" page @ %p\n", region); printf("making page executable...\n"); int ret = mprotect( (void*) region, // addr 0x1000, // len - now the size of a page (4KiB) PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC // prot ); if (ret != 0) { printf("mprotect failed: error %d\n", errno); return 1; } void (*f)(void) = (void*) instructions; printf("jumping...\n"); f(); printf("after jump\b"); }
$ gcc entry_point.c entry_point $ ./entry_point main @ 0x564b8c654169 instructions @ 0x564b8c655004 page @ 0x564b8c655000 making page executable... jumping... $

It didn’t segfault! IT DIDN’T SEGFAULT! Let’s walk through it with ugdb:

$ ugdb ./entry_point (gdb) catch syscall exit (gdb) start (gdb) c (for some reason, there was a temporary breakpoint somewhere else) Catchpoint 1 (call to syscall exit) (gdb) bt #0 0x000055555555600e in ?? () #1 0x0000555555555238 in main ()

Everything seems in order! main did call our code, which doesn’t correspond to any known symbol, so GDB just shows it as ??.

The disassembly panel (top-left) shows garbage, because the catchpoint stopped execution right after the syscall instruction. It’s trying to make sense of whatever data happens to be after our instructions constant, as if it was code.



And now, the real thing

It’s time to execute a real ELF file. But first - we’ve seen that parts of the executable are mapped into memory. How does the OS know which parts to map where, which ones to make executable, etc.?

Thanks to… program headers.

Remember in our ELF header diagram from last time we had fields like “Program header offset”, “Number of program headers” and “Size of program header entry”?

Ok, I’ll pull it up - it’s the “Section header fields” bits here:

Well, in the ELF file, at the proper offset, there’s a bunch of “program headers”, and they all look like this:

I’ll confess - I made that diagram pretty early on, when I was still writing the previous article. And it didn’t fully click until I wrote this entire article.

Now that we’ve examined the memory map for a running process, and messed with it in a bunch of ways, every field on that diagram makes sense. Except for physical address, which I’m fairly sure is deprecated?

Let’s get parsing!

I won’t re-explain any of the parsing tricks we saw in the previous article - feel free to go back to it for reference.

// in `delf/src/` #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, TryFromPrimitive)] #[repr(u32)] pub enum SegmentType { Null = 0x0, Load = 0x1, Dynamic = 0x2, Interp = 0x3, Note = 0x4, } impl_parse_for_enum!(SegmentType, le_u32);

We’ll only need one additional trick - just like we used derive-try-from-primitive for enums, we’ll use enumflags2 for bitflags for which each flag is an enum variant.

$ cd delf/ $ cargo add enumflags2@0.6 Adding enumflags2 v0.6.4 to dependencies

Usage is simple enough. If we derive BitFlags on an enum with an integer representation, like so:

// in `delf/src/` use enumflags2::*; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, BitFlags)] #[repr(u32)] pub enum SegmentFlag { Execute = 0x1, Write = 0x2, Read = 0x4, }

Then we can use the enumflags2::BitFlags<SegmentFlag> type as… a set of flags, that we can OR (|) and AND (&) and NOT (!). There’s also a from_bits method that maps the integer value to our Rust type, and a bits method to convert back to the integer value:

#[cfg(test)] mod tests { #[test] fn try_bitflag() { use super::SegmentFlag; use enumflags2::BitFlags; // this is a value we could've read straight from an ELF file let flags_integer: u32 = 6; // this is how we parse it. in practice, it's less verbose, // because of type inference. let flags = BitFlags::<SegmentFlag>::from_bits(flags_integer).unwrap(); assert_eq!(flags, SegmentFlag::Read | SegmentFlag::Write); assert_eq!(flags.bits(), flags_integer); // this does not correspond to any flags assert!(BitFlags::<SegmentFlag>::from_bits(1992).is_err()); } }

Just like for non-bitflag enums before, we’ll make a macro to help parse bitflags:

// in `delf/src/` #[macro_export] macro_rules! impl_parse_for_enumflags { ($type: ident, $number_parser: ident) => { impl $type { pub fn parse(i: parse::Input) -> parse::Result<enumflags2::BitFlags<Self>> { use nom::{ combinator::map_res, error::{context, ErrorKind}, number::complete::$number_parser, }; let parser = map_res($number_parser, |x| { enumflags2::BitFlags::<Self>::from_bits(x).map_err(|_| ErrorKind::Alt) }); context(stringify!($type), parser)(i) } } }; }

It’s very similar to our previous macro, except we return a BitFlags<Self>.

And now we can invoke it on SegmentFlag, and define our ProgramHeader struct:

// in `delf/src/` impl_parse_for_enumflags!(SegmentFlag, le_u32); pub struct ProgramHeader { pub r#type: SegmentType, pub flags: BitFlags<SegmentFlag>, pub offset: Addr, pub vaddr: Addr, pub paddr: Addr, pub filesz: Addr, pub memsz: Addr, pub align: Addr, pub data: Vec<u8>, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct File { // omitted: existing fields pub program_headers: Vec<ProgramHeader>, }
Cool bear Cool Bear's hot tip

Why own a copy of data if it’s already in the input?

