Implementing "Log in with GitHub"
👋 This page was last updated ~2 years ago. Just so you know.
Thanks to my sponsors: Adam Gutglick, avborhanian, Daniel Papp, Justin Ossevoort, Dom, Nyefan, Kamran Khan, Xirvik Servers, Timothée Gerber, Walther, Jesse Luehrs, Malik Bougacha, Hadrien G., Johnathan Pagnutti, Mathias Brossard, Jim, Valentin Mariette, Jean Manguy, Paul Schuberth, Cole Kurkowski and 266 more
Because I started accepting donations via GitHub Sponsors, and because donating at the “Silver” tier or above gives you advance access to articles and your name in the credits, I need to interface with the GitHub API the same way I do the Patreon API.
Because I’d rather rely on third-party identity providers than provide my own
sign up / log in / password forgotten / 2FA flow, user identifiers on my website
are simply {provider}:{provider_specific_user_id}
$ just psql-dev
docker compose exec db psql -U user futile
psql (14.3 (Debian 14.3-1.pgdg110+1))
Type "help" for help.
futile=# select * from user_preferences limit 1;
id | data
patreon:47556 | {"theme":"device","ligatures":false}
(1 row)
That seems pretty extensible! Sort of!
Doing OAuth 2.0 by hand, because why not
Adding GitHub login was an experience in “finding out what they did different”. GitHub, for example, has several kinds of apps: it has “GitHub Apps”, which can be installed onto projects/organizations, and are definitely not what I wanted. And it has “OAuth Apps”, your regular OAuth 2.0 thingamaji.
Back in the bad old days, we had to implement OAuth 1.0, which came with its own signature scheme, essentially HMAC-SHA1 of the “signature base string”, which included the request method, the authority, the path and query components, the protocol parameters, and parameters included in the request entity-body.
It was very thorny, and super easy to get wrong. OAuth 2.0 in comparison is an absolute breeze, as you’ll see.
The OAuth part didn’t really come with any surprises. Although there are existing OAuth libraries for Rust, I have my own code for Patreon, and adjusting it for GitHub was rather easy.
/// Redirects to GitHub login URL
pub fn make_github_login_url(config: &Config) -> Result<String, GithubError> {
let github_secrets = config.github_secrets();
let mut u = Url::parse("").unwrap();
let mut q = u.query_pairs_mut();
q.append_pair("response_type", "code");
q.append_pair("client_id", &github_secrets.oauth_client_id);
q.append_pair("redirect_uri", &github_secrets.oauth_redirect_uri);
q.append_pair("scope", "read:user,read:org");
Boom, done.
Well, not really — that’ll let us redirect a user to the GitHub login page, but then we need to handle the callback, wherein we exchange a temporary code against an access token.
And in there, due to how everything is set up, we need to make a request to the GitHub API to fetch profile information.
And here, there’s big differences.
First off… GitHub access tokens for OAuth apps don’t expire? Or if they do… there’s no mechanism to refresh them, unlike… every other OAuth 2.0 implementation I’ve had the pleasure of consuming? “Github Apps” tokens can get refreshed though. Ah well.
