Dynamic symbol resolution
👋 This page was last updated ~5 years ago. Just so you know.
Thanks to my sponsors: Thor Kamphefner, Andy F, Ian McLinden, Blake Johnson, Adam Gutglick, Seth, Antoine Rouaze, Aalekh Patel, Marky Mark, Sean Bryant, Astrid, Gioele Pannetto, Daniel Papp, Michal Hošna, playest, Zaki, Berkus Decker, Radu Matei, Christopher Valerio, Jonathan Adams and 267 more
Let’s pick up where we left off: we had just taught elk
to load
not only an executable, but also its dependencies, and then their
dependencies as well.
We discovered that ld-linux
walked the dependency graph breadth-first,
and so we did that too. Of course, it’s a little bit overkill since we only
have one dependency, but, nevertheless, elk
happily loads our executable
and its one dependency:
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
Process {
search_path: [
objects: [
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl",
base: 00400000,
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so",
base: 00400000,
objects_by_path: {
"/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl": 0,
"/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so": 1,
Something doesn’t look quite right though - right now they have the same
address. Of course, this is a half-lie: we haven’t mapped either of
these into memory yet, so it’s not like there’s a conflict yet. But we’re
definitely going to have to pick different memory addresses.
So far, we’ve been giving mmap
(via the mmap
crate) explicit addresses.
In other words, we’ve picked exactly where we thought the objects should
be mapped in memory, and we crossed our fingers hoping that the region
we picked was free.
We observed that 0x0
definitely couldn’t be mapped, and if we had picked
a memory picked by ld-linux
for elk
itself, it wouldn’t have worked
either, but we’ve had relatively good luck and 0x400000
worked out for us.
So we could do something dumb, like put the first object at 0x400000
the second one at 0x800000
, and hope we never run into a region we cannot
map (because it’s already mapped somewhere else), and also hope that none
of our regions are larger than 0x400000
, because then they’d overlap.
It might look something like that:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn load_object<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<usize, LoadError> {
// omitted: load/parse ELF file, add any RPATH entries to search path, etc.
let index = self.objects.len();
let base = delf::Addr(((index + 1) * 0x400000) as u64);
let object = Object {
path: path.clone(),
maps: Vec::new(),
self.objects_by_path.insert(path, index);
./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
Process {
search_path: [
objects: [
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl",
base: 00400000,
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so",
base: 00800000,
objects_by_path: {
"/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl": 0,
"/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so": 1,
When I say that’s “dumb”, I’m mostly shooting myself down, because that’s exactly what I did when I first prototyped “loading multiple ELF objects”, because the previous article was getting long, and I got lazy. But when that happens, I just split the article into two articles (and so on, recursively, until the series is over).
And so in this article, we’re going to do it right. And by right, I mean, “we’ll let the OS pick a region large enough that’s free”.
But in order to do that, we need to figure out how big the region needs to be.
The way I’m thinking about this, ideally the “Load” segments in the executable are organized like that:
In practice, maybe there are some gaps, like that:
Overlaps like these should never happen though:
Each of these memory regions are represented as a Range<Addr>
- or at least,
that’s what ProgramHeader::mem_range
I have an idea how to proceed, so stay with me - first off, we’re going to need a function that computes the “convex hull” of two memory ranges, ie. the minimal range that contains both ranges:
That part is super simple:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
use std::{ops::Range, cmp::{min, max}};
fn convex_hull(a: Range<delf::Addr>, b: Range<delf::Addr>) -> Range<delf::Addr> {
(min(a.start, b.start))..(max(a.end, b.end))
Now that we have that though… we can generalize it to N memory ranges, and we can do that in a functional way - since we’ve been feeling that way ever since the last article.
We’ll use Iterator::fold
to do it - the way it’s usually taught is with addition,
like so:
fn main() {
let sum = (1..10).fold(0, |acc, x| acc + x);
// output: sum = 45
The first argument to fold
is an initial value, and the second
value is a closure that takes the accumulator value, one of the items,
and returns the new accumulator value.
In this case, we do:
- 0 + 1 (initial value + first item)
- 1 + 2 (accumulator value + second item)
- 3 + 3 (accumulator value + third item)
- 6 + 4 (accumulator value + fourth item)
- etc.
We’re going to do pretty much the same thing with memory ranges. There’s just
one wrinkle: we don’t have an “initial value”. If we take the 0..0
as the initial value, the result will always be 0..y
, which is wrong -
the proper result could definitely be x..y
where x
is greater than zero.
So we’re going to go with an Option<T>
. The convex of hull of… no memory regions
at all.. does not exist. It’s None
. It’s not a zero-sized memory region anywhere,
it just.. isn’t.
As for the closure we’ll pass to fold
, well:
- If the accumulator is
, then the result is just the current item - If the accumulator is
, then we callconvex_hull
Sounds like a plan? Good! Let’s proceed.
We’ll add a mem_range
field to the Object
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
pub struct Object {
// omitted: other fields
pub mem_range: Range<delf::Addr>,
A new error variant to LoadError
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum LoadError {
// omitted: other variants
#[error("ELF object has no load segments")]
And in Object::load_object
, find all the Load segments, and reduce them:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
// in `impl Object`
// in `fn load_object`
let mem_range = file
.filter(|ph| ph.r#type == delf::SegmentType::Load)
.map(|ph| ph.mem_range())
.fold(None, |acc, range| match acc {
None => Some(range),
Some(acc) => Some(convex_hull(acc, range)),
// (cut)
let object = Object {
path: path.clone(),
maps: Vec::new(),
mem_range, // new!
