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Articles are single-page pieces that give a whirlwind tour of a specific topic.

They're different from series, which go very in-depth, taking many detours.

🗓️ August 2024
State of the fasterthanlime 2024

It's time for some personal and professional news!

TL;DR: I started a podcast with James, I'm stable on antidepressants, I'm giving a P99 CONF about my Rust/io_uring/HTTP work, I'm trying on "they/them" as pronouns, I'm open-sourcing merde_json, rubicon and others, I got a divorce in 2023, I found a new business model.

🗓️ April 2024
EuroRust welcomes independent workers

Update: EuroRust introduces a freelancer ticket

I'm happy to report that the EuroRust organizers have listened, and they've come up with a solution.

🗓️ March 2024
Face cams: the missing guide

I try to avoid doing "meta" / "behind the scenes" stuff, because I usually feel like it has to be "earned". How many YouTube channels are channels about making YouTube videos? Too many.

🗓️ October 2023
Just paying Figma $15/month because nothing else fucking works

My family wasn't poor by any stretch of the imagination, but I was raised to avoid spending money whenever possible.

🗓️ July 2023
Cracking Electron apps open

I use the draw.io desktop app to make diagrams for my website. I run it on an actual desktop, like Windows or macOS, but the asset pipeline that converts .drawio files, to .pdf, to .svg, and then to .svg again (but smaller) runs on Linux.

🗓️ May 2023
The RustConf Keynote Fiasco, explained


At some point in this article, I discuss The Rust Foundation. I have received a $5000 grant from them in 2023 for making educational articles and videos about Rust.

Rust: The wrong people are resigning

(Note: this was originally posted as a gist)

Reassuring myself about Rust

Up until recently, I was part of two private online discussion spaces where a bunch of Rust people hung out.

🗓️ February 2023
The bottom emoji breaks rust-analyzer

Some bugs are merely fun. Others are simply delicious!

Today's pick is the latter.

Reproducing the issue, part 1

(It may be tempting to skip that section, but reproducing an issue is an important part of figuring it out, so.)

🗓️ January 2023
Twitch fell behind

So you want to do live streams. Are you sure? Okay. Let's talk about it.

Let's talk numbers

Being a "content creator" (sorry for those who hate that term) is a job, for sure, and many people do it, successfully, full-time, they pay rent with it etc.

🗓️ November 2022
Becoming fasterthanlime full-time

As of today, I am no longer employed by fly.io.

We're both very sad, and we've promised to stay friends and send postcards to each other over winter break. (I'm excited, too — Annie makes great postcards)