Day 7 (Advent of Code 2020)
đ This page was last updated ~4 years ago. Just so you know.
Another day, another Advent of Code 2020 problem.
That one seems fun! For some nerdy values of fun.
Our input is a set of rules:
light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.
dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags.
bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag.
muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags.
shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags.
dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags.
vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags.
faded blue bags contain no other bags.
dotted black bags contain no other bags.
And the question we have to answer is: âHow many bag colors can eventually contain at least one shiny gold bag?â
From looking at the example input above, for example, âbright white bagsâ can directly contain a shiny gold bag, whereas light red bags can contain a bright white bag which can contain a shiny gold bag.
The question for part 1 doesnât use âhow many bags of colors Y can be contained in bags of color Xâ, so I suspect itâs going to show up in part 2 (which, as a reminder, I canât see until Iâve solved the first part) - Iâd like to try and parse and represent that input as types that make it easy to answer that first question.
Bags are clearly defined by two things: an adjective (light, dark, bright, muted, shiny, vibrant, faded, dotted) and a color (red, orange, white, yellow, gold, olive, plum, etc).
We donât know yet how many different adjectives or colors thereâll be, so Iâm tempted to just represent those as borrowed strings:
/// (adjective, color), i.e. ("dark", "orange")
type BagSpec<'a> = (&'a str, &'a str);
âSpecâ is used here as a shorthand for âspecificationâ.
From there, all our rules are simply a mapping from BagSpec
to a quantity
and another BagSpec
use std::collections::HashMap;
/// K can contain V.0 of V.1
type Rules<'a> = HashMap<BagSpec<'a>, (usize, BagSpec<'a>)>;
But hereâs the thing - some bags can contain several types of other bags. From the example above:
light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.
We canât represent this rule with our current set of types:
fn main() {
let mut rules: Rules = Default::default();
rules.insert(("light", "red"), (1, ("bright", "white")));
rules.insert(("light", "red"), (2, ("muted", "yellow")));
$ cargo run --quiet
[src/] &rules = {
): (
The second rule has overwritten the first one!
The good news is: thereâs a crate (and a type) for that!
$ cargo add multimap
Adding multimap v0.8.2 to dependencies
use multimap::MultiMap;
/// K can contain V.0 of V.1
type Rules<'a> = MultiMap<BagSpec<'a>, (usize, BagSpec<'a>)>;
$ cargo run --quiet
[src/] &rules = {
): [
Ooh, just like HeaderMap
in hyper?
Yup! We discussed that recently.
Letâs now try parsing our sample rules into this data structure.
$ cargo add peg
Adding peg v0.6.3 to dependencies
fn parse_rules(input: &str) -> Rules<'_> {
let mut rules: Rules = Default::default();
peg::parser! {
pub(crate) grammar parser() for str {
pub(crate) rule root(r: &mut Rules<'input>)
= (line(r) "." whitespace()*)* ![_]
rule line(r: &mut Rules<'input>)
= spec:bag_spec() " contain " rules:rules() {
if let Some(rules) = rules {
for rule in rules {
r.insert(spec, rule)
rule bag_spec() -> BagSpec<'input>
= adjective:name() " " color:name() " bag" "s"? { (adjective, color) }
rule rules() -> Option<Vec<(usize, BagSpec<'input>)>>
= rules:rule1()+ { Some(rules) }
/ "no other bags" { None }
/// Rule followed by an optional comma and space
rule rule1() -> (usize, BagSpec<'input>)
= r:rule0() ", "? { r }
/// A single rule
rule rule0() -> (usize, BagSpec<'input>)
= quantity:number() " " spec:bag_spec() { (quantity, spec) }
rule number() -> usize
= e:$(['0'..='9']+) { e.parse().unwrap() }
/// A sequence of non-whitespace characters
rule name() -> &'input str
= $((!whitespace()[_])*)
/// Spaces, tabs, CR and LF
rule whitespace()
= [' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n']
parser::root(input, &mut rules).unwrap();
Now, dbg!()
makes for pretty verbose output - maybe we can replicate the
formatting of the input, for inspection?