Let’s see how this looks:
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
Process {
search_path: [
objects: [
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl",
base: 00400000,
mem_range: 00000000..00003028,
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so",
base: 00800000,
mem_range: 00000000..00002026,
objects_by_path: {
"/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl": 0,
"/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so": 1,
Those mem_range
lines look legit. Well, for me to be really reassured, I’d
need to see a run of elk
on an executable with a memory range that didn’t
start at 0x0
, just to make sure we didn’t flub the .fold()
How about we run elk
on butler ?
$ ./target/debug/elk $(which butler)
Loading "/home/amos/go/bin/butler"
Loading "/usr/lib/libpthread-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/libdl-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/libm-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/libc-2.30.so"
Loading "/usr/lib/ld-2.30.so"
Process {
search_path: [
objects: [
Object {
path: "/home/amos/go/bin/butler",
base: 00400000,
mem_range: 00400000..018272c0,
Object {
path: "/usr/lib/libpthread-2.30.so",
base: 00800000,
mem_range: 00000000..000211a8,
Ah, good! A mem_range
that starts in the 0x400000
. This is actually the
we’ve picked earlier on in this series - I’m sure it’s just a
coincidence, nothing to worry about.
So, next up, reserve a big block of memory, large enough for all our segments - and that’ll be our base!
We’ll need a new error variant, mapping memory is an operation that can fail:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum LoadError {
// omitted: other fields
#[error("ELF object could not be mapped in memory: {0}")]
MapError(#[from] mmap::MapError),
Now we should have OS-chosen base
values! Let’s try it on hello-dl
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
Process {
search_path: [
objects: [
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl",
base: 7fe6bccf2000,
mem_range: 00000000..00003028,
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so",
base: 7fe6bccf3000,
mem_range: 00000000..00002026,
objects_by_path: {
"/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl": 0,
"/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so": 1,
Mh. Well 7fe6bccf2000
definitely doesn’t look human-picked, but also,
there’s not enough space from there until 7fe6bccf3000
to map all the
segments of hello-dl
. We need at least 0x2ec0
- I’d assumed mmap
round it up to a nice even 0x3000
Oh, oh, I know! raises paw
sigh yes cool bear?
We never store mem_map
anywhere! So it’s dropped! So it’s unmapped!
Very well, if you think it’ll make a difference:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
let object = Object {
path: path.clone(),
maps: vec![mem_map], // new!
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
Process {
search_path: [
objects: [
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl",
base: 7fc4f5ea8000,
mem_range: 00000000..00003028,
Object {
path: "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so",
base: 7fc4f5ea5000,
mem_range: 00000000..00002026,
objects_by_path: {
"/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so": 1,
"/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl": 0,
Oh that’s.. different! Of course, for some reason libmsg.so
is now mapped
before hello-dl
but hey, memory managers have reasons that userland
programs don’t need to know about.
Here’s a cool trick: did you know Wolfram
Alpha lets you do hexadecimal math? Just use
the _16
suffix to let it know you’re speaking hexadecimal and… voilà!
Wait, 0x3000
is still not en… ooohh I see what you did there, haha - it’s
not enough for hello-dl
, but it is for libmsg.so
, and since libmsg.so
is first, well, that’s alright.
Next up, I guess we should copy data from the input to our memory mapping,
right? That’s what we did last time and it worked out great, but wait -
doesn’t mmap
, you know, map files into memory?
Let’s review: mmap accepts a file descriptor (I’m sure we can conjure one out
of our std::fs::File
), a file offset (very good), a memory address (which I
guess we just reserved?), and some flags.
We’re going to be applying relocations in memory, but we don’t want those to modify the underlying file… is there a flag for that?
$ man 2 mmap
Create a private copy-on-write mapping. Updates to the
mapping are not visible to other processes mapping the same
file, and are not carried through to the underlying file. It
is unspecified whether changes made to the file after the
mmap() call are visible in the mapped region.
Would you look at that. It’s even the default the mmap
crate uses! The
flag option’s documentation says:
On POSIX, this can be used to specify the default flags passed to
. By default it usesMAP_PRIVATE
and, if not usingMapFd
. This will override both of those. This is platform-specific (the exact values used) and ignored on Windows.
So, instead of copying sections of the file, we can just… map them!
But first… a little helper, in delf
this time:
// in `delf/src/lib.rs`
impl Addr {
/// # Safety
/// This can create dangling pointers and all sorts of eldritch
/// errors.
pub unsafe fn as_ptr<T>(&self) -> *const T {
std::mem::transmute(self.0 as usize)
/// # Safety
/// This can create dangling pointers and all sorts of eldritch
/// errors.
pub unsafe fn as_mut_ptr<T>(&self) -> *mut T {
std::mem::transmute(self.0 as usize)
Since we’re going to need a file descriptor, std::fs::read
doesn’t cut it anymore -
we’re going to have to get ahold of an std::fs::File
That’s easy enough:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
// in `load_object`
// omitted: canonicalize path
use std::io::Read;
let mut fs_file = std::fs::File::open(&path).map_err(|e| LoadError::IO(path.clone(), e))?;
let mut input = Vec::new();
.read_to_end(&mut input)
.map_err(|e| LoadError::IO(path.clone(), e))?;
println!("Loading {:?}", &path);
// omitted: use delf to parse ELF file, etc.