Second, when exchanging the code for a token, Patreon defaults to a JSON response, so this works fine:
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct PatreonCredentials {
/// example: "ajba90sd098w0e98f0w9e8g90a8ed098wgfae_w"
pub access_token: String,
/// example: "ajba90sd098w0e98f0w9e8g90a8ed098wgfae_w"
pub refresh_token: String,
/// example: 2678400 (31 days)
pub expires_in: i64,
/// example: "identity identity.memberships"
pub scope: String,
/// Request an access token
pub async fn handle_patreon_oauth_callback(
config: &Config,
query: &Query,
) -> Result<PatreonCredentials> {
pub struct QueryParams {
pub code: String,
let params: QueryParams = query
.map_err(|e| PatreonError::Any(format!("while deserializing: {}", e)))?;
struct TokenRequestBody<'a> {
code: &'a str,
grant_type: &'a str,
client_id: &'a str,
client_secret: &'a str,
redirect_uri: &'a str,
let patreon_secrets = config.patreon_secrets();
let tok_params = TokenRequestBody {
code: ¶ms.code,
grant_type: "authorization_code",
client_id: &patreon_secrets.oauth_client_id,
client_secret: &patreon_secrets.oauth_client_secret,
redirect_uri: &patreon_secrets.oauth_redirect_uri,
let client = Client::new();
let res = client
.map_err(|e| PatreonError::Any(e.to_string()))?;
let status = res.status();
if !status.is_success() {
let error = res
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "Could not get error text".into());
return Err(
PatreonError::Any(format!("got HTTP {}, server said: {}", status, error)).into(),
let creds: PatreonCredentials = res
.map_err(|e| PatreonError::Any(e.to_string()))?;
But on GitHub, it defaults to url-encoding! So you have to request JSON explicitly:
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct GithubCredentials {
/// example: "ajba90sd098w0e98f0w9e8g90a8ed098wgfae_w"
pub access_token: String,
/// example: "read:user"
pub scope: String,
/// example: "bearer"
pub token_type: String,
/// Request an access token
pub async fn handle_github_oauth_callback(
config: &Config,
query: &Query,
) -> Result<GithubCredentials> {
pub struct QueryParams {
pub code: String,
let params: QueryParams = query
.map_err(|e| GithubError::Any(format!("while deserializing: {}", e)))?;
struct TokenRequestBody<'a> {
code: &'a str,
client_id: &'a str,
client_secret: &'a str,
redirect_uri: &'a str,
let github_secrets = config.github_secrets();
let tok_params = TokenRequestBody {
code: ¶ms.code,
client_id: &github_secrets.oauth_client_id,
client_secret: &github_secrets.oauth_client_secret,
redirect_uri: &github_secrets.oauth_redirect_uri,
let client = Client::new();
let res = client
// need to opt explicitly into JSON here
.header(header::ACCEPT, "application/json")
.map_err(|e| GithubError::Any(e.to_string()))?;
let status = res.status();
if !status.is_success() {
let error = res
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "Could not get error text".into());
return Err(
GithubError::Any(format!("got HTTP {}, server said: {}", status, error)).into(),
// reqwest provides `res.json()` instead, but in case of deserialization
// failure, it doesn't show you the payload. doing it in two steps makes
// for easier troubleshooting.
let creds = res
.map_err(|e| GithubError::Any(e.to_string()))?;
let creds: GithubCredentials = serde_json::from_str(&creds)
.map_err(|e| GithubError::Any(format!("while deserializing {creds}: {}", e)))?;
Once we’ve got an access token, we want to save it to the database immediately, not a big problem with sqlx
let github_id = fut_creds.user_info.profile.github_id()?;
INSERT INTO github_credentials
(github_id, data) VALUES
($1, $2)
ON CONFLICT (github_id) DO UPDATE SET data = $2
I am not fond of JSON:API
And then we reach another difference. Patreon’s API (which seems to be in “maintenance mode” and which could disappear any day now, definitely the kind of news you want to hear about your primary income source) uses JSON:API, which essentially provides a way to normalize data in API responses (avoiding duplication):
See the example payload they give:
"links": {
"self": "",
"next": "[offset]=2",
"last": "[offset]=10"
"data": [{
"type": "articles",
"id": "1",
"attributes": {
"title": "JSON:API paints my bikeshed!"
"relationships": {
"author": {
"links": {
"self": "",
"related": ""
"data": { "type": "people", "id": "9" }
"comments": {
"links": {
"self": "",
"related": ""
"data": [
{ "type": "comments", "id": "5" },
{ "type": "comments", "id": "12" }
"links": {
"self": ""
"included": [{
"type": "people",
"id": "9",
"attributes": {
"firstName": "Dan",
"lastName": "Gebhardt",
"twitter": "dgeb"
"links": {
"self": ""
}, {
"type": "comments",
"id": "5",
"attributes": {
"body": "First!"
"relationships": {
"author": {
"data": { "type": "people", "id": "2" }
"links": {
"self": ""
}, {
"type": "comments",
"id": "12",
"attributes": {
"body": "I like XML better"
"relationships": {
"author": {
"data": { "type": "people", "id": "9" }
"links": {
"self": ""
The data being queried here is an article, with id “1”, some attributes, and
relationships. .data[0]
doesn’t contain any information
about the author except their type (“people”) and ID (9). The actual information
can be found in .included[0]
, where we find attributes like firstName
, twitter
, etc.
