30 results for "fuck":

The rest of the fucking owl

input_path.clone(), "jpg", )) .unwrap(); } _ => { /* ignore */ } } And, fuck it, we'll rewrite process_drawio too:#[tracing::instrument] fn process_drawio(&self) -> Result<(), eyre::Error> { let input_bytes = std::fs::read(&self

Just paying Figma $15/month because nothing else fucking works

nature, cares about the precise layout of things, you're fucked. You're fucked because, although I don't believe it's literally impossible to make your own browser ( CW: Drew DeVault), it is several orders of magnitude harder than the hard problem mxGraph solves in the first place. Which is why I keep defending Electron as "not that bad, actually

Happy stay with us day

depression will fuck up everything on its path from physical health to personal relationships starting with your dignity and ending... I don't want to take about endings. So fuck that. The point is: there's no degree in depression-handling. It's not something you ever really heal from (but hey, I'd be glad to be wrong). It's just something that

Beware the Google Password Manager

Hey internet! So, someone broke into some of my accounts. I'm taking entire responsibility for this - there's the part where I fucked up, and if I didn't fuck up, then none of this would've happened. But there's also the part where a series of design decisions from various vendors combined into the perfect storm for me. And we're going to talk

Remembering the departed

confidence that I am in a much better place than I was in 2012. And yet the war is never won. I still have moments of weakness, I've discovered new traumas that can fuck you over (turns out anxiety can be debilitating!). I've put off writing this post for so long, because I wanted to do it right. But there is no right way to do it. Life is

Damian Sommer on The Yawhg

Damian Sommer did a casual AMA on Reddit recently, about his upcoming game, The Yawhg. I got to ask him a few questions. Here's what he had to say. What brought you out of your usual "let's make fucked up platformers" style?"I was just kind of tired of them. There's still one more platformer I really want to finish, ( The Clown Who Wanted

The Choice Ep. 1: Debriefing

do eventually acquire some semblance of programming skills, a lot more will be required of you before you can have the tiniest bit of influence over the course of the universe or its politics. In the meantime, you are a tool under scrutiny, nothing more. You are one fuck-up away from joining the numan ranks. And when you eventually get there

Lestac: The Making Of

also the only track with a 5/4 time signature, which is FUCKING AWESOME. The Deep End was recorded in one go - Sylvain says it sounds like a Christmas tune. Well, all the better. Lost In Town was a personal sin - when you're a pianist you don't do piano ballads in your game soundtracks! They all sound the same! But I still think it ended up okay

Cracking Electron apps open

body); body = zlib.brotliDecompressSync(body); fs.writeFileSync('client.tar', body); Ah. It's just brotli. $ brotli -d full.distro -o full.distro.tar (cut) $ tar wtf full.distro.tar delta_manifest.json files/core.asar files/index.js files/package.json Quick mnemonic: tar wtf: what the fuck is inside of there? tar pfx: please fucking

The curse of strong typing

lifetime of self...??? how did we get here. We were learning some basic Rust. It was nice. Well, Box<dyn Trait> actually has an implicit static bound: it's really Box<dyn Trait + 'static>. It... okay yes, it must be owned. And the future you're trying to box isn't owned is it? It's borrowing from self. Ahhhh fuckity fuck fuck. Hey hey hey, no