And then.. well then I guess we’re ready for some mapping!
// later in `load_object`
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
let maps = load_segments()
.map(|ph| {
println!("Mapping {:#?}", ph);
MapOption::MapAddr(unsafe { (base + ph.vaddr).as_ptr() }),
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
// later still:
let object = Object {
path: path.clone(),
maps, // used to be `vec![mem_map]`
Look how beautiful this is. Look how every field of the program headers maps directly
to the mmap
call… it’s almost… almost as if… as if the ELF format was designed
exactly for this purpose.
I’m sure it’ll work first time!
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Mapping file 00000000..000002d8 | mem 00000000..000002d8 | align 00001000 | R.. Load
Mapping file 00001000..00001025 | mem 00001000..00001025 | align 00001000 | R.X Load
Mapping file 00002000..00002000 | mem 00002000..00002000 | align 00001000 | R.. Load
Error: MapError(ErrZeroLength)
Ah, right, our funky assembly program has zero-length segments. Ah well,
slight change of plan: let’s return Some()
if we are mapping that
segment, and None
otherwise, and let filter_map
worry about filtering out
the duds for us.
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
let maps = load_segments()
.filter_map(|ph| {
if ph.memsz.0 > 0 {
println!("Mapping {:#?}", ph);
MapOption::MapAddr(unsafe { (base + ph.vaddr).as_ptr() }),
} else {
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Mapping file 00000000..000002d8 | mem 00000000..000002d8 | align 00001000 | R.. Load
Mapping file 00001000..00001025 | mem 00001000..00001025 | align 00001000 | R.X Load
Mapping file 00002ec0..00003000 | mem 00002ec0..00003028 | align 00001000 | RW. Load
Error: MapError(ErrUnaligned)
Well. So much for “first try”, but let’s keep soldiering on. Here’s my thinking: we align the “vaddr”, ie. the memory address, and then we displace the file offset by the same amount.
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
let maps = load_segments()
.filter_map(|ph| {
if ph.memsz.0 > 0 {
let vaddr = delf::Addr(ph.vaddr.0 & !0xFFF);
let padding = ph.vaddr - vaddr;
let offset = ph.offset - padding;
let memsz = ph.memsz + padding;
println!("> {:#?}", ph);
"< file {:#?} | mem {:#?}",
offset..(offset + memsz),
vaddr..(vaddr + memsz)
MapOption::MapAddr(unsafe { (base + vaddr).as_ptr() }),
} else {
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
Cool! Now we’re getting somewhere.
Did the mapping work though? Let’s see… according to nm
, msg
should be at 0x2000
in libmsg.so
$ nm ./samples/libmsg.so
0000000000001f40 d _DYNAMIC
0000000000002000 D msg
0000000000002026 d msg.end
So, accounting for the base address, we should be able to read it from our freshly-mapped memory…
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
// in `load_object`
// after mapping the memory
// only added temporarily, for testing
if path.to_str().unwrap().ends_with("libmsg.so") {
let msg_addr: *const u8 = unsafe { (base + delf::Addr(0x2000)).as_ptr() };
let msg_slice = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(msg_addr, 0x26) };
let msg = std::str::from_utf8(msg_slice).unwrap();
And now the magic happens. Watch this. Just watch this:
./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
> file 00000000..000002d8 | mem 00000000..000002d8 | align 00001000 | R.. Load
< file 00000000..000002d8 | mem 00000000..000002d8
> file 00001000..00001025 | mem 00001000..00001025 | align 00001000 | R.X Load
< file 00001000..00001025 | mem 00001000..00001025
> file 00002ec0..00003000 | mem 00002ec0..00003028 | align 00001000 | RW. Load
< file 00002000..00003028 | mem 00002000..00003028
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
> file 00000000..00001000 | mem 00000000..00001000 | align 00001000 | R.. Load
< file 00000000..00001000 | mem 00000000..00001000
> file 00001f40..00002026 | mem 00001f40..00002026 | align 00001000 | RW. Load
< file 00001000..00002026 | mem 00001000..00002026
[src/process.rs:193] msg_addr = 0x00007fbb672a7000
[1] 28258 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Uhh nevermind. So, ideas, ideas everyone - right now I’m thinking rubs temples that either our mapping completely failed and we just accessed random memory, OR we maybe forgot… a few flags.
Okay we definitely forgot a few flags. Eventually we’re going to need to need to make
those memory mapping have the proper protection, but for now we can just make them
, that’s enough.
Since we are going to need to change them to their proper protection later though, we should probably store the permissions we’re going to need to apply, so, chop chop:
$ cargo add enumflags2@0.6
Adding enumflags2 v0.6.4 to dependencies
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
use enumflags2::BitFlags;
pub struct Segment {
pub map: MemoryMap,
pub padding: delf::Addr,
pub flags: BitFlags<delf::SegmentFlag>,
pub struct Object {
// omitted: other fields
// this replaces the "maps" field
pub segments: Vec<Segment>,
Later in the same file:
And now for the big show:
I’m not going to show the full output every time, but in case you’re not coding along, I thought you should see how it looks because it is neato.