This is sort of a neat, standard way to do this — it makes it easy to write clients that cache some records locally. They also make it possible (and Patreon’s v2 API does implement that) to request only a subset of fields, like so:
GET /articles?include=author&fields[articles]=title,body&fields[people]=name HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
I’m not sure how hard it is to take advantage of this to make the backend implementation more efficient (propagating field selection all the way to database queries, so it’s not just about saving network bandwidth).
Overall though, I’m not super fond of JSON:API. See the example above for example? It’s “simplified”:
Note: The above example URI shows unencoded
characters simply for readability. In practice, these characters should be percent-encoded. See “Square Brackets in Parameter Names”.
Much like OAuth 1.0, there’s a bunch of papercuts associated to JSON:API. I was able to use an existing crate, but still ended up writing my own extensions, for ergonomics:
// in `crates/futile-patreon/src/`
use eyre::Result;
use jsonapi::model::{DocumentData, Resource};
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use crate::PatreonError;
pub trait BetterDoc {
fn get_resource(&self, id: &str) -> Result<&Resource>;
impl BetterDoc for DocumentData {
fn get_resource(&self, id: &str) -> Result<&Resource> {
if let Some(resources) = self.included.as_ref() {
if let Some(resource) = resources.iter().find(|res| == id) {
return Ok(resource);
Err(PatreonError::Any(format!("Could not find resource {} in jsonapi doc", id)).into())
pub trait BetterResource {
fn get_single_relationship<'doc>(
doc: &'doc DocumentData,
name: &str,
) -> Result<&'doc Resource>;
fn get_multi_relationship<'doc>(
doc: &'doc DocumentData,
name: &str,
) -> Result<Vec<&'doc Resource>>;
fn get_attributes<T>(&self) -> Result<T>
T: DeserializeOwned;
impl BetterResource for Resource {
fn get_single_relationship<'doc>(
doc: &'doc DocumentData,
name: &str,
) -> Result<&'doc Resource> {
if let Some(relationship) = self.get_relationship(name) {
if let Ok(Some(id)) = relationship.as_id() {
return doc.get_resource(id);
"Could not get single relationship {} for {} in jsonapi doc",
name, self._type
fn get_multi_relationship<'doc>(
doc: &'doc DocumentData,
name: &str,
) -> Result<Vec<&'doc Resource>> {
if let Some(relationship) = self.get_relationship(name) {
if let Ok(Some(ids)) = relationship.as_ids() {
return ids.iter().map(|id| doc.get_resource(id)).collect();
"Could not get multi relationship {} for {} in jsonapi doc",
name, self._type
fn get_attributes<T>(&self) -> Result<T>
T: DeserializeOwned,
let val = serde_json::to_value(&self.attributes)?;
Wait, does this round-trip a HashMap<String, Value>
through JSON just to
deserialize it again as another type that implements Deserialize
Not quite. It builds a serde_json::Value
, which is then “mapped” to the
struct using serde_json
. No actual JSON was harmed generated in the making
of this code, it’s just JSON-shaped data structures.
Even with those helpers though, this isn’t pleasant code. Building the query URL isn’t pleasant:
let mut identity_url = Url::parse("")?;
let mut q = identity_url.query_pairs_mut();
let include = vec![
q.append_pair("include", &include);
q.append_pair("fields[member]", "patron_status");
q.append_pair("fields[user]", "full_name,thumb_url");
q.append_pair("fields[tier]", "title");
And extracting data from it isn’t pleasant either:
// there's two levels of error handling here: the `?` bubbles up "this
// was malformatted JSON", whereas the match takes care of the "server
// didn't like our request" case.
let doc: DocumentData = match serde_json::from_str::<JsonApiDocument>(&payload)? {
JsonApiDocument::Data(doc) => doc,
JsonApiDocument::Error(errors) => {
return Err(PatreonError::Any(format!("jsonapi errors: {:?}", errors)).into())
// Honestly not sure why this is optional, maybe the spec has the answer
let user = match & {
Some(PrimaryData::Single(user)) => user,
_ => return Err(PatreonError::Any("no top-level user resource".into()).into()),
let mut tier_title = None;
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct UserAttributes {
full_name: String,
thumb_url: String,
// this is fallible because it maps the fields we requested to the
// struct above, we do want to find out soon if they get out of sync
let user_attrs: UserAttributes = user.get_attributes()?;
let memberships = user.get_multi_relationship(&doc, "memberships")?;
'each_membership: for &membership in &memberships {
let campaign = membership.get_single_relationship(&doc, "campaign")?;
if !is_campaign_blessed(& {
// Why yes, this has an `has_many` relationship. I'm not sure
// when that would ever happen, but that's poorly modelled data
// for you.