use std::fmt;
struct FormattedRules<'a>(Rules<'a>);
impl fmt::Display for FormattedRules<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
for (k, vv) in &self.0 {
write!(f, "{} {} bags can contain ", k.0, k.1)?;
if vv.is_empty() {
write!(f, "no other bags")?;
} else {
for (i, v) in vv.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(f, ", ")?;
"{} {} {} {}",
v.1 .0,
v.1 .1,
if v.0 == 1 { "bag" } else { "bags" }
writeln!(f, ".")?;
fn main() {
let rules = parse_rules(include_str!("input.txt"));
print!("{}", FormattedRules(rules));
Now, to compare the output of our program to the sample input,
we have to sort it - good old sort
command will work out just fine:
$ cargo run --quiet | sort -n
bright white bags can contain 1 shiny gold bag.
dark olive bags can contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags.
dark orange bags can contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags.
light red bags can contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.
muted yellow bags can contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags.
shiny gold bags can contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags.
vibrant plum bags can contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags.
$ cat src/input.txt | sort -n
bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag.
dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags.
dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags.
dotted black bags contain no other bags.
faded blue bags contain no other bags.
light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.
muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags.
shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags.
vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags.
Seems good! The only difference is we donât remember bags that can contain no other bags. Iâm going to say that doesnât matter right now - but we can always change our mind later.
Back to the question. Even though this data structure is flat, we have a graph on our hands:
Itâs not just any graph, either. Itâs a Directed Acyclic Graph.
Oh, DAGs! Sure! I like DAGs.
So if we want to know âwhat bag colors can eventually contain a shiny gold bag?â, we can just walk the graph. For every node in the graph, we just follow the arrows until we either:
- Reach âshiny goldâ - in which case, yes, it can contain shiny gold bags!
- Run out of edges to walk, in which case, no, it cannot contain shiny gold bags.
Letâs take âlight redâ for example. If we follow the whole graph, these are all the edges and nodes we encounter:
And this subset does contain âshiny goldâ, so âlight redâ bags can eventually contain âshiny goldâ bags.
If we start with dark olive however, we only encounter these:
And none of these are âshiny goldâ.
Now all we have left is the easy part - make our dreams into reality:
fn subgraph_contains(graph: &Rules<'_>, root: &(&str, &str), needle: &(&str, &str)) -> bool {
if let Some(neighbors) = graph.get_vec(root) {
for (_, neighbor) in neighbors {
if neighbor == needle || subgraph_contains(graph, neighbor, needle) {
return true;
Do we need those if let
and that for
loop? Couldnât we just
use iterator methods?
Fine, something like this then:
fn subgraph_contains(graph: &Rules<'_>, root: &(&str, &str), needle: &(&str, &str)) -> bool {
.map(|v| {
v.iter().any(|(_, neighbor)| {
neighbor == needle || subgraph_contains(graph, neighbor, needle)
Ehh couldnât we flatten this a bit?
Sure, sure, something like that:
fn subgraph_contains(graph: &Rules<'_>, root: &(&str, &str), needle: &(&str, &str)) -> bool {
.any(|(_, neighbor)| neighbor == needle || subgraph_contains(graph, neighbor, needle))
Ah, thatâs sorta silly - wonât it allocate in case there thereâs no values
associated to the root
Welp, too late now.
Fine, but do you promise weâll learn a trick later that could make this better?
Yes. I promise. There!
ANYWAY, we can use such a function like that:
fn main() {
let rules = parse_rules(include_str!("input.txt"));
let needle = &("shiny", "gold");
let colors_that_contain_shiny_gold: Vec<_> = rules
// shiny gold bags are already shiny god, we're not interested
// in what they can contain (as per the example)
.filter(|&k| k != needle)
.filter(|&k| subgraph_contains(&rules, k, needle))
println!("{:?}", colors_that_contain_shiny_gold);
And we would get that answer:
$ cargo run --quiet
[("dark", "orange"), ("light", "red"), ("bright", "white"), ("muted", "yellow")]
Which matches the example in the problem statement:
In the above rules, the following options would be available to you:
- A bright white bag, which can hold your shiny gold bag directly.
- A muted yellow bag, which can hold your shiny gold bag directly, plus some other bags.
- A dark orange bag, which can hold bright white and muted yellow bags, either of which could then hold your shiny gold bag.
- A light red bag, which can hold bright white and muted yellow bags, either of which could then hold your shiny gold bag.
So thatâs it? Weâre done?
Thereâs something else I want to try. When we walk the graph starting from all the nodes, we walk the same subgraphs multiple times.