Now that we’ve gotten memory mapping out of the way, I suppose it’s time to apply some relocations, yes?
Let’s start by printing what we find. We’ll proceed in reverse order, so that we handle the outermost (deepest?) dependencies first, and the executable last.
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn apply_relocations(&self) -> Result<(), std::convert::Infallible> {
for obj in self.objects.iter().rev() {
println!("Applying relocations for {:?}", obj.path);
match obj.file.read_rela_entries() {
Ok(rels) => {
for rel in rels {
println!("Found {:?}", rel);
Err(e) => println!("Nevermind: {:?}", e),
// in `elk/src/main.rs`
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let input_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("usage: elk FILE");
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples"
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/libmsg.so"
[elk/src/process.rs:158] msg_addr = 0x00007f68332ad000
[elk/src/process.rs:161] msg = "this is way longer than sixteen bytes\n"
Applying relocations for "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/libmsg.so"
Nevermind: RelaNotFound
Applying relocations for "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/hello-dl"
Found Rela { offset: 00001007, type: Known(_64), sym: 1, addend: 00000000 }
Found Rela { offset: 00003000, type: Known(Copy), sym: 1, addend: 00000000 }
Turns out libmsg.so
has no relocations at all! Okay.
Let’s start with _64
. For that one, we simply need to write the sum of the
address of symbol sym
and the value of addend
to memory offset offset
Except the “address of the symbol” needs to be adjusted with the base address of the ELF object in which it resides. And the “memory offset” needs to be adjusted with the base address of the ELF object we’re currently relocating.
Since we’re dealing with symbols, we probably want to read the symbol table of each object at load time, so, let’s get going:
Now, we can look up the name of the symbol we’re looking for fairly easily:
Now that we know that, let’s make a symbol lookup function! In this case, we’ll
use load order, so we can simply iterate through self.objects
impl Process {
pub fn lookup_symbol(
name: &str,
) -> Result<Option<(&Object, &delf::Sym)>, RelocationError> {
for obj in &self.objects {
for (i, sym) in obj.syms.iter().enumerate() {
if obj.sym_name(i as u32)? == name {
return Ok(Some((obj, sym)));
There! We use .iter().enumerate()
so that each item of the iterator is a tuple
composed of the index of the symbol and its struct, and we return references.
Well, we return a Result<T, E>
, because get_string
can fail, and our T
is an Option<_>
, because it’s entirely possible we don’t find the symbol at
Using that, we should be able to compute the real (well, “mapped”) address of
, and write it to the real offset of the relocation.
Mind the indentation:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
// in `apply_relocations`
delf::KnownRelType::_64 => {
let name = obj.sym_name(rel.sym)?;
println!("Looking up {:?}", name);
let (lib, sym) = self
println!("Found at {:?} in {:?}", sym.value, lib.path);
let offset = obj.base + rel.offset;
let value = sym.value + lib.base + rel.addend;
println!("Value: {:?}", value);
unsafe {
let ptr: *mut u64 = offset.as_mut_ptr();
println!("Applying reloc @ {:?}", ptr);
*ptr = value.0;
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples"
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/libmsg.so"
[elk/src/process.rs:165] msg_addr = 0x00007fd70f1fe000
[elk/src/process.rs:168] msg = "this is way longer than sixteen bytes\n"
Applying relocations for "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/libmsg.so"
Nevermind: RelaNotFound
Applying relocations for "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/hello-dl"
Found Rela { offset: 00001007, type: Known(_64), sym: 1, addend: 00000000 }
Looking up "msg"
Found at 00003000 in "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/hello-dl"
Value: 7fd70f1fe000
Applying reloc @ 0x7fd70f1fc007
[1] 1276 segmentation fault ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Uh oh.
Oh no.
Why are we segfaulting? Did we compute the address wrong?
The last time we got an inadvertent segfault, it was because the permissions
were wrong. But since then we’ve added MapReadable
and MapWritable
, so we
shouldn’t be running into that particular problem anymore.
In fact, we were able to read from the mapped file just moments ago! What happened since? Did we lose our mappings? What’s happening??
We know that we can list all the memory mappings for a process by reading the
file /proc/:pid/maps
, so let’s introduce a helper to do that:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
fn dump_maps(msg: &str) {
use std::{fs, process};
println!("======== MEMORY MAPS: {}", msg);
fs::read_to_string(format!("/proc/{pid}/maps", pid = process::id()))
.filter(|line| line.contains("hello-dl") || line.contains("libmsg.so"))
.for_each(|line| println!("{}", line));
Let’s use it right before we apply relocations.
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn apply_relocations(&self) -> Result<(), RelocationError> {
dump_maps("before relocations");
// (cut)
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples"
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/libmsg.so"
[elk/src/process.rs:161] msg_addr = 0x00007f62d2481000
[elk/src/process.rs:164] msg = "this is way longer than sixteen bytes\n"
======== MEMORY MAPS: before relocations
Applying relocations for "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/libmsg.so"
Nevermind: RelaNotFound
Applying relocations for "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/hello-dl"
Found Rela { offset: 00001007, type: Known(_64), sym: 1, addend: 00000000 }
Looking up "msg"
Found at 00003000 in "/home/amos/ftl/elf-series/samples/hello-dl"
Value: 7f62d2481000
Applying reloc @ 0x7f62d247f007
Well that’s not good at all.