let tiers = membership.get_multi_relationship(&doc, "currently_entitled_tiers")?;
if let Some(tier) = tiers.get(0) {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct TierAttributes {
title: String,
let tier_attrs: TierAttributes = tier.get_attributes()?;
tier_title = Some(tier_attrs.title);
break 'each_membership;
// just mapping to a non-Patreon-specific data structure (that ends up
// in the database), more on that later
let profile = Profile {
patreon_id: Some(,
github_id: None,
full_name: user_attrs.full_name,
thumb_url: user_attrs.thumb_url,
let res = if let Some(tier_title) = tier_title {
UserInfo {
tier: Some(Tier { title: tier_title }),
} else if is_user_blessed(& {
// I can't subscribe to my own Patreon campaign, so, there's some
// allowlisting going on here.
UserInfo {
tier: Some(Tier {
title: "Creator".into(),
} else {
UserInfo {
tier: None,
let fc = FutileCredentials {
expires_at: Utc::now() + patreon_refresh_interval(config),
user_info: res,
Doing GraphQL by hand because screw it
And I’m spending a lot of effort (and words) showing you what the JSON:API thing looks like because our next stop is GitHub’s take, which is GraphQL, which everyone loves to hate apparently?
Well I love to love it.
I have internalized the compromise and decided that it is good.
Except the part where everyone settled on JSON, preventing efficient binary
payloads and forcing big numbers like identifiers to be stringified, but this
too is a compromise and can be solved with more violence codegen.
Here’s the equivalent GitHub code.
First, in github_sponsorship_for_viewer.graphql
, I have:
query ($login: String!) {
viewer {
user(login: $login) {
sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor {
tier {
And then:
impl GithubCredentials {
pub async fn to_futile_credentials(&self) -> Result<(Self, FutileCredentials)> {
struct GraphqlQuery<'a> {
query: &'a str,
variables: serde_json::Value,
let query = include_str!("github_sponsorship_for_viewer.graphql");
let variables = if is_development() {
// just testing!
serde_json::json!({ "login": "gennyble" })
} else {
serde_json::json!({ "login": "fasterthanlime" })
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct GraphqlResponse {
data: GraphqlResponseData,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct GraphqlResponseData {
viewer: Viewer,
user: User,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct Viewer {
database_id: i32,
login: String,
name: Option<String>,
avatar_url: String,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct User {
sponsorship_for_viewer_as_sponsor: Option<Sponsorship>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct Sponsorship {
tier: Tier,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct Tier {
is_one_time: bool,
monthly_price_in_dollars: i32,
let client = Client::new();
let res = client
.header(header::USER_AGENT, "")
.header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")
.json(&GraphqlQuery { query, variables })
if !res.status().is_success() {
let status = res.status();
let error = res
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "Could not get error text".into());
return Err(
GithubError::Any(format!("got HTTP {}, server said: {}", status, error)).into(),
let response = res
.map_err(|e| GithubError::Any(e.to_string()))?;
let response: GraphqlResponse = serde_json::from_str(&response)
.map_err(|e| GithubError::Any(format!("while deserializing {response}: {}", e)))?;
info!("got response: {response:#?}");
let viewer = &;
let full_name: String =|| viewer.login.clone());
let fut_creds = FutileCredentials {
expires_at: Utc::now() + Duration::days(365),
user_info: UserInfo {
profile: Profile {
patreon_id: None,
github_id: Some(viewer.database_id.to_string()),
thumb_url: viewer.avatar_url.clone(),
tier: response
.and_then(|s| {
if s.tier.is_one_time {
return None;
match s.tier.monthly_price_in_dollars {
5 => Some(futile_credentials::Tier {
title: if is_development() { "Silver" } else { "Bronze" }.into(),
10 => Some(futile_credentials::Tier {
title: "Silver".into(),
50 => Some(futile_credentials::Tier {
title: "Gold".into(),
_ => None,
Ok((self.clone(), fut_creds))
Again, because I can’t be my own sponsor on GitHub and I had to test this code some way, I started sponsoring gennyble instead, and, in development, that’s what the code looks for.
