Articles tagged #rust

Day 1 (Advent of Code 2020)

I was not planning on doing anything specific this December, but a lot of folks around me (on Twitter, at work) have chosen this Advent of Code to pick up Rust, and I've got big FOMO energy, so, let's see where this goes.

I'll be doing all of these on Linux, so there may be some command-line tools involved, but don't worry about them - the code itself should run on all platforms no problem.

Advent of Code 2020

Let's use the Advent of Code 2020, a series of programming challenges of increasing difficulty, to learn more about the Rust programming language.

Aiming for correctness with types

The Nature weekly journal of science was first published in 1869. And after one and a half century, it has finally completed one cycle of carcinization, by publishing an article about the Rust programming language.

It's a really good article.

What I liked about this article is that it didn't just talk about performance, or even just memory safety - it also talked about correctness.

So you want to live-reload Rust

Good morning! It is still 2020, and the world is literally on fire, so I guess we could all use a distraction.

This article continues the tradition of me getting shamelessly nerd-sniped - once by Pascal about small strings, then again by a twitch viewer about Rust enum sizes.

This time, Ana was handing out free nerdsnipes, so I got in line, and mine was:

Peeking inside a Rust enum

During a recent Rust Q&A Session on my twitch channel, someone asked a question that seemed simple: why are small string types, like SmartString or SmolStr, the same size as String, but small vec types, like SmallVec, are larger than Vec?

Now I know I just used the adjective simple, but the truth of the matter is: to understand the question, we're going to need a little bit of background.

Frustrated? It's not you, it's Rust

Learning Rust is... an experience. An emotional journey. I've rarely been more frustrated than in my first few months of trying to learn Rust.

What makes it worse is that it doesn't matter how much prior experience you have, in Java, C#, C or C++ or otherwise - it'll still be unnerving.

In fact, more experience probably makes it worse! The habits have settled in deeper, and there's a certain expectation that, by now, you should be able to get that done in a shorter amount of time.

I am a Java, C#, C or C++ developer, time to do some Rust

As I've said before, I'm working on a book about lifetimes. Or maybe it's just a long series - I haven't decided the specifics yet. Like every one of my series/book things, it's long, and it starts you off way in the periphery of the subject, and takes a lot of detours to get there.

In other words - it's great if you want an adventure (which truly understanding Rust definitely is), but it's not the best if you are currently on the puzzled end of a conversation with your neighborhood lifetime enforcer, the Rust compiler.

Surviving Rust async interfaces

I used to be afraid of async Rust. It's easy to get into trouble!

But thanks to the work done by the whole community, async Rust is getting easier to use every week. One project I think is doing particularly great work in this area is async-std.

Let's say we want to compute the SHA3-256 hash of a file. It's very easy to do with synchronous I/O:

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