Well, this way the returned delf::File isn’t tied to the lifetime of the input, and, who knows, maybe we can change the contents of segments later…

We can also implement a neat little Debug formatter:

// in `delf/src/` use std::ops::Range; impl ProgramHeader { /** * File range where the segment is stored */ pub fn file_range(&self) -> Range<Addr> { self.offset..self.offset + self.filesz } /** * Memory range where the segment is mapped */ pub fn mem_range(&self) -> Range<Addr> { self.vaddr..self.vaddr + self.memsz } } impl fmt::Debug for ProgramHeader { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "file {:?} | mem {:?} | align {:?} | {} {:?}", self.file_range(), self.mem_range(), self.align, // the default Debug formatter for `enumflags2` is a bit // on the verbose side, let's print something like `RWX` instead &[ (SegmentFlag::Read, "R"), (SegmentFlag::Write, "W"), (SegmentFlag::Execute, "X") ] .iter() .map(|&(flag, letter)| { if self.flags.contains(flag) { letter } else { "." } }) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join(""), self.r#type, ) } }

Next up, we need to solve a tiny little problem - so far we’ve been parsing the ELF file from start to finish. But the program headers may be anywhere - we need to be reading from the specific offset in the ELF header.

Since our input is a slice, we can simply use sub-slicing syntax:

// in `delf/src/` impl File { // note: there are some fields we don't store or use for now, so let's // quiet down that warning for a moment. #[allow(unused_variables)] pub fn parse(i: parse::Input) -> parse::Result<Self> { let full_input = i; // omitted: rest of parser use nom::{combinator::map, number::complete::le_u16}; // some values are stored as u16 to save storage, but they're actually // file offsets, or counts, so we want them as `usize` in rust. let u16_usize = map(le_u16, |x| x as usize); // ph = program header, sh = section header let (i, (ph_offset, sh_offset)) = tuple((Addr::parse, Addr::parse))(i)?; let (i, (flags, hdr_size)) = tuple((le_u32, le_u16))(i)?; let (i, (ph_entsize, ph_count)) = tuple((&u16_usize, &u16_usize))(i)?; let (i, (sh_entsize, sh_count, sh_nidx)) = tuple((&u16_usize, &u16_usize, &u16_usize))(i)?; // `chunks()` divides a slice into chunks of equal size - perfect, as we know the entry size. let ph_slices = (&full_input[ph_offset.into()..]).chunks(ph_entsize); let mut program_headers = Vec::new(); for ph_slice in ph_slices.take(ph_count) { let (_, ph) = ProgramHeader::parse(full_input, ph_slice)?; program_headers.push(ph); } let res = Self { machine, r#type, entry_point, program_headers, }; Ok((i, res)) } }

All that’s left is to implement ProgramHeader::parse

// in `delf/src/` impl ProgramHeader { fn parse<'a>(full_input: parse::Input<'_>, i: parse::Input<'a>) -> parse::Result<'a, Self> { use nom::sequence::tuple; let (i, (r#type, flags)) = tuple((SegmentType::parse, SegmentFlag::parse))(i)?; let ap = Addr::parse; let (i, (offset, vaddr, paddr, filesz, memsz, align)) = tuple((ap, ap, ap, ap, ap, ap))(i)?; let res = Self { r#type, flags, offset, vaddr, paddr, filesz, memsz, align, // `to_vec()` turns a slice into an owned Vec (this works because u8 is Clone+Copy) data: full_input[offset.into()..][..filesz.into()].to_vec(), }; Ok((i, res)) } }

I want to talk about the double sub-slicing trick we just used above for a minute.

When we have a start and a length, we’d normally have to write this:

let sub = &full[start..start+length];

However, we can just as well write this:

let sub = &full[start..][..length];

And then we don’t have to add anything, or mention start twice. It’s particularly handy here because our start has to be converted from an Addr into an usize.

Alright! Does any of this even work?

Again, we can use elk to check - since it’s always going to build with our latest delf changes, as it refers to it by path.

$ cargo b -q && ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello cargo b -q && ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello Analyzing "./samples/hello"... File { type: Exec, machine: X86_64, entry_point: 00401000, program_headers: [ file 00000000..000000e8 | mem 00400000..004000e8 | align 00001000 | R.. Load, file 00001000..00001025 | mem 00401000..00401025 | align 00001000 | R.X Load, file 00002000..00002009 | mem 00402000..00402009 | align 00001000 | RW. Load, ], } Disassembling "./samples/hello"... (cut)

Works pretty nicely! We can see that samples/hello is mapped pretty simply in memory - three contiguous 4KiB sections mapped with different access rights: first read-only, then read+execute, then read+write.