For GraphQL too, there’s Rust crates: on the server side, there’s the excellent async-graphql, which I have used in other projects.
On the client side, there’s a varity of crates: I’ve used cynic before, and graphql_client seems very popular according to
But here’s the beauty of GraphQL: you don’t need to care about it if you don’t want to care about it (as a consumer).
After playing in the GitHub GraphQL Explorer for a bit, I had my two queries ready to go: the “as someone who just logged in, what level of access do I have?”, and the other, to fetch the list of sponsors so that it can be shown at the bottom of every post.
Listing sponsors: Patreon vs GitHub
That code is actually a nice comparison point for JSON:API vs GraphQL, so let’s take a look at the Patreon code:
async fn get_patreon_sponsors(
client: &reqwest::Client,
state: &ServerState,
) -> Result<HashSet<String>, Report> {
let mut credited_patrons: HashSet<String> = Default::default();
let credited_tiers: HashSet<String> = ["Silver", "Gold"]
.map(|x| x.to_string())
let patreon_credentials: PatreonCredentials = {
struct Row {
data: String,
let row: Row = sqlx::query_as(
FROM patreon_credentials
WHERE patreon_id = $1
.map_err(|e| eyre!("sqlx error: creator needs to log in with Patreon first: {e}"))?;
let (pat_creds, _fut_creds) = patreon_credentials
debug!("Using Patreon credentials for creator: {:#?}", pat_creds);
let mut api_url = Url::parse(&format!(
let mut q = api_url.query_pairs_mut();
q.append_pair("include", "currently_entitled_tiers");
q.append_pair("fields[member]", "full_name");
q.append_pair("fields[tier]", "title");
q.append_pair("page[size]", "100");
let mut api_url = api_url.to_string();
loop {
info!(%api_url, "Performing request to Patreon API");
let res = client
.header("user-agent", "futile 1.0")
let status = res.status();
if !status.is_success() {
return Err(eyre!("got HTTP {}", status));
let patreon_payload = res.text().await?;
trace!("Got patreon_payload: {}", patreon_payload);
let patreon_response: PatreonResponse = serde_json::from_str(&patreon_payload)?;
let mut tiers_per_id: HashMap<String, Tier> = Default::default();
for tier in patreon_response.included {
if let Item::Tier(tier) = tier {
tiers_per_id.insert(, tier);
for item in {
if let Item::Member(member) = item {
if let Some(full_name) = member.attributes.full_name.as_deref() {
if let Some(entitled) = member.rel("currently_entitled_tiers") {
for item_ref in {
let ItemRef::Tier(tier_id) = item_ref;
if let Some(tier) = tiers_per_id.get(& {
if let Some(title) = tier.attributes.title.as_deref() {
if credited_tiers.contains(title) {
} else {
trace!("Tier {title} not credited");
} else {
trace!("Tier for id {} not found",;
} else {
trace!("No currently_entitled_tiers for member: {}", full_name);
match patreon_response.links.and_then(|l| {
Some(next) => {
api_url = next;
None => break,
JSON:API has pagination built-in: you simply have a links
section with a
entry, so you only need to build the first page’s URL, that’s nice.
Everything else is kinda painful, to be honest: indirection through attributes
(which I’m sure other libraries abstract over, making it less aggravating),
having to denormalize the data yourself (by looking up related entities).
I like the idea of it, but not actually using it.
