The best way to learn

👋 This page was last updated ~11 years ago. Just so you know.

"The best way to learn is to just go out and make stuff, collaborate with people who are better than you at different things, and experiment."

"That's what I've found, at least. Just be around people who are awesome and learn off them. Trade ideas around and try stuff."

"Everything I do, I've learned from friends, collaborators, people I look up to, and personal experiments. Just going out and trying stuff."

— Noel Berry, aka @NoelFB

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Here's another article just for you:

The curse of strong typing

It happened when I least expected it.

Someone, somewhere (above me, presumably) made a decision. "From now on", they declared, "all our new stuff must be written in Rust".

I'm not sure where they got that idea from. Maybe they've been reading propaganda. Maybe they fell prey to some confident asshole, and convinced themselves that Rust was answer to their problems.