For example, walking the graph from âlight redâ and from âdark orangeâ means visiting âbright whiteâ, âmuted yellowâ, âfaded blueâ, and âshiny goldâ twice:
We can get rid of all this duplciate work if we just switch it up a little.
Just like gittup, weâre going to make things faster by making the arrows go up.
Imagine our graph looked like this instead:
Now our arrows, or edges, mean âN of this bag can be stored in that bagâ.
And if we want to ask the question âwhich bags can stored shiny gold bags?â, we just need to start with âshiny goldâ and walk the entire subgraph.
But how does one go about making the arrows go up?
Itâs quite simple really:
fn reverse_graph<'a>(graph: &Rules<'a>) -> Rules<'a> {
let mut reverse: Rules = Default::default();
for (&node, neighbors) in graph.iter_all() {
for &(quantity, neighbor) in neighbors {
reverse.insert(neighbor, (quantity, node));
Wait.. can you collect into a MultiMap
Oh right!
fn reverse_graph<'a>(graph: &Rules<'a>) -> Rules<'a> {
.map(|(&node, neighbors)| {
.map(move |&(quantity, neighbor)| (neighbor, (quantity, node)))
Ooh, flatten! Is that new?
Old as the world itself. We need it because .iter_all()
returns an Iterator<Item = (tuple, Vec<tuple>)>
because itâs a multimap, remember?
And then we make a function to walk a subgraph, right?
We do! But what should it return?
Mhhh an iterator?
Letâs start with a Vec:
fn walk_subgraph<'a>(graph: &Rules<'a>, root: &(&str, &str)) -> Vec<(&'a str, &'a str)> {
let mut res: Vec<_> = Default::default();
if let Some(neighbors) = graph.get_vec(root) {
for &(_quantity, neighbor) in neighbors {
res.extend(walk_subgraph(graph, &neighbor));
And see what we get:
fn main() {
let rules = parse_rules(include_str!("input.txt"));
let rev_rules = reverse_graph(&rules);
let colors_that_contain_shiny_gold = walk_subgraph(&rev_rules, &("shiny", "gold"));
println!("{:?}", colors_that_contain_shiny_gold);
$ cargo run --quiet
[("bright", "white"), ("light", "red"), ("dark", "orange"), ("muted", "yellow"), ("light", "red"), ("dark", "orange")]
Hey! Thereâs duplicates!
Indeed, if we naively walk the graph starting from âshiny goldâ, weâre going to visit some nodes more than once.
We could collect into a
or do something else - for now letâs worry about not allocating a Vec
every time we walk a subgraph.
One option is to just take a &mut Vec
. Thatâs completely legitimate:
fn walk_subgraph1<'a>(graph: &Rules<'a>, root: &(&str, &str), res: &mut Vec<(&'a str, &'a str)>) {
if let Some(neighbors) = graph.get_vec(root) {
for &(_quantity, neighbor) in neighbors {
walk_subgraph1(graph, &neighbor, res);
fn main() {
let rules = parse_rules(include_str!("input.txt"));
let rev_rules = reverse_graph(&rules);
let mut colors_that_contain_shiny_gold = Default::default();
&("shiny", "gold"),
&mut colors_that_contain_shiny_gold,
println!("{:?}", colors_that_contain_shiny_gold);
This gives us the exact same result, with fewer allocations. Again, itâs a legitimate technique that allows us to not worry about the borrow checker as much.
Of course now we cannot collect into a HashSet
to filter out duplicates.
And we didnât even want to do that in the first place, we just needed to
count them!
So letâs try making a version that returns an iterator. The problem weâre going to encounter is that our graph can be infinitely large, and so our iterator type, if done naively, will also be infinitely large - Iâve talked about this in May of 2019.
Ah yes, back when your articles still fit inside of a coffee break.
The tl;dr of this article was: Box
is your friend, so, without further ado:
fn walk_subgraph2<'iter, 'elems: 'iter>(
graph: &'iter Rules<'elems>,
root: &(&'iter str, &'iter str),
) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (&'elems str, &'elems str)> + 'iter> {
.map(move |&(_, neighbor)| {
std::iter::once(neighbor).chain(walk_subgraph2(graph, &neighbor))
Quick question! So the into_iter()
I understand - we have a &Vec<V>
, which
we turn into an Iterator<Item = V>
. But whatâs with the flatten()
Well actually⌠we donât have a &Vec<T>
We donât?
pub fn get_vec<Q: ?Sized>(&self, k: &Q) -> Option<&Vec<V>>
where K: Borrow<Q>,
Q: Eq + Hash
Ohh we have an Option<&Vec<V>>
! Thatâs iterable?