We should definitely see hello-dl
and libmsg.so
being mapped here!
So what’s happening?
Let’s try calling dump_maps
after every time we map a segment:
Let’s get to the bottom of this:
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
======== MEMORY MAPS: after mapping "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl" segment to 7fd547e57000..7fd547e572d8
7fd547e57000-7fd547e58000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 3293905 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl
So far so good - we just mapped 0x1000
bytes of hello-dl
into memory.
======== MEMORY MAPS: after mapping "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl" segment to 7fd547e58000..7fd547e58025
7fd547e57000-7fd547e59000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 3293905 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl
At this point apparently the memory manager figured out that the second mapping we did was adjacent to the first, not only in memory, but also in the (same) file being mapped, so it just merged those into a single mapping.
Instead of it spanning 7000..8000
, it spans 8000..9000
Let’s keep going:
======== MEMORY MAPS: after mapping "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl" segment to 7fd547e59000..7fd547e5a028
7fd547e57000-7fd547e5b000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 3293905 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl
Same deal, all three of our mappings are now a single mapping that spans 7000..b000
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
======== MEMORY MAPS: after mapping "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so" segment to 7fd547e58000..7fd547e59000
7fd547e58000-7fd547e59000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 3293934 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so
Okay, libmsg.so
’s mapping looks fine but.. what happened to our hello-dl
mapping? It’s just.. gone?
======== MEMORY MAPS: after mapping "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so" segment to 7fd547e59000..7fd547e5a026
7fd547e58000-7fd547e5b000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 3293934 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so
Okay, okay, the two libmsg.so
mappings got merged, but…
======== MEMORY MAPS: before relocations
Applying relocations for "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
There! It the libmsg.so
mapping disappeared too!
Mh. Anybody has an idea?
In doubt, strace
Okay. We can do that. Let’s do that.
$ strace -e trace=mmap ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
mmap(NULL, 16384, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fa4115f9000
mmap(0x7fa4115f9000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 3, 0) = 0x7fa4115f9000
======== MEMORY MAPS: after mapping "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl" segment to 7fa4115f9000..7fa4115f92d8
7fa4115f9000-7fa4115fa000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 3293905 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl
mmap(0x7fa4115fa000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 3, 0x1000) = 0x7fa4115fa000
======== MEMORY MAPS: after mapping "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl" segment to 7fa4115fa000..7fa4115fa025
7fa4115f9000-7fa4115fb000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 3293905 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl
mmap(0x7fa4115fb000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 3, 0x2000) = 0x7fa4115fb000
======== MEMORY MAPS: after mapping "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl" segment to 7fa4115fb000..7fa4115fc028
7fa4115f9000-7fa4115fd000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 3293905 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
mmap(NULL, 12288, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fa4115fa000
mmap(0x7fa4115fa000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 3, 0) = 0x7fa4115fa000
======== MEMORY MAPS: after mapping "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so" segment to 7fa4115fa000..7fa4115fb000
7fa4115fa000-7fa4115fb000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 3293934 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so
mmap(0x7fa4115fb000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 3, 0x1000) = 0x7fa4115fb000
======== MEMORY MAPS: after mapping "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so" segment to 7fa4115fb000..7fa4115fc026
7fa4115fa000-7fa4115fd000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 3293934 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so
======== MEMORY MAPS: before relocations
Applying relocations for "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
Of course, the addresses are all different now. This is what we get for letting the OS pick address ranges for us. But nothing immediately jumps out.
Before each “after mapping {file} segment to {range}”, there’s a successful
call that returns the requested address.
On closer inspection though… what’s with those lines?
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
mmap(NULL, 16384, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fa4115f9000
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
mmap(NULL, 12288, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fa4115fa000
Hey. That’s us reserving memory (in other words, us letting the OS pick an available address range).
What even happens to that mapping? We didn’t really concern ourselves with
it, since we ended up remapping regions of it immediately after, but… what
if we trace munmap
, too?
$ strace -e trace=mmap,munmap ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
mmap(NULL, 16384, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7f93159dd000
mmap(0x7f93159dd000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 3, 0) = 0x7f93159dd000
======== MEMORY MAPS: after mapping "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl" segment to 7f93159dd000..7f93159dd2d8
7f93159dd000-7f93159de000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 3293905 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl
mmap(0x7f93159de000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 3, 0x1000) = 0x7f93159de000
======== MEMORY MAPS: after mapping "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl" segment to 7f93159de000..7f93159de025
7f93159dd000-7f93159df000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 3293905 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl
mmap(0x7f93159df000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 3, 0x2000) = 0x7f93159df000
======== MEMORY MAPS: after mapping "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl" segment to 7f93159df000..7f93159e0028
7f93159dd000-7f93159e1000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 3293905 /home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl
munmap(0x7f93159dd000, 16384) = 0
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
AhAH! That initial mapping is unmapped! Let’s watch that again but with the important bits highlighted:
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
mmap(NULL, 16384, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7f93159dd000
here, we reserve memory for the whole ELF object
(omitted: here, we map all the segments)
munmap(0x7f93159dd000, 16384) = 0
here, the "reserve" mapping we created gets unmapped!
Interesting! Very interesting. Why does it get unmapped?
Because we don’t store it anywhere, that’s why!