That means we don’t need to hardcode the disassembly address anymore. Where we had:

// in `elk/src/` // in `main()` println!("Disassembling {:?}...", input_path); let code = &input[0x1000..]; let code = &code[..std::cmp::min(0x25, code.len())]; ndisasm(code)?;

We can simply have:

// in `elk/src/` // in `main()` println!("Disassembling {:?}...", input_path); let code_ph = file .program_headers .iter() .find(|ph| ph.mem_range().contains(&file.entry_point)) .expect("segment with entry point not found"); ndisasm(&[..], file.entry_point)?; // (let's forget about executing for a second) Ok(())

Above, I’ve added an offset parameter to the ndisasm() function so that the addresses displayed in the disassembly are accurate:

// in `elk/src/` fn ndisasm(code: &[u8], origin: delf::Addr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { use std::{ io::Write, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; let mut child = Command::new("ndisasm") .arg("-b") .arg("64") .arg("-o") .arg(format!("{}", origin.0)) .arg("-") .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn()?; child.stdin.as_mut().unwrap().write_all(code)?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout)); Ok(()) }

Let’s give it a shot:

$ cargo b -q && ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello Analyzing "./samples/hello"... File { type: Exec, machine: X86_64, entry_point: 00401000, program_headers: [ file 00000000..000000e8 | mem 00400000..004000e8 | align 00001000 | R.. Load, file 00001000..00001025 | mem 00401000..00401025 | align 00001000 | R.X Load, file 00002000..00002009 | mem 00402000..00402009 | align 00001000 | RW. Load, ], } Disassembling "./samples/hello"... 00401000 BF01000000 mov edi,0x1 00401005 48BE002040000000 mov rsi,0x402000 -0000 0040100F BA09000000 mov edx,0x9 00401014 B801000000 mov eax,0x1 00401019 0F05 syscall 0040101B 4831FF xor rdi,rdi 0040101E B83C000000 mov eax,0x3c 00401023 0F05 syscall


Now let’s execute it. We know from earlier that before we do that, we must make the memory executable. In C, we used mprotect to do it.

Now, there is a libc crate that does contain mprotect, and the relevant PROT_ constants… but that’s no fun! We already did the low-level drudgery once. Right now, I want something nice in my life.

A cozy, safe abstraction.

And we can have that! The region crate allows us to do exactly that (and in a cross-platform manner, to boot).

$ cargo add region@2 Adding region v2.2.0 to dependencies
// in `elk/src/` // in `main()` println!("Executing {:?} in memory...", input_path); use region::{protect, Protection}; let code = &; unsafe { protect(code.as_ptr(), code.len(), Protection::READ_WRITE_EXECUTE)?; } let entry_offset = file.entry_point - code_ph.vaddr; let entry_point = unsafe { code.as_ptr().add(entry_offset.into()) }; println!(" code @ {:?}", code.as_ptr()); println!("entry offset @ {:?}", entry_offset); println!("entry point @ {:?}", entry_point); unsafe { jmp(entry_point); } Ok(())

Alright. Well.

This is it right? We can run the executable without exec? We did the thing?

Let’s find out.

$ cargo b -q && ./target/debug/elk samples/hello Analyzing "samples/hello"... File { type: Exec, machine: X86_64, entry_point: 00401000, program_headers: [ file 00000000..000000e8 | mem 00400000..004000e8 | align 00001000 | R.. Load, file 00001000..00001025 | mem 00401000..00401025 | align 00001000 | R.X Load, file 00002000..00002009 | mem 00402000..00402009 | align 00001000 | RW. Load, ], } Disassembling "samples/hello"... 00401000 BF01000000 mov edi,0x1 00401005 48BE002040000000 mov rsi,0x402000 -0000 0040100F BA09000000 mov edx,0x9 00401014 B801000000 mov eax,0x1 00401019 0F05 syscall 0040101B 4831FF xor rdi,rdi 0040101E B83C000000 mov eax,0x3c 00401023 0F05 syscall Executing "samples/hello" in memory... code @ 0x561828e69000 entry offset @ 00000000 entry point @ 0x561828e69000


I’m pretty sure hello was supposed to print something.

$ ./samples/hello hi there

Yes, yes, it was. What the heck is happening. We didn’t even get a segfault!

Is it even running our code? Let’s use ugdb to find out:

$ ugdb ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello (gdb) break jmp (gdb) start

So far so good. Does it actually jump to the right place?

(gdb) stepi (gdb) stepi

It does!

But it.. doesn’t… print “hi there”.

We got more detective work to do.

Comment on /r/fasterthanlime

Thanks to my sponsors: Daniel Wagner-Hall, Sindre Johansen, Mike English, Matt Jadczak, Thor Kamphefner, Mark Tomlin, compwhizii, James Brown, SeniorMars, Josiah Bull, Marty Penner, Rufus Cable, Ian McLinden, Paul Marques Mota, Matt Jackson, Cass, Andronik, David E Disch, Jacob Cheriathundam, Daniel Papp and 266 more

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Here's another article just for you:

Futures Nostalgia

Up until recently, hyper was my favorite Rust HTTP framework. It’s low-level, but that gives you a lot of control over what happens.

Here’s what a sample hyper application would look like:

$ cargo new nostalgia Created binary (application) `nostalgia` package
$ cd nostalgia $ cargo add hyper@0.14 --features "http1 tcp server" Updating '' index Adding hyper v0.14 to dependencies with features: ["http1", "tcp", "server"] $ cargo add tokio@1 --features "full" Updating '' index Adding tokio v1 to dependencies with features: ["full"]