Articles tagged #linux

Thread-local storage

Welcome back and thanks for joining us for the reads notes… the thirteenth installment of our series on ELF files, what they are, what they can do, what does the dynamic linker do to them, and how can we do it ourselves.

I’ve been pretty successfully avoiding talking about TLS so far (no, not that one) but I guess we’ve reached a point where it cannot be delayed any further, so.

A no_std Rust binary

In Part 11, we spent some time clarifying mechanisms we had previously glossed over: how variables and functions from other ELF objects were accessed at runtime.

We saw that doing so “proper” required the cooperation of the compiler, the assembler, the linker, and the dynamic loader. We also learned that the mechanism for functions was actually quite complicated! And sorta clever!

More ELF relocations

In our last installment of “Making our own executable packer”, we did some code cleanups. We got rid of a bunch of unsafe code, and found a way to represent memory-mapped data structures safely.

But that article was merely a break in our otherwise colorful saga of “trying to get as many executables to run with our own dynamic loader”. The last thing we got running was the ifunc-nolibc program.

Dynamic linker speed and correctness

In the last article, we managed to load a program (hello-dl) that uses a single dynamic library ( containing a single exported symbol, msg.

Our program, hello-dl.asm, looked like this:

global _start extern msg section .text _start: mov rdi, 1 ; stdout fd mov rsi, msg mov rdx, 38 ; 37 chars + newline mov rax, 1 ; write syscall syscall xor rdi, rdi ; return code 0 mov rax, 60 ; exit syscall syscall

Dynamic symbol resolution

Let’s pick up where we left off: we had just taught elk to load not only an executable, but also its dependencies, and then their dependencies as well.

We discovered that ld-linux walked the dependency graph breadth-first, and so we did that too. Of course, it’s a little bit overkill since we only have one dependency, but, nevertheless, elk happily loads our executable and its one dependency:

Loading multiple ELF objects

Up until now, we’ve been loading a single ELF file, and there wasn’t much structure to how we did it: everyhing just kinda happened in main, in no particular order.

But now that shared libraries are in the picture, we have to load multiple ELF files, with search paths, and keep them around so we can resolve symbols, and apply relocations across different objects.

The simplest shared library

In our last article, we managed to load and execute a PIE (position-independent executable) compiled from the following code:

; in `samples/hello-pie.asm` global _start section .text _start: mov rdi, 1 ; stdout fd lea rsi, [rel msg] mov rdx, 9 ; 8 chars + newline mov rax, 1 ; write syscall syscall xor rdi, rdi ; return code 0 mov rax, 60 ; exit syscall syscall section .data msg: db "hi there", 10

ELF relocations

The last article, Position-independent code, was a mess. But who could blame us? We looked at the world, and found it to be a chaotic and seemingly nonsensical place. So, in order to blend in, we had to let go of a little bit of sanity.

The time has come to reclaim it.

Short of faulty memory sticks, memory locations don’t magically turn from 0x0 into valid addresses. Someone is doing the turning, and we’re going to find out who, if it takes the rest of the series.

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