Of course it is! Itâs an iterator that yields one element if itâs Some
, or
zero elements if itâs None.
Wicked. And flatten()
gives us an iterator that either yield all the
elements of the Vec
, or nothing at all?
OHHhhhh is that the trick you mentioned that couldâve replaced
with something better?
Yup! đ
Now that we have an iterator, we can use another goodie from itertools
, and
this time, I triple-checked that itâs not in the standard library:
$ cargo add itertools
Adding itertools v0.9.0 to dependencies
use itertools::Itertools;
fn main() {
let rules = parse_rules(include_str!("input.txt"));
let rev_rules = reverse_graph(&rules);
let needle = ("shiny", "gold");
let answer = walk_subgraph2(&rev_rules, &needle).unique().count();
println!("{} colors can contain {:?} bags", answer, needle);
$ cargo run --quiet
4 colors can contain ("shiny", "gold") bags
Ooh, I saw what you did there - &str
implements Debug
, so
(&str, &str)
does too. Neat!
But how does .unique()
It⌠it collects into a HashSet
. But thatâs hidden! So our code is nice
and functional.
Letâs run it on my actual puzzle input:
$ cargo run --quiet
103 colors can contain ("shiny", "gold") bags
Part 2
Weâre now asked to count how many bags you must buy to fit into a âshiny goldâ bag. Weâre finally putting those numbers to use!
Time for another walk_subgraph
method - one that actually includes
Only a few changes are needed:
fn walk_subgraph3<'iter, 'elems: 'iter>(
graph: &'iter Rules<'elems>,
root: &(&'iter str, &'iter str),
// đ we're now returning the quantity as well
) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (usize, (&'elems str, &'elems str))> + 'iter> {
// đ this is even simpler, since we're not destructing the tuple anymore
.map(move |&n| std::iter::once(n).chain(walk_subgraph3(graph, &n.1)))
Weâre going to use the graph with the arrows pointing down, so we donât need
to reverse the rules anymore. Also, weâre not interested in .unique()
If âshiny goldâ bags contain both âdark redâ and âlight redâ bags, and both of these contain âdark tealâ bags - we must count âdark tealâ bags twice.
So, our main
function is even simpler:
fn main() {
let rules = parse_rules(include_str!("input.txt"));
let root = ("shiny", "gold");
let answer = walk_subgraph3(&rules, &root).count();
println!("you must buy {} bags to fill a {:?} bag", answer, root);
$ cargo run --quiet
you must buy 63 bags to fill a ("shiny", "gold") bag
Uh oh⌠thatâs not the right answer!
Donât worry - it happens to the best of us. Too bad for the streak though.
Oh right - in my excitement, I forgot we need to multiply stuff together!
If every âshiny goldâ bag has two âdark redâ bags, and those have three
âlight magentaâ bags, then we have 2*3 = 6
âlight magentaâ bags.
I guess we canât have a method as generic as walk_subgraph3
- letâs make a
custom one.
fn bag_quantities<'iter, 'elems: 'iter>(
graph: &'iter Rules<'elems>,
root: &(&'iter str, &'iter str),
) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = usize> + 'iter> {
.map(move |&(qt, n)| {
std::iter::once(qt).chain(bag_quantities(graph, &n).map(move |x| x * qt))
fn main() {
let rules = parse_rules(include_str!("input.txt"));
let root = ("shiny", "gold");
let answer: usize = bag_quantities(&rules, &root).sum();
println!("you must buy {} bags to fill a {:?} bag", answer, root);
$ cargo run --quiet
you must buy 1469 bags to fill a ("shiny", "gold") bag
Thatâs more like it!
I knew 63 was suspiciously lowâŚ
Until next time, take care!
Here's another article just for you:
Small strings in Rust
Hey everyone!
This article is brought to you by a shameless nerd snipe, courtesy of Pascal.
In case youâve blocked Twitter for your own good, this reads:
There should be a post explaining and comparing smolstr and smartstring (and maybe others, like smallstr)
Well, I took the bait.
But, since this is me writing, I get to set the rules:
- There will be no âmaybe othersâ - weâll review just the first two