By way of comparison, here’s the GitHub version of the code:
async fn get_github_sponsors(
client: &reqwest::Client,
state: &ServerState,
) -> Result<HashSet<String>, Report> {
let mut credited_patrons: HashSet<String> = Default::default();
// same idea so far
let github_credentials: GithubCredentials = {
struct Row {
data: String,
let row: Row = sqlx::query_as(
FROM github_credentials
WHERE github_id = $1
.map_err(|e| eyre!("sqlx error: creator needs to log in with GitHub first: {e}"))?;
struct GraphqlQuery<'a> {
query: &'a str,
let query_template = r#"
viewer {
sponsors(${SPONSORS_PARAMS}) {
pageInfo {
nodes {
... on User {
sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable {
tier {
... on Organization {
sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable {
tier {
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct GraphqlResponse {
data: GraphqlResponseData,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct GraphqlResponseData {
viewer: Viewer,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct Viewer {
sponsors: Sponsors,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct Sponsors {
page_info: PageInfo,
nodes: Vec<Node>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct PageInfo {
end_cursor: Option<String>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct Node {
login: String,
name: Option<String>,
sponsorship_for_viewer_as_sponsorable: Option<SponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct SponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable {
// e.g. "PUBLIC" or "PRIVATE"
privacy_level: String,
tier: GithubTier,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct GithubTier {
monthly_price_in_dollars: Option<i32>,
is_one_time: bool,
let mut sponsors_param = "first: 100".to_string();
loop {
info!("Fetching GitHub page with sponsors_param({sponsors_param})");
let query = query_template.replace("${SPONSORS_PARAMS}", &sponsors_param);
let res = client
.header(header::USER_AGENT, "")
.header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")
.json(&GraphqlQuery { query: &query })
if !res.status().is_success() {
let status = res.status();
let error = res
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "Could not get error text".into());
return Err(color_eyre::eyre::eyre!(format!(
"got HTTP {}, server said: {}",
status, error
let res_raw: String = res.text().await?;
let res: GraphqlResponse = serde_json::from_str(&res_raw).map_err(|e| {
"could not deserialize GitHub API response: {res_raw}, error: {e}"
let viewer = &;
for sponsor in &viewer.sponsors.nodes {
if let Some(sponsorship) = sponsor.sponsorship_for_viewer_as_sponsorable.as_ref() {
if sponsorship.privacy_level != "PUBLIC" {
if sponsorship.tier.is_one_time {
if let Some(monthly_price_in_dollars) = sponsorship.tier.monthly_price_in_dollars {
if monthly_price_in_dollars < 10 {
let name =;
match viewer.sponsors.page_info.end_cursor.as_deref() {
Some(end_cursor) => {
sponsors_param = format!("first: 100, after: \"{}\"", end_cursor);
None => {
// all done!
Because the type of nodes
items is a union (User | Organization
), there’s a
bit of duplication on there. That could be alleviated with GraphQL fragments
probably, this can all be done a lot better, but again the point I’m belaboring
is that you don’t have to care about all that. You can just treat it as a JSON
endpoint tailored to exactly what you need, and deserialize it with
Pagination here is done as parameters passed to sponsors
, with opaque cursors.
Page size is limited to 100, which is a magical number everyone has decided is
the maximum their backend can handle before falling over, apparently.
The monthlyPriceInDollars
made me chuckle, as it’s very US-centric, but I
appreciated the thought that went into privacyLevel
: some folks want to
support me privately, so they don’t appear on my GitHub Sponsors
profile, but they should still have
access — so the first query (“what access do I have?”) doesn’t take it into
account, but the second query (“who should be credited at the bottom of posts?”)
A more flexible GraphQL API would let me filter directly by privacy level: maybe GitHub does allow that and I just looked in all the wrong places.
The rest of GitHub integration was just rewording a bunch of templates to be vocab-agnostic (using “sponsors” instead of “patrons”), adding a /donate page to explain why there’s two options, what donating does, etc., creating a new database table for GitHub credentials:
use sqlx::{Postgres, Transaction};
pub struct Migration {}
impl crate::migrations::MigrationPostgres for Migration {
fn tag(&self) -> &'static str {
async fn up(&self, db: &mut Transaction<Postgres>) -> eyre::Result<()> {
CREATE TABLE github_credentials (
github_id TEXT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (github_id)
(This is the Migration
trait we saw earlier! It’s not part of a fancy
framework or anything, it’s just a quick thing on top of sqlx
Breaking the (dependency) cycle
One thing that was interesting was the crate structure: previously I had a
crate, which kinda mixed concerns. It had Patreon-specific
stuff like PatreonCredentials
, but also a generic Profile
struct, etc.
After integrating GitHub, I ended up with:
: All the Patreon-specific types/logicfutile-github
: All the GitHub-specific types/logicfutile-credentials
: All the generic code
That let me write some code that works for both Patreon & GitHub, for example when saving settings:
#[axum::debug_handler(state = crate::serve::ServerState)]
pub async fn save(tr: TemplateRenderer, Json(ud): Json<UserData>) -> HttpResult {
let cookies = tr.state.private_cookies(tr.cookies.clone());
let fut_creds =
FutileCredentials::load_from_cookies(&tr.state.config, &cookies, &tr.state).await;
let fut_creds = fut_creds.ok_or_else(|| {
warn!("Tried to save settings but no session cookies");
HttpError::Internal {
err: "tried to save settings but no session cookies".into(),
INSERT INTO user_preferences
(id, data) VALUES
($1, $2)
(StatusCode::NO_CONTENT, ()).into_http()
There was, however, one catch — cyclic dependencies.
