The best way to learn
👋 This page was last updated ~12 years ago. Just so you know.
"The best way to learn is to just go out and make stuff, collaborate with people who are better than you at different things, and experiment."
"That's what I've found, at least. Just be around people who are awesome and learn off them. Trade ideas around and try stuff."
"Everything I do, I've learned from friends, collaborators, people I look up to, and personal experiments. Just going out and trying stuff."
— Noel Berry, aka @NoelFB
Here's another article just for you:
Blog posts that praise Rust are many but funding is generally in short supply.
If even a small percentage of the money Rust saves companies was put back into the ecosystem it would help secure the future of the platform tremendously.
Multiple sources of funding
It is unreasonable going forward to expect the same handful of companies to provide all the funding.