Day 6 (Advent of Code 2020)

👋 This page was last updated ~4 years ago. Just so you know.

The end of Advent of Code 2020 is fast approaching, and we’re nowhere near done. Time to do Day 6!

The problem statement here is a little contrived, as uh, as the days that came before it, but that won’t stop us.

Basically, the input looks like this:

abc a b c ab ac a a a a b

Each line represents one person, and “groups of persons” are separated by blank lines.

There’s only 26 possible letters, a through z.

Cool bear

Ooh, are we going to make an enum with 26 variants?


Ehhh bytes are close enough for today.

So, the first part is to collect the answers for each person of a group - we don’t even really need a parser to do that!

use std::collections::HashSet; fn main() { let answers: Vec<_> = include_str!("input.txt") .split("\n\n") .map(|group| { group .lines() .map(|line| { let mut set = HashSet::new(); for &b in line.as_bytes() { set.insert(b); } set }) .collect::<Vec<_>>() }) .collect(); dbg!(&answers[0..3]); }
$ cargo run --quiet [src/] &answers[0..2] = [ [ { 98, }, { 98, }, { 98, }, { 98, }, ], [ { 120, }, { 120, 102, 106, 107, }, { 120, 98, }, ], ]
Cool bear

Mhh that output isn’t super readable - couldn’t we use a newtype so we can supply our own Debug information?

use std::{collections::HashSet, fmt}; pub struct Answers(HashSet<u8>); impl fmt::Debug for Answers { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { for &answer in &self.0 { write!(f, "{}", answer as char)?; } Ok(()) } } fn main() { let answers: Vec<_> = include_str!("input.txt") .split("\n\n") .map(|group| { group .lines() .map(|line| { let mut set = HashSet::new(); for &b in line.as_bytes() { set.insert(b); } Answers(set) }) .collect::<Vec<_>>() }) .collect(); dbg!(&answers[0..2]); }
$ cargo run --quiet [src/] &answers[0..2] = [ [ b, b, b, b, ], [ x, xkfj, bx, ], ]
Cool bear

Better! Can we compare to the puzzle input to make sure?

b b b b x xfkj xb
Cool bear


Now all we have to do is, for each group, to compute the union of the set of answers for all people.

There is a union method on std::collection::HashSet:

pub fn union<'a>(&'a self, other: &'a HashSet<T, S>) -> Union<'a, T, S>

…but unfortunately it only computes the union between two HashSets, and it returns an iterator.

Cool bear

Speaking of iterators… why are we constructing the HashSet like this?

let mut set = HashSet::new(); for &b in line.as_bytes() { set.insert(b); } Answers(set)

We can .collect() into a Vec… can’t we .collect() into a HashSet?


Sure we can!

let answers: Vec<_> = include_str!("input.txt") .split("\n\n") .map(|group| { group .lines() .map(|line| Answers(line.as_bytes().iter().copied().collect())) .collect::<Vec<_>>() }) .collect();
Cool bear

Ok good! You were saying?

The standard library lets us compute the union of two HashSets and returns an iterator. That’s not a big problem to be honest - we could just chain all our iterators and collect the resulting iterator into a single HashSet.

But let’s do something different. Let’s try the im crate.

im provides a set of immutable data structures, including a HashSet!

$ cargo add im Adding im v15.0.0 to dependencies

Now we just change our imports to:

use im::HashSet; use std::fmt;

…and that’s it! It still works the same:

$ cargo run --quiet [src/] &answers[0..2] = [ [ b, b, b, b, ], [ x, kxjf, bx, ], ]
Cool bear

Uhhh, what about it is immtuable?


How do you mean?

Cool bear

Well, we still build our HashSet like that:

.map(|line| Answers(line.as_bytes().iter().copied().collect()))

Which means it builds an empty im::HashSet, then adds elements one by one into it, right?



Cool bear

Isn’t that mutation?


Let’s read im’s docs a bit.

All of these data structures support in-place copy-on-write mutation, which means that if you’re the sole user of a data structure, you can update it in place without taking the performance hit of making a copy of the data structure before modifying it (this is about an order of magnitude faster than immutable operations, almost as fast as std::collections’s mutable data structures).

Cool bear

Ohhh, smart!


Yes, smart! Same author as smartstring, which we explored recently.

Cool bear

What happens when you’re not the sole owner of a HashSet though?

Say, what if you hand out a clone to somebody?


It’s Cows all the way down!

Thanks to Rc’s reference counting, we are able to determine whether a node in a data structure is being shared with other data structures, or whether it’s safe to mutate it in place. When it’s shared, we’ll automatically make a copy of the node before modifying it.

The consequence of this is that cloning a data structure becomes a lazy operation: the initial clone is instant, and as you modify the cloned data structure it will clone chunks only where you change them, so that if you change the entire thing you will eventually have performed a full clone.

