Articles tagged #programming
Lestac: The Making Of
Update: Lestac is now available in Early Access on! Read more on the official page
So, Lestac is out! Ain’t that something? For those who don’t know, it’s Sylvain and I’s entry for Ludum Dare 28, a video game jam that happens every four months.
Here’s how it looks:
You can play it now if you haven’t yet - it’s available for Linux, OS/X, and Windows. And then you can come back and read this postmortem if you will!
The quest for ooc.vim
I’ve spent the past few weeks after rock 0.9.8’s release working on some of the neglected aspects of ooc, namely tooling support and performance.
My kingdom for a vim plug-in!
Well, technically, ooc.vim is a few years old, and it was even updated a few times to match new ooc features. But unfortunately, so far, it was limited to syntax highlighting.
rock 0.9.8 is out
A little less than two months after the previous release, I’m happy to announce
that the ooc compiler rock 0.9.8, codename columbia
is now out.
The impatients can readily skip to the release notes, but for those who prefer a narrative, let me tell you why I’m excited about this release.
String interpolation
We’ve thrown around this idea a lot since the early versions of rock since we have a few rubyists in our ranks, but only recently Alexandros Naskos took matters into his own hands and just implemented the fuck out of it.
And then there were fewer bugs
This deals with rock internals, so fasten your seatbelts and expect many weird things along the way. I’m not necessarily proud of the state of the implementation, I’m just rolling with it and trying to improve it gradually rather than throw everything away.
An error out of nowhere
While working on my current game, John Q. Adamant, I was looking to extract a class into another module - this is routine refactoring and shouldn’t be too hard.
rock 0.9.7 + new website
This is going to be a short one.
Basically, since February, both shamanas, fredreichbier and I have putting way too much work into the latest iteration of rock, an ooc compiler written in ooc.
I have the pleasure to announce that version 0.9.7, codename pacino
is now
out, as you can plainly see on the new website:
You can read the release notes to learn what has changed, but basically expect a lot of fixes, some new APIs, and awesome backtraces.
oocdoc, Part 4 — sourcepath
In the previous article, We’ve built a nagaqueen-based tool that can parse one ooc file, detect class declarations and print its doc strings. Today, we’re making a bit of infrastructure for our app to support more sizable projects.
Source path and lib folders
Parsing a single file was a nice milestone, but it’s not nearly enough. We want to generate documentation for a whole project at a time: and since we’ll want to cross-link the various bits of documentation we generate, we’ll also need to parse the various dependencies (such as the ooc sdk, and any used library) so that we can resolve argument types and link them properly.
sam 0.2.0 released
Today I decided to release sam 0.2.0. There are only a handful of new features in there but it’s still releaseworthy! See the previous sam announcement for more information on the tool itself.
Source path and lib folders
Let’s take a look at what sam tells us when launching it.
sam version 0.2.0
Usage: sam [update|get|status|promote]
* update: update sam's grimoir of formulas
* get [USEFILE]: clone and/or pull all dependencies
* status [USEFILE]: display short git status of all dependencies
* promote [USEFILE]: replace read-only github url with a read-write one for given use file
* clone [--no-deps] [REPONAME]: clone a repository by its formula name
Note: All USEFILE arguments are optional. By default, the
first .use file of the current directory is used
Copyleft 2013 Amos Wenger aka @nddrylliog
The shortest ooc quine
A few days ago I posted an ooc quine. But while browing HackerNews, I found an even shorter one. The shortest!
Here it is, in its full glory
Can’t see anything? That’s an empty file. It will compile and run just fine. ooc doesn’t require a main function - you can just shove code in there that will run at the program’s initialization. If there’s none, no big deal! It’ll just not run anything.
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