We used to store it in Object
, but now we only store the individual segment
mappings in Object
. So it eventually goes out of scope, and the Drop
implementation for MemoryMap
is called, which in turns calls munmap
I’m happy with that explanation.
What this means though, is that not all of mmap
’s semantics map cleanly
to the RAII pattern.
While we do want MemoryMap
to call mmap
when it’s constructed, to reserve
an address range, we do not want it to call munmap
- ever.
You can probably fix everything by storing it in the Object
struct again!
Quite right, cool bear, but… I have a slightly more evil idea.
Can we.. maybe… destroy that initial MemoryMap
object, but without calling
its destructor? Maybe with some unsafe
Ooh, look what I found:
pub fn forget<T>(t: T)
Takes ownership and “forgets” about the value without running its destructor.
Any resources the value manages, such as heap memory or a file handle, will linger forever in an unreachable state. However, it does not guarantee that pointers to this memory will remain valid.
That sound like something we could really use here. But wait - it’s not unsafe
I thought Rust was the safe language?
is not marked asunsafe
, because Rust’s safety guarantees do not include a guarantee that destructors will always run. For example, a program can create a reference cycle usingRc
, or callprocess::exit
to exit without running destructors. Thus, allowingmem::forget
from safe code does not fundamentally change Rust’s safety guarantees.That said, leaking resources such as memory or I/O objects is usually undesirable. The need comes up in some specialized use cases for FFI or unsafe code, but even then,
is typically preferred.Because forgetting a value is allowed, any
code you write must allow for this possibility. You cannot return a value and expect that the caller will necessarily run the value’s destructor.
Okay. So std::mem::ManuallyDrop
is recommended, let’s use that instead:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
// in `load_object`
let mem_size: usize = (mem_range.end - mem_range.start).into();
// new!
let mem_map = std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(MemoryMap::new(mem_size, &[])?);
let base = delf::Addr(mem_map.data() as _) - mem_range.start;
Did that fix everything?
We didn’t segfault! It did fix everything!
Well… we won’t really know if it did the right thing up until we try to run the program but, you know. Things are happening.
Actually, you know what, enough theory, let’s run the program. Just so we can
it and see what’s up.
How do we do that? Easy!
First we get rid of dump_maps
- everything is working fine on that front.
Then, we stub out the Copy
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
delf::KnownRelType::Copy => {
println!("Copy: stub!");
Then, I suppose we can implement Process::adjust_protections
real quick - doing it
the proper way is not a lot more effort than doing it the hacky way. Our main goal
is for the executable segment to be executable, but we might as well get the whole
thing out of the way:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn adjust_protections(&self) -> Result<(), region::Error> {
use region::{protect, Protection};
for obj in &self.objects {
for seg in &obj.segments {
let mut protection = Protection::NONE;
for flag in seg.flags.iter() {
protection |= match flag {
delf::SegmentFlag::Read => Protection::READ,
delf::SegmentFlag::Write => Protection::WRITE,
delf::SegmentFlag::Execute => Protection::EXECUTE,
unsafe {
protect(seg.map.data(), seg.map.len(), protection)?;
Then we make extra sure that we do not forget to call it from main
, right
before we jump to the entry point:
// in `elk/src/main.rs`
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let input_path = env::args().nth(1).expect("usage: elk FILE");
let mut proc = process::Process::new();
let exec_index = proc.load_object_and_dependencies(input_path)?;
let exec_obj = &proc.objects[exec_index];
let entry_point = exec_obj.file.entry_point + exec_obj.base;
unsafe { jmp(entry_point.as_ptr()) };
// as a reminder, `jmp` looks like this:
unsafe fn jmp(addr: *const u8) {
let fn_ptr: fn() = std::mem::transmute(addr);
Now, quick pause here. What do we expect?
We don’t want to end up running the program, witness some crazy result, throw our hands up in the air and exclaim “well, I don’t know what I expected”, so let’s make a prediction.
First off, there are no compilation errors in all of elk
and delf
now, which is a good sign. However, there is also a whole lot of unsafe
code, because we are dealing with raw memory addresses instead of comfy,
high-level abstractions, so anything may still happen.
Second, we’ve stubbed out the Copy
relocation type, so we know it’s not going
to fully work, but we did apply the _64
relocation, at offset 0x1007
That one:
$ objdump -dR ./samples/hello-dl
./samples/hello-dl: file format elf64-x86-64
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000001000 <_start>:
1000: bf 01 00 00 00 mov edi,0x1
1005: 48 be 00 00 00 00 00 movabs rsi,0x0
100c: 00 00 00
1007: R_X86_64_64 msg
over here!
100f: ba 26 00 00 00 mov edx,0x26
1014: b8 01 00 00 00 mov eax,0x1
1019: 0f 05 syscall
101b: 48 31 ff xor rdi,rdi
101e: b8 3c 00 00 00 mov eax,0x3c
1023: 0f 05 syscall
So we won’t be moving 0x0
into rsi
, so the write
syscall is not going
to try and read from 0x0
- it’ll try to read from a valid memory location.
So, prediction #1: our program will not crash. It ought not to, at the very least.
Prediction #2: the address write
will read from does not contain the actual
message (that one is in libmsg.so
), it will read from valid memory that… probably
doesn’t contain anything? Like, 0x26
bytes that are all zero?
