Articles tagged #gamedesign

Lestac: The Making Of

Update: Lestac is now available in Early Access on! Read more on the official page

So, Lestac is out! Ain’t that something? For those who don’t know, it’s Sylvain and I’s entry for Ludum Dare 28, a video game jam that happens every four months.

Here’s how it looks:

You can play it now if you haven’t yet - it’s available for Linux, OS/X, and Windows. And then you can come back and read this postmortem if you will!

Game Design: The Binding of Isaac

In hours, I have played more of The Binding of Isaac than any other game in my Steam library. Edmund McMillen said he wasn’t expecting it to be a hit, and has since proceeded to be proven thoroughly wrong.

It is kind of a big deal among a certain crowd: as I’m writing this, the second season of the Binding of Isaac Racing League, hosted and commented by Crumps, is in full swing - even though the game was certainly not designed for that!

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