Cool bear Cool Bear's hot tip

Note that all the data structures in the im crate use Arc, which means they’re thread-safe, but also, we pay “approximately 20-25%” performance for that.

There’s an im-rc variant, which uses Rc, and has better performance, but the data structures aren’t thread-safe anymore (they’re neither Send nor Sync).

Anyway - im has a union method I like:

pub fn union(self, other: Self) -> Self

Wait, no, a unions method I like:

pub fn unions<I>(i: I) -> Self where I: IntoIterator<Item = Self>, S: Default,
Cool bear

So we just… we just map our groups using im::HashSet::unions?



main becomes:

fn main() { let answers: Vec<_> = include_str!("input.txt") .split("\n\n") .map(|group| { group .lines() .map(|line| Answers(line.as_bytes().iter().copied().collect())) .collect::<Vec<_>>() }) .collect(); let group_answers: Vec<_> = answers .into_iter() .map(|group| Answers(HashSet::unions(group.into_iter().map(|x| x.0)))) .collect(); dbg!(&group_answers[0..5]); }

Or, if we skip the intermediate step:

fn main() { let group_answers: Vec<_> = include_str!("input.txt") .split("\n\n") .map(|group| { Answers(HashSet::unions( group .lines() .map(|line| line.as_bytes().iter().copied().collect()), )) }) .collect(); dbg!(&group_answers[0..5]); }
Cool bear

Neat! What was the question again?

Each group answers “yes” to a certain number of questions (the “yes” being indicated by the presence of a letter in the set).

We’re asked to compute the sum of all the questions answered by all the groups.

Cool bear

Neat! We can use .sum()! Let’s pull in itertools and…


Actually, as multiple readers pointed out, .sum() is available in the standard library as well.

Cool bear

Even better!

We can skip some more intermediate steps:

fn main() { let answer: usize = include_str!("input.txt") .split("\n\n") .map(|group| { HashSet::<u8>::unions( group .lines() .map(|line| line.as_bytes().iter().copied().collect()), ) .len() }) .sum(); dbg!(answer); }

And get our answer for part 1:

$ cargo run --quiet [src/] answer = 6534

Part 2

In the next part, the Advent of Code authors pull the old switcheroo on us.

We didn’t need to compute the unions of the answers from each member of a group, but the intersection - i.e., keep only the answers to which everyone in the group said yes.

Cool bear

Is there an intersections method in im?


No such luck… but we can try reduce!

Cool bear

Did you mean fold?


Yes, that!

fn main() { let answer: usize = include_str!("input.txt") .split("\n\n") .map(|group| { group .lines() .map(|line| line.as_bytes().iter().copied().collect()) .fold(HashSet::<u8>::new(), |acc, x| acc.intersection(x)) .len() }) .sum(); dbg!(answer); }
$ cargo run --quiet [src/] answer = 0
Cool bear

Mhhh. Something’s fishy.


Yeah I’m not quite sure what’s hap-

Cool bear

OH! HashSet::new() returns an empty set!


Ahhhh right the intersection of the empty set with any thing will be-

Cool bear

the empty set!!


Ok so we can fix this by separating the first element, and using it as the initial value for the fold() call..

Cool bear

Or just make the initial HashSet contain all possible answers?


Ooh, I like that idea.

fn main() { let init: HashSet<u8> = (b'a'..=b'z').collect(); let answer: usize = include_str!("input.txt") .split("\n\n") .map(|group| { group .lines() .map(|line| line.as_bytes().iter().copied().collect()) .fold(init.clone(), |acc, x| acc.intersection(x)) .len() }) .sum(); dbg!(answer); }

Oh and you know what? This works out great, because init.clone() is (basically) free!

Cool bear

Ohh right, cause it’s immutable?



Cool bear

So using im wasn’t gratuitous?


Ehhh little bit of both. It all works out in the end.

Cool bear

Isn’t there a variant of fold that just sets init to the first element though?


As it turns out, there is! Just not in the standard library.

$ cargo add itertools Adding itertools v0.9.0 to dependencies

Our solution becomes:

use im::HashSet; use itertools::Itertools; fn main() { let answer: usize = include_str!("input.txt") .split("\n\n") .map(|group| { group .lines() .map(|line| line.as_bytes().iter().copied().collect()) .fold1(|acc: HashSet<u8>, x| acc.intersection(x)) .unwrap_or_default() .len() }) .sum(); dbg!(answer); }
Cool bear

Wait, unwrap_or_default? Why?


Well, what if we’re fold1-ing a collection of 0 items? Then there’s no init value to begin with!

Cool bear

Ah right!

$ cargo run --quiet [src/] answer = 3402
Cool bear

Right again 😎 That was fun!


See you next time bear!

Cool bear

See ya!

Comment on /r/fasterthanlime

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