Let’s verify prediction #1:
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
Applying relocations for "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
Nevermind: RelaNotFound
Applying relocations for "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found Rela { offset: 00001007, type: Known(_64), sym: 1, addend: 00000000 }
Looking up "msg"
Found at 00003000 in "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Value: 7fc09c224000
Applying reloc @ 0x7fc09c222007
Found Rela { offset: 00003000, type: Known(Copy), sym: 1, addend: 00000000 }
Copy: stub!
Success! We didn’t crash!
In fact, if we run it through ugdb
, break at jmp
and stepi
a few times,
we see that the _64
relocation was applied correctly:
And if we use gdb’s “examine” command (x
for short), we can see that it is
indeed a valid memory location, and it is full of zeros:
# x (examine) / 8 (eight) x (hexadecimal-formatted) b (bytes)
(gdb) x/8xb 0x7ffff7fc7000
0x7ffff7fc7000: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
So… zero bytes don’t really show up in a terminal. If only we had a way to show a hex dump of anything.
Oh wait, we do! We can pipe everything into xxd
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl | xxd
00000000: 4c6f 6164 696e 6720 222f 686f 6d65 2f61 Loading "/home/a
00000010: 6d6f 732f 6674 6c2f 656c 6b2f 7361 6d70 mos/ftl/elk/samp
00000020: 6c65 732f 6865 6c6c 6f2d 646c 220a 466f les/hello-dl".Fo
00000030: 756e 6420 5250 4154 4820 656e 7472 7920 und RPATH entry
00000210: 7065 3a20 4b6e 6f77 6e28 436f 7079 292c pe: Known(Copy),
00000220: 2073 796d 3a20 312c 2061 6464 656e 643a sym: 1, addend:
00000230: 2030 3030 3030 3030 3020 7d0a 436f 7079 00000000 }.Copy
00000240: 3a20 7374 7562 210a 0000 0000 0000 0000 : stub!.........
00000250: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00000260: 0000 0000 0300 0100 0002 0000 0000 ..............
And there they are! Prediction #2 was right on the money, too.
I guess all that’s left is to implement Copy
now. But we need to
think about this properly. Our symbol lookup function is kinda naive
right now:
// in `elk/src/process.rs`
impl Process {
pub fn lookup_symbol(
name: &str,
) -> Result<Option<(&Object, &delf::Sym)>, RelocationError> {
for obj in &self.objects {
for (i, sym) in obj.syms.iter().enumerate() {
if obj.sym_name(i as u32)? == name {
return Ok(Some((obj, sym)));
For one, it’s incredibly wasteful, but that’s not what I’m worried about. The real problem is that it starts looking from the first object (in load order), all the way to the last object.
And for this Copy relocation:
Found Rela { offset: 00003000, type: Known(Copy), sym: 1, addend: 00000000 }
…if we look for symbol msg
with the current lookup_symbol
, we’ll find
it alright. But we’ll find the msg
in hello-dl
. The one that’s currently
full of zeros.
The whole point of a Copy
relocation is to copy it from somewhere else
(in this case, libmsg.so
). So we should probably make our lookup_symbol
function take an argument: an object file to ignore.
impl Process {
pub fn lookup_symbol(
name: &str,
ignore: Option<&Object>,
) -> Result<Option<(&Object, &delf::Sym)>, RelocationError> {
let candidates = self.objects.iter();
let candidates: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &Object>> = if let Some(ignored) = ignore {
Box::new(candidates.filter(|&obj| !std::ptr::eq(obj, ignored)))
} else {
for obj in candidates {
for (i, sym) in obj.syms.iter().enumerate() {
if obj.sym_name(i as u32)? == name {
return Ok(Some((obj, sym)));
Whew, there’s a lot going on here. First off, we want candidates
to be an iterator over
all the elk::Object
items we want to look up the symbol from.
If there is an object to ignore, we filter out all the objects that are reference-equivalent
to it (using std::ptr::eq
). If not, we just iterate over all the objects we’ve ever loaded,
in load order.
You may be wondering “why use a Box
here”? And the good news is, if this interests you,
I’ve written a whole thing about this.
If it doesn’t interest you so much, just know that self.objects.iter()
are not the same type, they don’t have the
same size, and so they’re incompatible if
arms, whereas a boxed trait object
has the same size.
