
Articles are single-page pieces that give a whirlwind tour of a specific topic.

They're different from series, which go very in-depth, taking many detours.

🗓️ May 2013

oocdoc, Part 1 — NaturalDocs

Documentation in ooc land has sucked for quite some time. The standard response is pretty much: "use the code, Luke!" — which is fine when doing small projects that don't matter much, but not so when you want to get serious.

So when a newcomer, beoran, asked how to generate documentation, and later told us he got NaturalDocs to work, naturally, I had to see for myself how well it worked.

Experiments in happiness

If you're a regular, you might've noticed the place has changed around a little. Thing is, I've been spending time playing around with a radical new concept: happiness.

The year and a few months that I've spent working for a start-up were actually a pretty gloomy time for me, both for professional and personal reasons. It took me a while to get out of this hole and start thinking positive again.

🗓️ March 2013

Isaac rubs his back on non-existent doors

Haven't blogged in a while. Life's fine, project are a-plenty, but I just wanted to make a more lasting post about one particular issue that struck me as funny when programming Paper Isaac.

Bugs, bugs, bugs

What's infuriating when letting others play an early prototype is that you hear constantly the same things. Some bugs are non-trivial to fix, some you're just not motivated to fix now... sometimes you just have your head elsewhere, gotta focus, or are elbow-deep in some other piece of code and the damn walls can wait.

🗓️ February 2013

Things I struggle with

Putting thoughts in bits

I think about lots of things but when it comes down to writing them, drawing them, implementing them, it's not that easy. Even with years of practice in each of these trades, it's still an uphill battle.

Which is why I am not going to read that article after I wrote it and will go straight to publication.

Not assuming nobody cares

Next power of two

While looking to write a pure ooc version of ftgl, I was reading the source of ftgl-gl3 and I stumbled upon this piece of code:

static inline GLuint NextPowerOf2(GLuint in)
     in -= 1;

     in |= in >> 16;
     in |= in >> 8;
     in |= in >> 4;
     in |= in >> 2;
     in |= in >> 1;

     return in + 1;

This is needed because dealing with power-of-two textures (32x32, 64x64, 128x128, etc.) is more efficient with OpenGL (some implementations don't even support non-power-of-two textures!).

rock 0.9.6 is on the loose!

Just 8 days after the last release, rock 0.9.6 is out.

To update, run git pull && make rescue as usual. To install from scratch, clone the repo, cd into it, and run make rescue from there - it'll download the latest bootstrap, compile itself from C, then recompile itself from ooc.

Running rock -V should give you something like this:

rock 0.9.6 codename loki, built on Wed Feb 20 15:09:08 2013

Android development with rock 0.9.5

rock 0.9.5 is out! It's the meanest, slimmest, baddest rock release yet.

To update, run git pull && make rescue as usual. To install from scratch, clone the repo, cd into it, and run make rescue from there - it'll download the latest bootstrap, compile itself from C, then recompile itself from ooc.

Running rock -V should print this happy little version line:

🗓️ January 2013

NeverJam: the game jam jam game

Our January project was ambitious: a 2D puzzle game, a-la lemmings with a twist, with big and numerous levels. And of course, all using our homegrown tools, from the compiler to the level editor to the UI system and game framework.

However, January ended too soon, and, sleepless nights notwithstanding, I had to resolve to publish something completely different. It was a good occasion to get to know .