See, each of PatreonCredentials
and GithubCredentials
have a
which returns a type from the futile-credentials
crate… but FutileCredentials::load_from_cookies
must also be able to refresh
OAuth access tokens, which is provider-specific (and apparently impossible in
the case of GitHub), which means we’d have a dependency cycle:
So, what do we do when we have a cyclic dependency? Make up a trait!
We could use async-trait
but I’ve written about async so much I have brainrot
and I figured I could just throw together something Pin<Box>
based and move
on to the next topic. And I did!
// in `crates/futile-credentials/src/`
/// Something that can refresh credentials
pub trait CredentialsRefresher {
fn refresh<'b>(
&'b self,
creds: &'b FutileCredentials,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = eyre::Result<FutileCredentials>> + Send + 'b>>;
What’s interesting here is that the returned future is Send
, and Unpin
(since it’s on the heap), a-
Whoa whoa whoa you’re not going to explain any of that?
…but its lifetime is 'b
, which is shorter than 'static
. In other words,
the future can borrow from self
and creds
, and so, it does:
// in `crates/futile/src/serve/`
impl CredentialsRefresher for ServerState {
fn refresh<'b>(
&'b self,
creds: &'b FutileCredentials,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = eyre::Result<FutileCredentials>> + Send + 'b>> {
Box::pin(async move {
let patreon_id = creds
.ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("can only renew patreon credentials"))?;
let patreon_credentials: PatreonCredentials = {
struct Row {
data: String,
let row: Row = sqlx::query_as(
FROM patreon_credentials
WHERE patreon_id = $1
.map_err(|e| {
eyre::eyre!("sqlx error: could not find user patreon credentials: {e}")
serde_json::from_str(&|e| {
"serde_json error: could not deserialize user patreon credentials {}: {e}",
"Refreshing patreon credentials (expired at {:?})",
let mut refresh_creds = patreon_credentials.clone();
if is_development() && test_patreon_renewal() {
refresh_creds.access_token = "bad-token-for-testing".into()
let (pat_creds, fut_creds) = refresh_creds.to_futile_credentials(&self.config).await?;
let patreon_id = fut_creds.user_info.profile.patreon_id()?;
INSERT INTO patreon_credentials
(patreon_id, data) VALUES
($1, $2)
ON CONFLICT (patreon_id) DO UPDATE SET data = $2
On the consumer side, we’ve got this:
// in `crates/futile-credentials/src/`
pub async fn load_from_cookies(
config: &Config,
cookies: &PrivateCookies<'_>,
refresher: &impl CredentialsRefresher,
) -> Option<Self> {
let cookie = cookies.get(Self::COOKIE_NAME)?;
let creds: Self = match serde_json::from_str(cookie.value()) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
warn!(?e, "Got undeserializable cookie, removing");
return None;
let now = Utc::now();
if now < creds.expires_at {
// credentials aren't expired yet
return Some(creds);
let creds = match refresher.refresh(&creds).await {
Err(e) => {
warn!("Refreshing credentials failed, will log out: {:?}", e);
return None;
Ok(creds) => creds,
And it.. works just fine.
Arguably there is a way to structure all this that is much less convoluted, I just don’t have time for it yet, which is the point I want to make here: everyone encountering Rust suddenly gets these sky-high standards: “ooh my code must never allocate, it must have the perfect structure” when it turns out, nah, you can wing it, even under the watchful eye of a compiler with a special interest in discipline.
Here's another article just for you:
I am a Java, C#, C or C++ developer, time to do some Rust
As I’ve said before, I’m working on a book about lifetimes. Or maybe it’s just a long series - I haven’t decided the specifics yet. Like every one of my series/book things, it’s long, and it starts you off way in the periphery of the subject, and takes a lot of detours to get there.
In other words - it’s great if you want an adventure (which truly understanding Rust definitely is), but it’s not the best if you are currently on the puzzled end of a conversation with your neighborhood lifetime enforcer, the Rust compiler.