Let’s take a quick look at what happens if we don’t box at all:
let candidates = self.objects.iter();
let candidates = if let Some(ignored) = ignore {
candidates.filter(|&obj| !std::ptr::eq(obj, ignored))
} else {
error[E0308]: if and else have incompatible types
--> src/process.rs:327:13
324 | let candidates = if let Some(ignored) = ignore {
| __________________________-
325 | | candidates.filter(|&obj| !std::ptr::eq(obj, ignored))
| | ----------------------------------------------------- expected because of this
326 | | } else {
327 | | candidates
| | ^^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `std::iter::Filter`, found struct `std::slice::Iter`
328 | | };
| |_________- if and else have incompatible types
= note: expected type `std::iter::Filter<std::slice::Iter<'_, _>, [closure@src/process.rs:325:31: 325:65 ignored:_]>`
found type `std::slice::Iter<'_, _>`
And if we Box
without explicitly asking for trait objects:
let candidates = self.objects.iter();
let candidates = if let Some(ignored) = ignore {
Box::new(candidates.filter(|&obj| !std::ptr::eq(obj, ignored)))
} else {
error[E0308]: if and else have incompatible types
--> src/process.rs:327:13
324 | let candidates = if let Some(ignored) = ignore {
| __________________________-
325 | | Box::new(candidates.filter(|&obj| !std::ptr::eq(obj, ignored)))
| | --------------------------------------------------------------- expected because of this
326 | | } else {
327 | | Box::new(candidates)
| | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `std::iter::Filter`, found struct `std::slice::Iter`
328 | | };
| |_________- if and else have incompatible types
= note: expected type `std::boxed::Box<std::iter::Filter<std::slice::Iter<'_, _>, [closure@src/process.rs:325:40: 325:74 ignored:_]>>`
found type `std::boxed::Box<std::slice::Iter<'_, _>>`
Note that we can let the compiler infer the Item
type parameter of Iterator
, so this actually
works fine:
let candidates = self.objects.iter();
// note the `Item = _` part:
let candidates: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = _>> = if let Some(ignored) = ignore {
Box::new(candidates.filter(|&obj| !std::ptr::eq(obj, ignored)))
} else {
Now we have to adjust the call site for _64
delf::KnownRelType::_64 => {
let name = obj.sym_name(rel.sym)?;
let (lib, sym) = self
.lookup_symbol(&name, None)? // new argument: `None`
let offset = obj.base + rel.offset;
let value = sym.value + lib.base + rel.addend;
unsafe {
*offset.as_mut_ptr() = value.0;
And immediately notice get bitten by us getting smart just now:
$ cargo b -q
error[E0597]: `ignored` does not live long enough
--> src/process.rs:320:66
319 | let candidates: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = _>> = if let Some(ignored) = ignore {
| _______________________________________________________-
320 | | Box::new(candidates.filter(|&obj| !std::ptr::eq(obj, ignored)))
| | ------ ^^^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
| | |
| | value captured here
321 | | } else {
| | - `ignored` dropped here while still borrowed
322 | | Box::new(candidates)
323 | | };
| |_________- borrow later used here
error: aborting due to previous error
And, immediately after, fall back to something much simpler:
impl Process {
pub fn lookup_symbol(
name: &str,
ignore: Option<&Object>,
) -> Result<Option<(&Object, &delf::Sym)>, RelocationError> {
for obj in &self.objects {
if let Some(ignored) = ignore {
if std::ptr::eq(ignored, obj) {
for (i, sym) in obj.syms.iter().enumerate() {
if obj.sym_name(i as u32)? == name {
return Ok(Some((obj, sym)));
(Collecting candidates into a Vec would have probably solved the lifetime issue just as well, I’m not sure how they would compare performance-wise though!)
Now elk
runs hello-dl
again, and still has it output a bunch of
mostly-zero bytes instead of our message, but we’re finally all set to
implement Copy
First we look up the symbol anywhere except the current object:
// in `src/elk/process.rs`
// in `apply_relocations`
delf::KnownRelType::Copy => {
let name = obj.sym_name(rel.sym)?;
let (lib, sym) =
self.lookup_symbol(&name, Some(obj))?.ok_or_else(|| {
"Found {:?} at {:?} (size {:?}) in {:?}",
name, sym.value, sym.size, lib.path
println!("Copy: stub!");
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Found Rela { offset: 00003000, type: Known(Copy), sym: 1, addend: 00000000 }
Found "msg" at 00002000 (size 38) in "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
Copy: stub!
That seems correct! We even have the symbol size, so we’ve got everything we might want to copy it.
delf::KnownRelType::Copy => {
let name = obj.sym_name(rel.sym)?;
let (lib, sym) =
self.lookup_symbol(&name, Some(obj))?.ok_or_else(|| {
unsafe {
let src = (sym.value + lib.base).as_ptr();
let dst = (rel.offset + obj.base).as_mut_ptr();
sym.size as usize,
We’ve done everything in our power to make hello-dl
When you gotta go, you gotta go.
$ ./target/debug/elk ./samples/hello-dl
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found RPATH entry "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples"
Loading "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
Applying relocations for "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/libmsg.so"
Nevermind: RelaNotFound
Applying relocations for "/home/amos/ftl/elk/samples/hello-dl"
Found Rela { offset: 00001007, type: Known(_64), sym: 1, addend: 00000000 }
Found Rela { offset: 00003000, type: Known(Copy), sym: 1, addend: 00000000 }
this is way longer than sixteen bytes
YES! We did it! 🙌🙌🙌
Thanks to my sponsors: Dimitri Merejkowsky, Kyle Lacy, Zoran Zaric, Lev Khoroshansky, Damir Vandic, Radu Matei, Matt Jackson, Ben Wishovich, WeblWabl, Mikkel Rasmussen, Kai Kaufman, Jack Duvall, Henrik Tudborg, Guillaume Demonet, Guillaume E, belzael, Marcus Griep, René Ribaud, Olly Swanson, David Cornu and 267 more
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Here's another article just for you:
Rust generics vs Java generics
In my previous article, I said I needed to stop thinking of Rust generics as Java generics, because in Rust, generic types are erased.
Someone gently pointed out that they are also erased in Java, the difference was elsewhere. And so, let’s learn the difference together.
Java generics
I learned Java first (a long, long time ago), and their approach to generics made sense to me at the time.