30 results for "fuck":

rock 0.9.8 is out

the early versions of rock since we have a few rubyists in our ranks, but only recently Alexandros Naskos took matters into his own hands and just implemented the fuck out of it. rock now offers a syntax similar to ruby for string interpolation. Whereas previously one would have written something like:"Player is at %s, has %.2f health and %d score

Cross-compilation notes

includes tools like bash, some Unix utils (even vim!), but let me state that once and for all: mingw on Windows is slow as fuck. A much better solution, in fact, is to use mingw on Linux (or others) to produce Windows executables. Apparently, mingw-w64 is a more up-to-date version (fork?) that also supports building 64-bit Windows executables

S-exps in your browser

structured like this:(function(root, factory) { if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node.js-style require factory(exports, require('dep1'), require('dep2')); } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD-style define define(['exports', 'dep1', 'dep2'], factory); } else { // Fuck-it style "let's pollute

And then there were fewer bugs

appears: source/johnq/mob.ooc:100:29 error Undefined type 'Shot' (Hint: there's such a type in johnq/shot) takeDamage: func (shot: Shot) { Which makes a lot more sense. A match made in hell On the way to getting the correct error message, something else went wrong. Something I didn't expect at all. Match came to fuck things up. See, match is

Day 2 (Advent of Code 2022)

about this error, try `rustc --explain E0599`. error: could not compile `day2` due to previous error Oh, that's right! Parsing a &str into a Round is fallible. Well, the compiler gives a suggestion (and holy fuck I didn't see that one coming), but here's a neat trick we can use instead: collect() can collect into a Result<Vec<_>, _>(where _ lets

Day 14 (Advent of Code 2020)

bear, let's be optimistic... Part 2 In part 2, the mask doesn't affect values, it affects memory addresses. Ohhh here we go. And X doesn't mean "don't change the address", it means the bit is"floating", which means it'll take all possible values, potentially causing many memory addresses to be written all at once. Ah for fuck's sake. This is

Ludum Dare #25 Post-mortem

severe post-trauma. Especially if, like me, you completely disregard your body's need for sleep during most of those seventy-two hours. Also, your game always looks better while you're coding it than after it's all done. And some of the negative feedback you get in the comments - while always polite, and most often to the point - can fuck you up

Day 11 (Advent of Code 2022)

bigint (cut) My guess is that it'll just get slower and slower and they picked 10K rounds specifically to fuck with me (and anyone who's using Python/Ruby/etc. for this) So, I'm gonna do that in a branch and roll everything back when it inevitably doesn't work.#[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Monkey { pub items_inspected: u64, pub items

State of the fasterthanlime 2024

got significantly easier. In a "fuck, how many years have I wasted" kinda way. I thought I was broken! I could've been happy, emotionally stable, full of energy and productive all this time? Grief set in: it took some time to accept all this. It's now eight months later, and as I'm trying to slowly lower the dosage, I can feel that it's a challenge

The RustConf Keynote Fiasco, explained

complicit in the whole thing. Why I sat on this for a few days And before we take a look at the full timeline and where we're at, let me take a moment to explain myself: I've been on both sides of internet mobs before. I've been the canceller, the cancellee (boy did I fuck up, several times), and I've had my site DDoS'd for the lulz. I've been the